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Everything posted by TDunc

  1. 930 miles.............I'M TIRED! But would like to try to make it... Dates look good.
  2. Continued prayers.
  3. Great Pics.... Who was that blond on the venture? Almost as good as the dude in the Star Wars storm trooper riding suit at Mitchell!
  4. I'm glad your ok...!
  5. And the guy in the picture is a good looking dude too!!! :whistling: Oh wait... that is me in that shot!
  6. This is the back of my bike. I too had issues with being run over.. something about the impact that scares the heck out of me... anyway... I put the Harley lights on and wired them for running and brake only. I put the long led bar from (northern tools) and wired it as brake only. I decided not to run the running portion of the light bar so that the ADDED light might catch someone's attention better/faster. Then I pray. [ATTACH]70461[/ATTACH] edit - I felt that the Northern Tools led bar was brightest.
  7. Good looking "sleeve" man. I did not know you used to work for SSL international! (no I have to run like heck)
  8. Well, just to show about how long this $20.00 lasted.. It has been over a year and the shell is wearing a little. I guess it is back to WalMart for another. Wife's is still doing well. I still think it is a good buy.
  9. Name of Restaurant Switzerland Inn Street Address 86 High Ridge Road City Little Switzerland State or Province NC Website (Optional) http://www.switzerlandinn.com Quality of Food Great Quality of Service Great Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) American Alcohol Served? Yes Additional Comments Location has several places to eat right on the property. I think they have great trout in the restaurant and excellent portabello mushroom sandwiches at the terrace. Great views. Very biker friendly and even has bunkhouses to stay in. This is a few hundred feet from the Blue Ridge Parkway and from Hwy 226 so plan ahead on good motorcycle days or be ready to have a wait. Well worth it in my opinion.
  10. Name of Restaurant Shatley Springs Inn Street Address 407 Shatley Springs Road City Crumpler State or Province NC Website (Optional) www.shatleysprings.com Quality of Food Great Quality of Service Great Biker Friendly? (Parking, Trusted Location, Etc.) Yes Kind of Food? (Mexican, Chinese, etc.) Mama's Home Cooking Alcohol Served? No Additional Comments Biker Friendly First of all... CASH ONLY! There is an ATM. Second... Get a reservation during normal season. Shatley serves mostly family style. That means they put the bowls of food on the table and you eat all you want. Normally like chicken and ham, real red eye gravy (with coffee), green bean, yams, apples, corn, mashed taters and several more. You can order off the menu but....no. (IMHO) Great place to ride to with a group, eat, fellowship and ride on. I go there several times a season. I enjoy it. Make sure you call if close to the closing dates. (side trip down 221 and 113 to Thistle Meadow Winery.) Don't forget to read the history of the location
  11. "Here's your sign!"
  12. Let me know too... I want to see..
  13. Yes, it was a mind clearing ride. With the stresses that have been around our family for the previous weeks it was something that I knew I had to do and when Kevin and I decided to toss everything else to the wind...Including us and our bikes... we left for a full day of riding. Not a lot of miles but definitely some great camaraderie, good food:fatsmiley: and super roads and wonderful scenery.:thumbsup2: Here is a link to my first attempt at creating a map of the ride. Let me know if this works or not. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?msa=0&msid=205207070887450453166.0004c60b2e790fde047c6 Foyerboy, I did mention as we went through Newton that we should have listed this earlier but it really was just a last minute get on the bikes and go thing. We will keep you in mind. We also tried to get in touch with Warrior earlier. Thanks Kevin!
  14. Sorry, have a new work schedule this summer and we have had a death in the family. Short answer----- GO GET ONE. With the riding I have done with this shield the only things I might change is the direction the vent opens and maybe some tinting at the bottom....(this has no effect on the quality of the shield.) The vent opens from the top first and I think (oh crap, here I go thinking again) I would like it better if it opened down..This would also help with the bugs being forced down and not straight back into my face. But like I said before...Go get one. Great shield, and still a great shield. Shield still is easily cleaned and looks just as good as when I first received it.
  15. Great article... Kinda lays it out easy.
  16. Only rode 250 miles today and that was fom 750' to right at 5000' and it was still hot. I feel like I was put into the prebake cycle at the french fry factory. Drank nearly a gallon since I've been home. Way too hot here too.
  17. Continued prayers for her and the family.
  18. The jury is still out on that... I am not sure how that would work. If I wanted it to lean, would it aloow some or would it pull the bike back up. Very interesting concept though. I can't wait to see what comes of this project.
  19. Either way, I would enjoy one I think. Not real sure I like the section showing it "squeezing" between those two cars though!
  20. It just got hard to intro myself with that one. AND I sold my tour deluxe and kept the venture... didnt fit anymore.
  21. I did not want to say that but at least he knew we knew... I spent the day reading post of his on other sites. As once was said on that psycodelic show of the 60's..."veerrry interesting"
  22. I went to Columbia yesterday and it was still hot in SC. I'm kinda in limbo about riding this weekend too. I know I would be too hot till I got some altitude and then would not want to come down. I checked a few of the spots I normally go to in the mtns. and it still showed 96ish.... Pits!
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