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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. I just could not let Bob be the only one showing his ummmmmmm tower! :) [ATTACH]81375[/ATTACH] 60ft HDBX with multiband and 2meter/440 vertical at the top. Also supports G5RV. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  2. Suggestion, come up with a logo that does not change. Change the colors from year to year. We do that with a summer camp we have been involved with. Colors and styles can change but we have kept the logo the same except for like the 25th anniversary. Even then the main logo was incorporated. JUST AND IDEA!
  3. Being a singer.... I don't know how they held it together, I would have killed over laughing about half way through. That took much rehearsal and some special kids. Great job.. and FUNNY.
  4. Will do.. Prayers sent and added to our chain.
  5. (title only for those that had kids that watched those funky shows) Answer to the original question is probably a big combination. As for me, Bike is in garage without inspection, son's car that hit bridge is in drivway waiting for the dang insurance company to do it's thing, Softball season is just over and baseball does not start till feb, Fall sports banquet is tonight, tournaments will end in two weeks, Then, I get my break......during break bike will get inspected cleaned and checked over, range time will increase THEN I will start on all the projects that have not been touched since school started....So Says my wife! Actually it is all because my normal riding buddies have not forced me to go riding!!!:Im not listening to:Im not listening to
  6. Randy.. Amy and I will be lifting up the docs, you your wife and family in prayer...
  7. I ride with a buddy that has seizures. He knows beforehand when they are coming on. There are many types with many triggers. YES. Talk with her and see. So far my buddy has refused to ride on questionable days and there has been no issues. Thank you for considering taking her. AND being smart enough to ask. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  8. My family will continue to lift your family up in prayers. Steve will be missed.
  9. How about s stainless Police 6 that I bought new in 82. Beautiful pieces. I love the Ruger line. JMHO Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2 [ATTACH]79477[/ATTACH]
  10. Hey, now there is more than one blond around. Blonds rule. Actually lost mine a few weeks back. Have not bought replacement yet. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  11. F4 - Scratch resistant... cleans with paper towel and windex. (per mfg recommendations) I did a little write up on mine. Search for F4 customs.
  12. Go to www.wunderground.com find the "wundermap" link look on the right and find the "trips" tab. enter your starting location and multiple points WITH DATE AND TIME if you want. hit enter and it will plot your trip and show you weather and temperature along the route on the date and time you entered. If this is not what you want then I am misunderstanding you. try this... http://wxug.us/174v8 .
  13. www.wunderground.com It has a trip planner too. Look at the wundermap function also.
  14. We can always put the link to the pics here to make it easier to join the "Whiner's Misery Brotherhood"
  15. But an F4. JMHO:thumbsup2:
  16. 1) WHINE 1A) Look pictures posted of where you COULD be. 1B) WHINE louder. 2) Mow grass 3) Review pictures of where you COULD be. 4) Drool 5) Go into garage and look at the bike you COULD be riding around Galena. 6) Kick the dog. 7) Mow the D..... grass again. 8) Check for more pics of where you COULD have been. 9) Go get ice cream by yourself and have all the kids in the DQ look at you funny. 10) Look at weather in the Galena area. 11) WHINE 12) Show wife what you just posted on the forum FOLLOWED BY THE WORD "SEE!". 13) Hold ice to knot on head. 14) Look at pics posted again. 15) WHINE 16) Go mow grass again... 17) Listen to neighbor complaining that it is midnight and the mower is too loud. Stand by for the rest of the story. 18) Sit and watch it rain.... 7/31/13 18:00hrs FOR THOSE OF YOU THAT SHOULD HAVE GONE.... ADD WHAT YOU ARE DOING BELOW. .
  17. I saw some that Cowboy had for his wife. they were foldable and still sturdy. Send him a pm and ask for some pics.
  18. Hit me, beat me, treat me mean.... She's the best I've ever seen!!!! (now I'm runnin' so I will not be caught)
  19. Ummmm. YEP! Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  21. Just as a jump start, my problem like this turned out to be two different things. 1) A wire behind the passing lights was touching the bucket. Fixed by bending the tab slightly and re-taping the junction. 2) Where the wire bundle goes back up to the faring from the forks, if it is too loose, the bundle got between the fork stop and the tab when turning the bike against the stops. I used a harder wire bundle wrap (spiral wrap) to keep the bundle together and then made sure it was positioned up out of the way. Hope this helps
  22. . This will teach you to ask for a a beer in a noisy place.... Bud Lite got heard as BUTT LIGHT! I hope all goes well (no pun intended) I too have been the proud recipient of that all searching BUTT LIGHT. .
  23. . My opinion of riding when it is lightning is (BANG!)__________________________________
  24. Have a happy happy happy Steve!
  25. Jafrum is down the street... I wounder if I could be their test dummy for their first one they get? (no comments from the peanut gallery!)
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