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About 72ranger

  • Birthday September 28

Personal Information

  • Name
    Shane Barnes


  • Location
    Chelsea, United States


  • City


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Really my only hobby is riding my RSTD. I ride any chance I get.
  • Bike Year and Model
    2007 RSTD
  1. Several months after receiving my Carbtune, I finally took the time to sync my carbs. MAN what a difference. No more backfiring when letting of the gas and runs so much smoother!!! Freebird, thanks for the detailed write up!!
  2. Very nice, Congrats!
  3. That's pretty much what I expected to hear... The mechanic said that there is no way for the thermostat to stick open. But that's what it sounds like to me. I had a truck do that to me once. It never really over heated just ran hot. I have had the same positive experience with Rotella myself. Thanks for all the feed back!! Any idea's that you can think of that I might be able to pass along would be great!
  4. My brothers father-n-law (Bill) has an 07 Midnight TD. He called me and stated that his bike was getting hot. Very hot on his legs, almost unbearable. Since then he spoke to a Yamaha mechanic about what he had. The mechanic asked if he made any changes recently. Bill informed him that he switched his oil from Yamalube to Rotella T 15-40. The mechanic said that, the oil was his problem. Today he changed the oil back to Yamalube and said that it is no longer running hot. So basically he states that the heat was coming from the lower end of the engine. I know many folks on this forum use oil other than Yamalube, so have anybody had this experience before? I am running Rotella in my 07 TD, and have not noticed any issues.
  5. Awesome, Thanks for the quick feedback. Ordering them now.
  6. Your OK, thats all that matters. Hope you are back on the road soon!
  7. Ok I searched and did not find my answer. So I am guessing this is going to be a dumb question. I am going to order a Carbtune Kit. There are different size plugs available, which ones do I choose? Thanks, Shane
  8. Thanks Gary, saw the pay pal notification a few minutes ago...
  9. Prayers Sent for all!
  10. I couldn't agree more, mountains for me.... Wish we had some!
  11. More snow in the forecast for Sat and Sun for the Tulsa area.... :crying::crying:
  12. I heard 2 motorcyclist died on 169 that day. I didn't ever see the details behind them. HWY 169 between Tulsa and Owasso is a zoo during rush hour traffic. Full of jokers that don't care if they kill someone or not. It makes me angry! Hopefully once it is converted to 3 lanes it will be a bit safer.......
  13. Outstanding news Squid!! Hope you enjoy your new job! God Bless, oh and get out and ride!!!
  14. Got about 120 miles in. It was great! The new clutch spring worked like a champ! There were several bikes out here as well, and every one of the riders were grinning ear to ear..... Like this! All next week it is supposed to rain, but that's OK. We need the sand to wash off the roads.
  15. Thanks Cougar! My brother n law lived in Winterset Iowa for a couple of years. Birthplace of John Wayne!! I wished he still lived there it was a great place to visit!
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