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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. . SOMEBODY singing too loud in the shower? I'm just saying! .
  2. Tdunc is home safe. Great weekend Great friends Great rides And great memories.
  3. Just trying to get the word out about the UFO!!!! BTW...that is water in my glass
  4. Took this coming back from bathroom over pond.
  5. are we still talking about the motorcycle?
  6. Missing you in Asheville.
  7. Woo hoooo I have arrived.
  8. See post in "Asheville bound" Later guys.
  9. Yes, I have such a burning desire to leave for Asheville right now so much I can smell it..... Oh crap, that's the bacon, I'll be right back...... I'm back, packed and ready to go. Just have to take a trip to the doc with my mom and i will officially be on vacation. (can you tell i'm ready for this) :dancefool: I do have one small problem, my blond pony tail will not stay on my helmet for some reason...That is like Alphapha's hair, it's my "personality" for trips. Now to figure out what will help it stick to my helmet without damaging the shell??????? See you guys in a little while.
  10. One day delay, Have to take mom to Doc Wednesday morning then I'm outta here... Plus, outside right now is pouring rain. Bad storm moving through. OH wait, sunshine again. Packing the bike in a few. Skid, I only have one good arm, save the bottom bunk for me if you will. I should be pulling in no later than 4. Dan, hate I'm not going to get to see you, I guess another trip north is warranted soon.
  11. Dont laugh, This is my vacation this year. And yes, looking forward to the group again.
  12. Hey is anyone starting a sign up page to see how many and who?
  13. I have some noise canceling headphones for us..
  14. Looking forward to another year. Seeing the group is some of the best therapy there is and God knows I need therapy! I'm with Skid and the "SnoreMaster". (at least that is what he thinks! He has not roomed with me yet):Im not listening toBring on the ear plugs!!! Have not seen those guys since the Va meet and greet a year or so back. Come on people, let's start hearing if your coming. Thanks for heading this up Randy.
  15. . F4 is the shield to go with. Manufacturer states to clean with paper towel and windex. Something I would not do with stock shield. I use a squeegee on mine all the time.. almost 3 years old and still ok. Do a search for my write up on the F4.
  16. Warning: sic humor on 2015 Venture! Tennessee Beach property for sale Right next to the Blue Ridge Parkway Must sale quick, Wife left and took the bank accounts. 225,000 acres with one mile BRP front. 300 yards of beach front. Altitude ranges from 4500' to 767' ASL Will sacrfice at $200,000.00. THAT IS LESS THAN A BUCK AND ACRE. Speaking of Bucks. There have been counted 3 herds with 30-40 in each herd seen along side the blue whales that swim near the beach. PM me if interested.
  17. . Peek-A-Boo!
  18. Great news! Continued prayers for you, your family and healing.
  19. I hope Carlos does the right thing and helps out one of those that helped get him to where he is today!
  20. Hey, you could have borrowed mine!!!! :Im not listening to
  21. Here is a pic of the two I have owned. Sold the 06 white Tour Deluxe (Dangit) to buy my kids a car. Wish I had it back now.
  22. Try not to go too late in aug. School kicks back in around the 20th. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  23. MY 2 CENTS.. My two favorites... Ruger LCP fits anywhere.. 380 SCCY 9MM a little larger. 250.00 just about anywhere. Made in Florida. I have big hands too. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
  24. Prayers for Jean and you Earl. May their be a speedy recovery. Sent from my DROIDX using Tapatalk 2
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