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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. Propeller slips in the trailer hitch, Ultra lite wings attach below the floorboards, Second Gens Can Fly!! :stirthepot:
  2. Could be my neighbor. I will have to check the hair color of the week though. His bike is custom Burple.
  3. Continued prayers sir!
  4. drool drool drool..... That would look real nice next to my white TD. And hey, I'm close enough to borrow it every other weekend.
  5. TDunc

    NO Juice

    Hey thanks gentlemen. Even after the initial run through of all the fuses, sticking a screwdriver to the bat terminals I was still stumped.. So, I decided to disconnect the battery and sure enough, as I was doing that, I got a spark.. Seems it had created some corrosion and was not making good contact. Thanks again.
  6. TDunc

    NO Juice

    2006 RSTD 23K miles OK gentlemen and ladies, I just went out to take a ride with my wife. Rolled the bike out of the garage, packed the bike, got helmets and stuff then tried to start the bike. When I turned the key I had lights etc. I hit the starter, did not fire the first time. Pulled the choke a little and went to hit the button again. I must have not pushed hard enough because it sounded like I hit the button two times real close together. It was then that the lights went out. I have checked all fuses including mains, all wiring that I can see with seat off and cowling/covers off. I have nothing. Battery appears still good as it will still light my accent lights that are not run through the switch. Any ideas, hints or suggestions? Thanks in advance everyone.
  7. Welcome to Charlotte!
  8. What? You guys don't have the cool water side of the radiator flowing through little tubes in your custom mustang seat before it goes to cool the motor? (on second thought --- a smal trany cooler with water in it, mounted just in front of the radiator would actually keep the water cooler....hmmmmm) Gone for the feasibility study............................
  9. TDunc

    Head wraps

    I was afraid to post THAT link!
  10. TDunc

    Head wraps

    http://www.mindbird.com/bandana_maps.htm http://preparedness.com/prinbanmapde.html Can be done!
  11. Consider a Camping hammock. I have been off the ground for years and have no back trouble from sleeping on the ground. Packs small and light. I am not talking about one of those string type. I am talking about a true camping hammock with rain fly. I make my own for less than $40.00. If you want to see a few of the more expensive versions, visit the links below. At least it will give you a few ideas. http://hennessyhammock.com/ http://www.speerhammocks.com/ made in North Carolina http://www.eaglesnestoutfittersinc.com/ Eno - I always have one of these in my saddlebag. I can stop just about anywhere on the parkway and find a couple of trees, have a snack, take a nap and then move on.
  12. Just another place and price on Plexus www.cyclegear.com PLEXUS Anti-Static Plastic Cleaner, Protectant & Polish (#43119) http://www.cyclegear.com/spgm.cfm?L1=&L2=&L3=&L4=&item=TUC_53-1104_G .5oz $6.49 7 oz $11.99 13 oz $16.99 not a better price but just another place to get it less than $32.99:fatsmiley:
  13. Gamecock, It was almost 15 years ago on a road you probably don't know anything about (Two Notch Road - Columbia, SC) that I decided to sell my bike and use the proceeds to by a friggin big leather chair and ottoman. Within a week it was a done deal. What prompted this was the desire to have kids - (knowing the responsibly I would have to provide for them and my wife) and the kicking of three car doors on Two Notch road on a 1.5 mile ride from my office to my home in ONE day. Almost being hit by three cars pales greatly in comparison to your situation. I said all that to get to this. There is a plan for your life.. as some have already said, you have to make the decision and live with the consequences. Never regret any that you make. Learn from your mistakes and be happy to move forward. My kids are now 14 and 15 and I would not have missed a day with them. I am glad that I put my riding on hold for 12 years to be there for mine. Remember too that an apparent closed door is not a bad thing. Turn around, there is usually an open one behind you somewhere. Now to another subject. You have been on our groups prayer list since the wreck. remember that many continue to do that for you and your family. You are not alone. I hope for your continued healing and that the pain goes away soon....but not too soon, I am told that the pain is a sign of healing too. Later dude! I look forward to meeting you.
  14. Regarding: Bigger passenger seat AND removable driver's backrest. I have the Mustang seat that fits the Tour Deluxe. My wife loves the big seat and the driver's backrest pops out in about 1.6 seconds flat and reinstalls in about 4 seconds. It will also fold flat down on the driver's seat to allow for the swingover. She is 5' tall and somtimes it is just easier for me to pull it and let her do the slide up thing. Hope this helps.
  15. YEP!
  16. TDunc

    True Aussie Talent.

    I've been playing since I was 12... I guess that is the difference between talent and practice......... He has the talent. this guy is good! I don't play anything close to this. I hope you enjoy the show. I like great acoustical music.
  17. Sure would make teaching without "scooting" from desk to desk. Just lean and slide right on over. Hmmmmmm interesting.
  18. My neighbor down the street also has a custom painted (Burple) venture. I'll check to see if it was him.
  19. Yep. NC plates.... looked real good just a sittin' in the grass among all the HD's that were prevalent.
  20. 2000 Millennium Edition spotted at the inn. Hung around awhile but never did see the driver. Anyone on here?
  21. TDunc


    This new fangled blogging by osmosis is taxing my brain! (as small as it is)
  22. I just figured that since he did cause damage he would at least have to spend some time sobbering up downtown.
  23. I thought about it. I did make a comment kinda like that to the LEO and that is when he started getting serious. I just got on the bike and left..... Oh did I mention I am playing golf with his sargent in a tourney on the 21st.... "te he he":dancefool:
  24. Standby for rant! Sat night - 9:PM - driving on a two lane road with center lines - going from a portion with street light to no street lights when out of the bushes along side the road jumps a man (and I use that term loosely right now). I swerve to miss him as my first thought was he was trying to know me off the bike as something fun to do on Sat night. I gathered the bike up, after missing the oncoming cars and pulled into the next road available to get my cell phone and call 911. Yes I was angry. The idiot could have caused me to go down or hit another car head on. As I sat there I could see him with the back light of the street lights right at the edge of the bushes again. This time he runs out in front of a car. Obviously a game of chicken for him. That car looses it and spins around but no harm. The driver of this car continued until she saw me and pulled over. 17 year old girls scared out of her mind. She decides to go back home and talk with her dad. As I look back up two cars are coming and the first one goes left, misses, second one goes right but makes contact tearing his mirror and door hand off the drivers side. All of us ended up sitting on the next side street for the police to show up. While waiting (took over 20 mins) we saw the man go wobbling back up the road from the direction we had all come. I went to keep and eye on him until LEO's showed up. He staggered approx a mile and 1/4 before the police showed up. (another 15 min wait) The officer put him in his car, talked with some obvious friends and released him into their custody saying, "he just needs to sleep it off." Here is the bother..... I could have hit another car head on and been messed up or worse, That 17 yr old girl could have totally lost control and hit a pole or another car, and the three other cars involved could have had similar problems. The officer kinda laughed at the guy with the busted mirror and told him he would have to pay the deductible anyway. What is up with this picture. If I would have been in my suburban, I probably would have hit and killed him and where would I be today??? Am I over reacting or is this picture messed up?
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