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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. Read continuity twice, once with the red lead on one pole and then the second time with the red lead from the meter on the other pole. You should have continuity one way and nothing the other direction if the led is OK. ( this is a quick way to check any diode ). Then you must make sure that the positive voltage is going to the positive pole of the diode for it to work. If this is done, and you don't have light... spend a few pennies and get a new LED.
  2. TDunc

    HD Comedy

    I was cool till Bertha go on back.... I lost it.... Good one.
  3. I have the same on my bikes. I did have a situation where the weight of the light bar ended up breaking the tabs off of the original tail light. What I did to fix was have the original tabs welded again. I then fashioned another bar that was about twice the thickness of the original and shaped like the original tabs that I used like a big oblong washer and mounted that between the original and the light bar to help with the support. I have had no problems since. Oh, did I say I love the lights. AND they look good on your bike too.
  4. Prayers for healing are sent.
  5. So, let me know when you tell her so I can put in the ear plugs...... Actually, Amy has been telling me she wanted a sidecar for our dog so I am gonna want to watch this project.
  6. So you dont think he rode the bike without the pads do you?:Im not listening to:Im not listening to
  7. We stayed at the Embassy Suites near the Foggy Bottom transit station. About a three block walk to the station and not anything that we were worried about. Once you get on the subway, all is well with getting just about anywhere you want. We thoroughly enjoyed the stay.
  8. it's not noon yet.
  9. Gone?
  10. Would like to but our club ride to Linville/Blowing rock is sat morning. I committed to that before I remembered :confused24:Maggie Valley..one of my favorite places to go.
  11. HONEYBEE???? OK, I'm sorry I missed this one... let's see.. the bid is $17 to keep quiet... :Im not listening to:Im not listening to ..I'll go $20 to find out! :big-grin-emoticon:
  12. Prayers continuing.
  13. I have to agree... You can get a bad taste with the cheaps and may not go forward with getting what you need... Find an audiologists that has some GOOD "loaners". I wore two different "borrowed" sets before I choose the one I wear now. If I had tried the cheaps, probably would still be going "huh?" Just my 2 cents worth. Tom
  14. If he is, he had better called me first... sittin here ready to go!
  15. Utopia back rest now on order.... can not wait.:confused24:
  16. Dang man, you using your good hand again on that keyboard?
  17. Kinda what I was thinking but just didn't say it.
  18. I just saw this K. Man, I would have been balistic if the LEO did not do what I thought was appropriate. I would have asked the LEO if he had any kids... then would have said what would you want done if YOUR daughter had been on the back...... I really think you need to follow up and even be there on court day to say a few words to the judge when he appears to try and get out of the tickets..... BTW... OPPPS dropped my plastic water bottle on I-40 yesterday coming home....:big-grin-emoticon: Dang slippery hands....
  19. Heck, it's dangerous anytime on Lake Norman...Sold both of my boats last year. Tired of dodging idiots on the water......Wait, I know, I am still dodging idiots on the road....
  20. I wear BTE's (behind the ear). They are digital, 14 channel with 4 different settings that I can change on the fly. The channels are like an equalizer on a stereo. The first thing I want to say to those that have had problems, go back and find someone that will work with you and set the things up properly FOR YOU!!! My doc tweaked mine 4-5 times to get them where I wanted them. Do I wear them all the time? No. Do I wear them when I should? Yes... I can not believe the difference when I wear them. To explain my four settings: 1) set based upon my audiology test. Tweaked several times. 2) Like the first only opened up the voice freqs a little more and muted the others a little (best for loud and crowded restaurants) 3) shut off all but the center of the voice freqs. (I use this when I'm in the GYM during a game etc to stop all the EXTRA echo noises associated with GYMS. and 4) the freqs outside the voice freq enhanced a little. This I use when listening to music such as in a concert or through a nice stereo. Do I need all this? Well for me it makes them do what I paid $3000.00 each to get.. She tweaks them for me about twice a year. IT WAS WORTH IT AND I CAN SAY I WAITED TOO LONG TO GO GET THEM. BRAND - OTICON - EPOQ OH one more thing..... I kid my wife that it has a fifth mode... It's called wife mode...(MUTE BUTTON) I get hit for that one. Oh By The Way - this have the speaker actually in the ear. there is no TUBE into the ear, only a wire...Does away with feedback.
  21. I had it on the Tour Deluxe and had it replaced under warranty about two months ago. What a difference. The whine is not in the power band anymore, it is only heard on deceleration. Now, on the RSV I just got.. It is right in the power band too.. I will let you ride it Sylvester if you would like before I have it changed. It is loud enough that I can hear it through the intercom.
  22. Thanks a million for the comments so far. I know I miss the one I had on the Tour Deluxe.
  23. So what kind did he remove and would he be interested in selling it?
  24. OK, Been riding an 06 tour deluxe with Mustang seat that had integrated backrest. Bought a Midnight Venture with a standard seat. Cant ride but an hour or so before I am really feeling the need to lean back. I like the way the Mustang was adjustable and laid down. What backrest do you have or prefer and why? :feedback: Thanks in advance all. Signed, Old Hurtin' Back
  25. That is just slicker than owl poop in a rain storm!
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