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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. Our thought and prayers are with you and your family.
  2. Octoberboy, Very good comments from everybody so far. In your first post you asked about some of the differences.. I have both and as far as the bike, Same bike. Mine are both 06's biggest differences are as some have already eluded to. TD ........................................Venture Removable windshield ...............Faring with shield Removable passenger backrest ...Bolted on trunk smaller gas tank .......................larger gas tank brushed finish forks ..................chrome forks Along with the fairing comes some of the creature comforts. CB, AM-FM, intercom and the almighty highest produced Cassette deck to ever enter the motorcycle market. I have ridden the Tour Deluxe on trips as long as Charlotte to Cape Canaveral solo and 2up ridden the entire Blue Ridge Parkway. Without anything major to change the bike I was comfortable and so was my wife. I did buy it with Mustang seats with drivers backrest. The reason I have a venture is that for those very long rides, it is more comfortable for my wife than the TD. Also, if riding in a group, CB keeps you in touch real easy with everyone else. Other than that.... I like the ride of both... I like my pearl white TD better for looks than my venture. When I am by myself I still like to ride the TD. I hope this helps to fill int the gaps for you. BTW - Shamless plug.... My TD is for sale in the classifieds. I cant afford two..I have two kids just turning 16.
  3. I will be starting a thread that I can update with all the details. I will be taking lots of pics and giving a blow by blow of everything I can think of to pass on. I do have high expectations but will be honest if I see something. Hang on guys and girls, I'll start posting soon. So far I have just been admiring it. Dang it's purdy! So as us old guys used to hear on the radio..... to borrow a few words from Paul Harvey, stand by for the rest of the story. Tom
  4. TDunc


    From the album: TD's Stuff

  5. TDunc


    From the album: TD's Stuff

  6. :sign funny post:Ok, you owe me for the cleaning bill of my shirt.... (JUST KIDDING) I was drinking coffee when I scrolled down to your pic.....:rotf::rotf:
  7. I read this and still get a little upset having had to avoid this type of stuff all the time. Yes, it is our responsibility to assume that everyone will not see us and prepare for it but I hate riding n the city just for that reason. Too Tireing. I do make my two new drivers vocalize to me every now and then what they are looking for when they check their mirrors or check their intended path. My two say to me, "Checking for motorcycles dad" I hope this helps them really look instead of pulling out in front of one one day. Thoughts to the family!
  8. Dang Jim, keep'em over there... Of course the warning went out last week around my mom's neighborhood over in South Park about a rabbid fox taking small dogs.... She will not let her Pom out in the yard much now. BTW. Still a good shot!
  9. WOW!! I am humbled, honored and excited! :dancefool: The last thing I remember winning was an RCA TV through the ESSO Tigerama game. (crap, just told how old I am). This is a wish that came true as I tried to put some of the wishes into some sort of priority order. I knew the bigger windshield was going to have to come later than sooner. Don, THANK YOU for honoring me with this task of putting this shield through the paces. I will do just that and report back. My wife is ready to go "test" it already. The rest of you, thank you for your congrats too! Again, Thank you for the honor. Wow! Wow! and did I say WOW! Tom
  10. This is not bike related. I have an Otterbox Defender Series protector for my Droid X. I have had it about a year and 2 months. The other day, the tab that holds the phone and its protectors in my belt clip broke. I checked the website and realized that the warranty was only a year. OK, so I will just buy a new belt clip. After not finding just the belt clip to buy, I contacted customer service via email explaining the circumstance and asking how to buy a new belt clip. In about an hour, I had a response that in short said give me the numbers off the clip, your name and address and I will send you one. Today, a replacement belt clip showed up in the mail as stated. This just does not happen with most businesses. I am impressed. I believe in passing on the good as well as the bad. I hope this helps someone decide to spend the extra money on a good item that is obviously backed by the company. :thumbsup2: :thumbsup2: FIVE THUMBS UP!
  11. I could do that...:rotf:.......If I only knew how to weld..... Nice looking job!
  12. I sew my own but do have a hennessy in my collection. My son likes it better than the bigger ones I made. Sent from my DROIDX
  13. Not arguing but I am not sure I would use my bike. After doing the vector math, the forces are too high for a support that may move with with less than 1500 pounds or less. JMHO with math that is. Sent from my DROIDX
  14. Let me clarify... You don't always have to stay in places designed for tents. I have been known to "stealth camp" in my camping hammock on the side of a nice mountain or some other place not really designated as a camp site. Not that I would advocate doing anything illegal!:Im not listening to:Im not listening to
  15. Hammock camp. Smaller lighter equipment. You never wake up with the back hurting for sleeping on the ground. You can stay dryer cook and sit all while its raining. AND you don't always have to stay in a campground. All you need is some trees or poles and you are set. You don't even need a flat area. IMHO of course.
  16. Here is my humble shot at a new shield. I have ridden my venture 4000+ in the last four months. (have a tour deluxe I rode before that) I am 6' 3" and sit tall in the saddle. Therefore I have been looking a an F4 tall previously. I bought the Venture because my wife and I were riding longer rides both with a club and alone. I like the idea that the F4 is wider to cover my hands and arms better. No, I don't ride all over the country, (YET) but do like what I have seen in the F4's from a friend that has one. Would I give you a fair evaluation? Yes I would. Would I advertise the product? Everywhere I went. (Hey, how about a decal in the lower corner for those times I am not with the bike!) Would I appreciate the value of the item received? UMMM let's see. I teach so there you already know I would appreciate the value not having the funds to run out and buy all the things I would reall like. As far as where I ride, Living in Charlotte, I ride mostly toward's the mountains but have been seen in Tenn, Va, SC, and as far south as Cape Canaveral for lunch. Riding habits are that I just like to ride. Mostly for the scenery but like saturday, rode with the club just for lunch in South Carolina. The week before was with a friend to just ride. Well that's my story and I'm sticking with it.
  17. Good luck, you'll be in our thoughts.
  18. Riden #2, #3 and #7 But I have to agree with MM.. Lots of other roads out there that are just as good and lots that are gonna be new to me. MM good luck with the hip....
  19. In my classes, I write the following statement on the board. I finally had one student in 4 years bust out laughing. After a little while he busted out laughing again and when I asked him what was funny this time he said, Mr. D. am I the only one that gets it..... I had to laugh with him while the other students sat there like a deer in headlights. "5/4 of all people have problems with fractions"
  20. ummm NO! :big-grin-emoticon: :sign funny post:Sorry all... just could not resist as I sit here eating some peanut brittle.
  21. Everyone always wants to ride in front of me... I don't know why!! I'll deny everything.
  22. Sorry for the delay after asking my question. It does seem that my suspect has already been given. Either the head (or something in the Radio system) is what I would lean toward. If the system was doing this due to battery, my belief is that you would also see some dimming in the back light. (back light takes a little more power to burn that the LCD does) JMHO. Having said that, I am kinda stumped with the Neutral Light situation. That I will have to think about a little more. If you have not ridden in a good rain lately, I would probably let the Stealer look at it. Now in the mean time, I am back to my cake! I will keeps digging for an answer.
  23. Too much Christmas tequila cake? Is the backlight fading or just the LCD portion? Sent from my DROIDX
  24. And it works too! He made me one for my bike. Mines on the left side though.
  25. I had my own alarm business. 30 years industry experience. Let me cut to the chase. If you go with ADT or most any other National companies, you are locked into their product of you ever want to change companies. If you go with a local, check his license and make sure you tell him you want to make sure that at the end of the contract that you are free to go to whoever you want without having to change any equipment. Many of the nationals get private labeled and proprietary programming so that no other company can program or monitor it. Get at least three quotes. I never did the "free install" or cheap install price. (all types of marketing strategies) I would have had to lock in my customers to multi year contracts. The free installs usually do 2-3 doors, a motion a smoke detector and a keypad or two. This is very basic protection. I just let my company speak for itself and required only yearly renewable contract. I monitored for 18-24 dollars a month depending on what we were doing for the average home. For a GOOD proper system you can look to spend to spend approximately .75%-2.5% the cost of the house to be properly protected. I NEVER pressured anyone. Good luck with the hunt. I hope this helps.
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