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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. BS.... you ain't done..... "Done" is what a steak is after cooking.....and last I looked, you aint no Prime Rib....Just saying....
  2. Hey Joe, We just need to grab him and take him to the mtns.... That whine will disappear...!!! lol
  3. Ok I'm home safe. Everyone be careful. I had a blast! More with pics later. Mods, if you would add 2015 to the title. Thanks in advance. AD
  4. I get Sport version overglasses from wal-mart. They are in the sunglasses area in jewelry and are about 20 bucks. make sure you get the sport version. they are vented and do not fog up. have been wearing them for 8 years. Coach in them, work in them and ride in them. Brand is solar shield.
  5. I refuse to acknowledge any knowledge of this that you speak.... :banana::banana: Looking forward to seeing you guys again!
  6. woooo hoooo..... not far away.... already starting to pack. Taging Skid in Hickory so I'll be in on Wednesday too. Looking forward to my first Vogel.
  7. Prayers are up for the whole family!
  8. Me too! Do I need to do a registration form now or no?
  9. Dan, and all, Since it seems to be an ok topic. Here is the events as I remember. We were just driving along, coming out of a wide curve to the right and was starting to pick up speed. Doing maybe 50 as we were behind two other vehicles. I look up see smoke from the tires of the second vehicle as the first one had decide to stop without notice. All of us had to panic stop. Dan started sliding on the pavement from a bridge then onto asphalt. Looked like he had everthing under control then about the time he should have come to a stop, the bike did a "stoppie" Dan went skyward. Keep in mind the Gen2 is about 9.5 feet long. Dan was above that in the air. Came down hard. Bounced once and slid about 10 ft and stopped. Bike stood up on front wheel, laid over to the left and slid with Dan. Bike was on his feet when we got to him. Lifted up and pushed to side so we could get to Dan. Kevin was first to Dan and was trying to keep him still and talk to him. The bike did not flip or roll. Just stood up and laid to the left and slid a little. What I believe happened to cause this is the first little truck dude (multi colored truck from obvious previous wrecks) was going to "shoot the moon" between the first and second car approaching us to make a 45 degree turn to the left. Hence he had never attempted to signal or slow down. When the first car passed he realized the second car was a police car and slammed on brakes so he would not piss off the LEO by shooting the moon in front of him. I asked the officer at one point why he had not gone after the truck and he said he was more concerned for Dan...
  10. Hey, I've got the pics but I did not post them anywhere. I'll be glad to send you what I have. I think I showed them to you in the hospital when Kevin and I came by. You said you wanted to see them.. PM me an email address and I'll send them to you.
  11. TDunc


    Puc, Hate to hear. Thoughts and prayers are with you sir! Adrian
  12. No thanks needed buddy.. it is all about taking care of family. I am sure you would do the same for someone else. Adrian
  13. Prayers up as always Puc.... Adrian
  14. Jeff, Glad all seems to have happend well enough for you to come home. I hope you see as quickly as I did that it at least helped if not fixed what was happening. 154 is a scary number when your standing there sucking wind thinking all kinds of bad thoughts. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and I can't wait to hear from you in a few days as to how it is progressing. Adrian
  15. Neil, Great to meet you too. I can always sit and run my mouth....Gift of gab my family says. Topics were great, stories great and the food was ok too. Remember, ship the bike to NC and lets ride..... Hey thanks for the words about the kids and gift too. Look forward to seeing you again.. Adrian PS, now the only thing we have to cure is the common friendship with that Cowpuc... lol Hey, maybe he can join us for some NC mountain riding too.
  16. Dan, I am so glad to see you back on here. Lots of good advice and encouragment on here and many people love you and are glad you are ok. (at least mostly!) Seriously, stuff happens for reasons and you of all people should know that. Time will heal and then you can continue from there. Please stop worring about what happened and worry about not being stubborn and do what the doctors say. That is the most important thing right now. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you in the coming weeks. I do go to 4 10's on the 15th and can shoot up there to help out with chores.... Only if I get another burger like the last one!!! Let me hear from you dude and Prayers up for continued healing.....reduced pain healing!!! Adrian
  17. Patsy, thank you! Please let me know if you guys need anything when he gets home. When we left him Sunday afternoon, he seem in great spirits and some pain from his morning visitor! TDunc - Adrian
  18. Nice meeting and talking to you too, Vince
  19. Good to go Jeff. Prayers will be there.... I received some news the other day regarding my meds after the ablation.... I can stop the blood thinners! Yippie!
  20. I can swim!
  21. TDunc


    Here you went and did it again, close and did not even give me a call...... Enjoy wild man... Actually, I can't get away this weekend cause......I'M GOING TO MD!!!!!. That's right...finally going to make it. May even have 2m/440 on bike... trying to get antenna in right place and working properly.... Not having too much luck. don't like the two places I put it and I'm waiting on a mount to come in for the radio. I really went overboard and spent alot of money for the radio....Leixen 2/440.....$140.00 with antenna LOL
  22. . I'm going to Maintenance Day! Wooooo Hoooo!
  23. Jeff, I am an A-Fib and A-Flutter patient too. Sent you PM. Short version. Previously, No signs of an issue, healthy, active, coaching, running, hiking, etc...jumped on me like a pig on slop. One month later had ablation and I am a happy pig in slop now. No more heart hurt, energy level way up.
  24. Since I live so close and work in Gaston County, I would be more than happy to drive it home for you when you pick it up.. ???
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