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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    91 Venture Royale
  1. Yosemite and Sequoia will be cold and may have a lot of snow, but you could get lucky with the weather. The coast will be rideable if it is not raining. Highway 1 both north and south of SF is some really nice riding. I really like Hwy 1 immediately north of the Golden Gate Bridge...Bolinas, Bodega Bay, etc. The Healdsburg and Napa Valley area is nice. Don't underestimate the cold. You will need good riding gear.
  2. The "down" wave is the way to go. One afternoon I was accelerating into a nice open piece of Pacific Coast Highway and was shifting at 6,000 rpm just for fun. I met a Harley, who waved. I took my left hand off to wave near my shift point in 4th gear, went a little high, caught the wind and it almost ripped my arm off. Looked down and I was right around 110 mph. Retreived my arm, shifted to 5th, and proceeded on my way.
  3. The internet ain't the problem, it's just the enabler.
  4. Prayers sent.
  5. One of my favorite parts of a great day of riding is that cold beer at the end. But, I never drink and ride. I don't care what others do, but I wouldn't make a habit of riding with a group where people drink and ride. Come to think of it, I don't like riding in groups anyway. BTW, after one of my best days of riding, Zion, Bryce, etc., I stopped for the day in Green River, UT, hot and beat, went into the restaurant at the motel, ordered a beer...which I had been thinking about for the last couple of hours...and the waitress said, sorry, we don't serve alcohol (what th' he__, beer is considered alcohol?). I had to drink iced tea. After dinner, there was another guy there on a bike and he had picked up a 6-pack which we shared in the parking lot, so all was not lost.
  6. I put a set of Hella Optilux rectangular lights on mine. They're black and have 55w bulbs. Good light. They're noew, so I don't know how long they will last. And, I accidently ordered two sets. Let me know if you're interested in a set. They cost me about $50 per set. I bought them at Summitt Racing's website.
  7. I bought a new one at a dealer a couple years back. I think they're still available. I paid about $85.
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/1983-Yamaha-Venture-Royal-MINT-only-3-300-miles-/120612737904?pt=US_motorcycles
  9. The wobble is usually the tires, often the rear. The GL1800 is hard on tires. Run them at 38 psi front and 41 rear. How many miles do they have on them? Don't spend any money on steering head bearings or braces until you check out the tire thing. BTW, I have a 1st gen venture and a GL1800. They both wobble with worn tires and are both stable as a freight train with new tires.
  10. never mind. I read that you sold it.
  11. Did you sell it? I posted it on the GL1800 board a while back and got an inquiry today.
  12. I rode Independence Pass in 4 inches of snow in July '06. Fun.
  13. Question is; What's a guy from bagger magazine doing on a Wing? He probably didn't know what to expect when he twisted the throttle.
  14. Cee Baileys has an excellent plexiglas polish. Ii is a similar product to Plexus, but is not aerosol. It is quite a bit less $$ than Plexus. I use it on my windscreens maybe once a month and it keeps them mighty nice. You can order it from their website.
  15. I made a nice metal bracket out of sheet aluminum (similar to the one pictured above) for the rear mount when the tab broke. It is now attached to the gas cover bracket metal on metal. With the rear secure, and no movement, the front mount has not been an issue.
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