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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. TDunc

    Outdoor Daily

    woooo wooooo Thanks... I use JB's exclusivly when camping. To find them around that price is a good thing. Thanks for posting. It is about time to replace one of my old ones. In fact, if you look hard at the pic below you can probably see one under my hammock.
  2. P T Barnum said it ... It still fits! Sent from my DROIDX
  3. I needed this today.. put sunshine in the brain..... still can't stop chuckling.
  4. DITTO, saved me just last night.... opened a coupon email and Privacy.exe jumped on board. Slow but good.
  5. Working in the classroom (I handle in school suspension) I see all of this as a problem. As an example, I was sharing how I got my first and last paddling in the very school I work in (and by the same man that is my boss now after 42 years) and the first response I received from every child in the room was something to the effect of ...They wouldn't touch me like that or I would have them arrested. Right here in CLT this past week a kid was in trouble for taking a cough drop during school. The statment was made that they could actually overdose on them if they had them or get high from them.... I laughed my backside off. It is sad but true where we have gone. Kids today are not taught being responsible for their actions unless they have good parents. Most of the time they spend most of their energy figuring out how to blame everyone and everything else. This my friends is why I closed my business and started doing what I do know.. Hopefully, they will hear and understand one day. OK, now off the soapbox.
  6. Eck, have you done that fix? If so, my crystal ball sees a possible trip with dinner in store for you! :big-grin-emoticon: My 06's tabs are in the same state and warranty goes in FEB too.
  7. This is obviously for those of you with kahunas the size of watermelons. (needed to balance the bike and act as outriggers in the snow) Not me in the snow. No Sireeeeee!
  8. [ATTACH]62246[/ATTACH] Here's s'more. There were three, these two and one smaller one that I did not get a pic of.
  9. OK, here is the rest of the story. I followed this guy for over 6 hours.. He kept saying "I saw some yaks down here somewhere" Now, He used to live in Alaska. It is cold up there. Maybe he was digressing I thought. Too long in the south..... All of a sudden, the turn around sign, so we do, then off the side of the road, only to look over and see these... And it is STILL NO BULL! Proof that it took TWO! [ATTACH]62243[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]62244[/ATTACH]
  10. IF I were king for a day, maybe tender the thought of waiting till after most schools are out. (June 10th in NC). You asked for thoughts, but whatever works best for the most. I'm easy.
  11. I hope you were talking about the Yak! Ok AK.... Your pic is on the way!!!! Standby for the rest of the story.:stirthepot:
  12. Pics look good. Can't wait to see it "for real".
  13. Never mind, as I read further, it had already been said...... Going back to sleep here..
  14. Ride Monday afternoon?:thumbsup2:
  15. Having been a Little League coach, and now coaching in the middle school level, this is so typical of the red tape I have seen and continue to see even in the states that keep some kids from being able to participate. I do all the athletic eligibility for our school for all sports and I run into "issues" all the time. I hate the rules. I really feel sorry for those kids that worked so hard. I'm shutting up now......
  16. Yesterday was our 27th. Dinner was Wendy's and a coke. Spent all week trying to figure it out too. We are going to try and get away this weekend if our kids let us.
  17. There is a friend of mine that is also a member here that needs prayer for his wife and family. Without going into details, she is having some complications. He may speak up later and give details. Please lift his wife up for healing and also the rest of the family. Thanks all.
  18. That was way cool..... click the talking babies link that pops up at the end. They had a wonderful conversation.
  19. your not on here cause your out hoggin' all that south end parkway stuff! Seriously, if your like me, you don't have much time. Got two bikes, been on one ride in the last month. Kevin and I went on a "Tween the rain" ride last week. Gotta ride soon...
  20. Great Idea Eck... Carpeted the whole garage just so I could use the sliders.... I AM having to use alot of carpet cleaner though for the Harley that is parked beside it..... JK! Seriously, I was laughing hard before I got to the end of your post... I was imagining the post that would read Kinda like this....."There seems to be a problem since I have started using my new turntable...every time I take the bike down the road, I hear a very loud thump thump thump......":big-grin-emoticon:
  21. Lifting family up in prayer.
  22. Pearl White is definitely faster....:stickpoke: Welcome to the forum.
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