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Everything posted by 91nwl

  1. Lance Mackey and his amazing team of dogs are the northern equivalent of Lance Armstrong, Tiger Woods, Wayne® Gretzky and Michael Phelps.
  2. I have E3's on my GL1800 with 9,500 miles on them. They handle well and are wearing well, but are getting pretty noisy in the turns.
  3. Get a Garmin Zumo 450 or 550 with built-in MP3 player. The Garmin is worth the money spent and the MP3 is a bonus. You can control it right on the unit.
  4. The Dunlop K491-II is the best tire for the 1st gen venture. These guys have them and last time I ordered mine from southwest moto. http://www.chaparral-racing.com/Chaparral/product_family.asp?family%5Fid=582&gift=False&0=assets%2Fhtml%2Fd%5Fstreet%2Easp%2CnavId%3Dd%5Fstreet%2A0%26menu%5Fid%3D%26Tree%3D%2CStreet&1=dept%2Easp%2Cdept%5Fid%3D456%26menu%5Fid%3D%26Tree%3D0%2CStreet%20Tires%2C%20Wheels&2=dept%2Easp%2Cdept%5Fid%3D160%26menu%5Fid%3D%26Tree%3D1%2CDunlop%20Street%20Tires&mscssid=0E4586E86222744D5AEB7A5D9E9C422F
  5. Here ya go. http://www.motorcyclekeys.com/blanks.html
  6. I was riding up by Kalispell a couple of weeks ago and saw both Hells Angles and Iron Pigs ride by, I assumed on their way to Sturgis. I didn't know the "pigs" were cops though.
  7. Blast through Iowa and Nebraska at maximum speed and spend all your extra time riding in Colorado. Trust me.
  8. I had to spend an extra night in Newark a while back and the customer service rep offered me a voucher for a free cup of coffee. (Continental)
  9. For those times when you do need it, reverse is really really nice to have. There is also an aftermarket back-up beeper alarm that is very cool for showing off and for irritating the Pirate look-alike crowd. It has an on-off switch for when you don't want to irritate anybody too.
  10. I got the clutch switch from Yamaha. Removed the headlight and found where the switch wire plugged in just to the right (viewed from drivers position) of the light. Replaced the headlight bulb while I was in there with a Silver Star. It seems to be brighter and whiter. Pretty easy fix.
  11. This guy, who calls himself Yellow Wolf, carves up some curves pretty good on a GL1800. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFleFrJx7nw]YouTube - Goldwing at Dragon Tail[/ame]
  12. The footpegs are not a problem when you get used to them. How tall are you?
  13. Real fast, I averaged about 550 mph. You could say I flew....literally.
  14. I was just there yesterday and it was HOT and HUMID. I'm safely back in Southern California now.
  15. 2010 is also going to be the year for the new Goldwing, or so some say since Honda is opening a new assembly plant, so it should be an interesting model year.
  16. Thanks. I wanted to make sure and pick up the right one.
  17. Can anybody help me out with a part number for a Sylvania Silverstar headlight lamp? Thanks
  18. It might be a good idea to get to know the bike with footpegs and then decide if you even want/need the floorboards. Some people have trouble with them. I like stock pegs with aux highway pegs.
  19. Thanks. I'll let you know how it goes. It'll be a couple of weeks before I get to it though.
  20. Your wife will like the back seat, but you're gonna like the motor even more. It's a whole 'nother thing in terms of power. Yee Haaw!
  21. I have a 1st gen. I really like it, but it's almost 18 years old. and I toy with the idea of picking up a late model 2nd gen. I've never ridden one. My question is; Those of you who have made this move, What adjustments did you notice in the way the bike rides or the way you ride it? I tour and cruise, but I also ride it hard sometimes and enjoy twisties. I've never ridden with floorboards.
  22. 91 Venture Royale. My clutch switch broke. The rubber or plastic housing broke right where it goes into the clutch lever assembly. I ordered a new one. My questions are; Where does the other end of the switch wire terminate? The guy at the shop said it was probably behind the headlight. Anybody know for sure? If I'm into the headlight area, should I replace my 17-year-old bulb? Is there a brighter-than-stock replacement bulb that will work and won't overload my system? Thanks
  23. Screw it? Screw it? Screw what? What does "screw" mean? What is the "it" that we are proposing to screw? What does screwing anything have to do with riding? More importantly, what moron came up with that as an ad? It will offend some, and dumbfound others, but I doubt if it will actually sell any motorcycles. Irritates the heck outa me. Stuff like that for the last 30 years is the main reason I don't want to be part of the Harley "thing". I'm a little edgy tonight. Can you tell? Screw it, I'm gonna go out and ride...my Yamaha and my Honda....fast...and far...and comfortable...and reliable...and generally, I'll look *****in doing it too...but that ain't why I'm doing it...cause I don't give a ......
  24. The wing is a great bike. I love my 05. But, I think a new model is coming out in 2010 if you can wait.
  25. Theres a great little diner with a womans name right on the main street in Moab that has awesome breakfasts. In Panguich, there is a deli and gift shop in a brick building that has great sandwiches. The sandwich shop is actually a chain that I have only seen in Utah, so I don't remember the name. Don't miss any of Highway 12, sounds like you won't.
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