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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. NICE! I,ve been looking for an 03 because of the color. So far, everybody likes theirs just a little more than I do. $$$$$$
  2. ROFL. You mean there are white stakes on the course you play? If I made my living at golf, I would be starving. I ride a whole lot better than I golf.
  3. Fortunately we won that baseball game here in the city for the most part. Some west and south of us did not fair so well.
  4. Im going to the Wachovia. Only fri and sat though. Cant stand it when it is really crowded. Otherwise, i enjoy seeing someone in person that can knock the dimples of the golf ball and drive 200 yards further than I can Sent from my DROIDX
  5. I just had to! [ATTACH]55477[/ATTACH] :stirthepot:
  6. TDunc

    Mm #150

    Hey, did anyone on here own serial number 150? PM me please if you did.
  7. Girlie man. Ouch! I am confident with my manhood! I guess you would not like my blond ponytails either. All the people i get a laugh out of seem to have a better day. Ponytails - girlie? Could be in the wrong venue Smiles from people ---- priceless Tassles - that is just old school IMHO. (This was meant to be funny not spiteful. Tassles did cause my cruise problem) Sent from my DROIDX
  8. Rofl
  9. Is it just me or is he only using my stupid questions?????:Im not listening to :stickpoke:
  10. I originally just wanted to determine value. Now I better insure.
  11. Out of curiosity, what kind of tires are you running?
  12. Wife sat on one today... 35K is a little steep but at least at 5feet tall she could reach all the controls AND me at 6'3" I could still stretch out. Only problem we found was that the back seat is shallow front to back. We both could not sit on the bike with the drivers backrest in the proper position.
  13. One word - WOW!
  14. Ok you guitar guys, what do you think. 1959 Les Paul doublecut. I sent pics to Gruhn and they want to see it.. So I guess I have a trip to Nashville soon. The "Classic" plate is one I had to cover the missing plate. [ATTACH]55265[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]55266[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]55267[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]55268[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]55269[/ATTACH]
  15. Must have seen all us good looking guys and bikes at the Columbus, NC meet and eat a few weeks ago and just had to have one... Welcome to the forum and congrats on the new bike. Hope to see you at our next meet and eat in Hickory, NC.
  16. Saddle Soap... ArmorAll... Lots of different protectants. Clean it just like a black one. AND, I have a whole hide of white so if it gets REAL dirty....... I'm Kinda thinking that too.. It does keep the shape of the bike true to color but I think some contrast there and on the seat will make a difference.
  17. TDunc

    Back view tank bib

    From the album: TD's Stuff

  18. I finally took a day and worked on my prototype white leather tank cover. I did this one with no sew marks using folded edges and 77 contact glue. I did this one with no sewing marks as I wanted to see how a smooth one looked first. Future Options: 1) Sew edges with Black thread 2) Sew with white thread 3) Include some type of pocket for STUFF 4) Sew using some white and black leather. Several others. I might even put white as the side panels on the seats. (or reverse that and sit on white) What do you guys think?:feedback: [ATTACH]55162[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]55163[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]55164[/ATTACH]
  19. I hope the free is cold too:thumbsup2:
  20. Didn't someone say rain*x is not good for plastic windshields? I may be mistaking.
  21. The biggest upgrade to a tent ----- Camping hammock... look below. I've been off the ground for several years now AND I can set up on a slope... AND my back loves me in the morning.:thumbsup2:
  22. PlanCrazy, Doing custom aircraft is where I learned about the different glues and sewing. (My dad did small custom interiors for corp. propjets and jets.) Of course Hybond 80 does alot. 3m 77 is one type I use but what I use mostly with foam and cloth is some stuff by Dogwood Fabrics. There are places in Atlanta, Charlotte, Memphis and Tampa Or were. Oh yeah, it is waterproof also. Also hit this site for all kinds of adhesives. http://www.perfectfit.com/24783/Upholstery-Adhesives.html
  23. Great write up. Suggestion. Instead of hot glue, a can of fabric spray glue. This can be purchased at most fabric stores. I have used that for foam for years with no degradation of the foam. I am not sure what happens to the hot glue over time. For cutting, I use an old LARGE butcher knife. I put it on the grinder to sharpen then trim away. A little easier than a razor. IMHO.
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