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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. What happens in Coulumbus.... Stays in Columbus... Come to Hickory and see/hear what happened. HINT: We did not get thrown out of the restaurant!
  2. I' not fat, I'm just fluffy!
  3. Don't forget that the disengage can also be due to the switches in the clutch/brake handle. I still have my leather tassels and with higher speeds the wind pulls back on the clutch handle just enough to trip disengage. It does not take much to disengage it. I undersatnd it is a bushing and just have not replaced it yet.
  4. I currently have 6 in front of mine. Three on one end and three on the other. These include the neighbors to either side my side of the road, and the three houses across from me. Talked with the PO and asked what could be done. Plan of action. 1) Send letter to the other five that construction will happen in the ditch area to maintain proper draining. 2) State that the construction will start on a certain date (With NO END DATE) and to not have their delivery interrupted, they should remove and place their boxes in another area as to not change the order in which the mail is delivered. (if for some reason the delivery order will change due to the move, that must be cleared with the local postmaster but usually is not a problem). Also, notify the state AFTER you notify them so they move theirs LONG before the sate gets around to your request. When they inquire, state: "hey its the state, they will be here when they get here" 3) If boxes not removed by construction date, remove boxes and deliver to proper recipient. 4) Start construction - ( I am actually having the state come and "Draw" the ditch in front of my house.) 5) Continue construction (sowing grass, mowing grass, build your on personal new brick mailbox, build planter around new mailbox) 6) Always have a new "construction" project ready. In about 6-12 months they will probably forget about moving them back.. If they try, they now have to have your approval.
  5. Thanks for the pics Joe.. It was fun meeting everyone. Enjoyed the trip and looking forward to the next one.
  6. I agree... being 6'3" I like the stretch but Daaannnng it looks purty!! BTW what do they mention several times in the video... " Ipod integration connection in the trunk"? Isn't that where we store the cassettes on the 2011 Venture?
  7. How about the card scratch off game from ESSO --- Tigerama --- We won an RCA color tv from that.
  8. What about the LEO's and those blue lights? I have blue on mine and I have had several tell me they are not legal. They really make a nice look on my white and chrome.
  9. These guys are real. They worked for quite a while even though they probably had something else to do. They have a true servant attitude. The would accept NO compensation for their time at all... I figure I will get them when they least expect it. Ladies and Gents, thank you many times over for working on the TD. It ran VERY well on the way back to Charlotte. By the gauge, my MPH is back. I will know more tomorrow when I fill it back up and check it. Again, Thank you greatly! Tom
  10. Open season on white pickups? It looks like the hitch kept the bike from falling. I would still be spitting nails.
  11. AS my pic below shows, I enjoy hammock camping. I sew all my own gear. (hammock, rain flys) My whold family does this also. The neat thing, my sleeping gear including blankets weigh less than 10 pds and fit neatly into one saddlebag and I dont need a flat place to sleep, just two things to hang from. I am a Ham and also coach middle school baseball and softball for more fun.
  12. I have hiked part of the Overmountain and Appalachian Trail around Roan Mtn. That area is beautiful. You could even incorporate a little walk up to the balds from the gap for fantastic views. Keep us informed and I would love to do the ride. Over the mountain at Roan is a Great ride.
  13. Wow.. great looking bike! Welcome
  14. Just so my soapbox was legal... Sang with the "Sounds of America" for 5 years doing shows all over the US. Probably sang the National Anthem hundreds of times. Can't say I ever forgot the words. Did it traditionally every time. The shows were done for many companies, groups and every division of the military. It was our patriotic DUTY to do it correctly. My rant stands.... do it right or dont get paid.
  15. In most businesses that I know of, if you are going to receive money in return for services, you have to do the job correctly and the way it was contracted. For the NFL to contract anyone to see to these services for their super bowl and allow this to happen is a travesty. This is the same kind of thinking that teaches our kids that it is OK to break the law and then come back and be paid millions as a quarterback. (only one example of many) Get back to the old way. You do a good job, you get paid. You do a lousy job, you either fix it or don't get paid and you don't get to sue for you inability to perform up to standard. (oh wait, our stands keep getting lowered.) I know I am rambling but it really picks my berries to see stuff like this happening when trying to raise and teach a 14 and 15 year old the proper way. I agree with a previous statement, this would not happen in other countries. Try something like this in Saudi!!!! The outcome would be handled in the square. DO NOT PAY HER FOR SCREWING UP THE ANTHEM!!!!. OK, I'm done!
  16. TDunc

    2 for 15

    WOW what a buy! great find Rooster
  17. I never climbed that high but did used to climb 100'. I now only have a 48' and my knees start shaking at that these days. Has something to do with physics ... (bounce versus splat!!) And age.
  18. Love my hiking but HECK no I won't go.. Great video. Yeah, the builders seem to have no fear. I don't think I could have done that. The videographer appeared NOT to use the steel safty cable that others were using.
  19. Calling for 61 degrees today.... I am goin' riding....:stirthepot: I am not bragging, just saying!
  20. TDunc


    Sad! But sadder still -- at least cover the dang bikes... $8.00 tarp at Wally World.... GEEEESSH!
  21. Ben, I just saw this and I am sorry for your loss. Remember the good things and pass them on. I know it has been hard. As we have talked about before, His plan may not be ours but rejoice in the fact that your dad is now in a place with no pain and no suffering. Celebrate his life. May God give you and your family peace during this time and in the future. I have been honored to converse with you while our parents went through similar situations. The door here is always open. We will continue to pray. Tom
  22. Interested! Dont forget to document. Using Scala riders now and looking to make it all work.
  23. You mean I have toes down there somewhere?
  24. Same here buddy, Prayers have not stopped.
  25. [attach]53443[/attach] Liver Dalmatian - Loves to ride in the car and would ride on the bike if he could [attach]53444[/attach] Chesapeake Bay Retriever - A big lug!
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