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Everything posted by mrich12000

  1. Changed The diaphrams yesterday,went for a mountain ride today WOOHOO , now I know what you guys have been saying about the 1st gen 1200, my retinas are still on Stevens Pass on highway 40. From 60 mph she took off like a scalded cat:225:!! Thanks to this forum. Thanks To Sky dog, Thanks to Rocket. All who said something about Diaphragms.. Now to fix that darn second gear:223:, parts are in the mail...Mike R.. Calgary..
  2. That what I said lol:yikes:
  3. Hi gang possibly heading to Portland Oregon next Thursday, :scared:This trip is to buy an engine for one of my project bikes a 1983 VF1000f Honda Interceptor. I had a trans problem, had replaced it's broken bits ,but it didn't do well in the assembly. So I found a replacement with it's (oh the dreaded second gear sound familiar!!) So while I am traveling down ,I was wondering if there are anyone who wants to together on the way? This was suggested by Rocket (Paul) That some parts for my Venture may be gleaned from this together so any:stickpoke: takers? Thanks Mike in Calgary..:bowdown:
  4. I think there is DNA invoved..:pushups::smile5:
  5. mrich12000


    Go on to MSN, sign out of the hot mail. Then resign into it. go to the inbox , let it open. Then go to your folders and look for your sent mail.. Hope this helps.. update your office program, get the new messenger 2011. fix is there..
  6. :clap2::clap2:
  7. Let it run sound like the rear cyls are clearing out.. need pictures!!!
  8. Well since I cannot source out a 1300 engine ,I have ordered the cirrus sonic carb parts (paid) So I need the repair list for the 1200 second gear list that is out there can the gang help thanks Mike R..
  9. super hope it works:fatsmiley:
  10. :mo money::mo money::photographing::mo money:
  11. Good point Brian, Hey how's your Eye? See ya Mike mabey next year with Paul..
  12. Hi, I found one for you Eboy, here is the url.. http://cgi.ebay.ca/Yamaha-XVZ-12-13-Venture-Royale-Ignition-Unit-/290462632296?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item43a0ec0968 hope this helps, Mike R. Calgary.. http://cgi.ebay.ca/86-93-YAMAHA-VENTURE-ROYALE-CONTROL-UNIT-1NL-85830-00-0-/200509101173?pt=Motorcycles_Parts_Accessories&hash=item2eaf461475 Foud more for you. Enjoy...
  13. :fingers-crossed-emoOh boy that power transistor looks pooched. Like Brian said, you need a replacement There is one on Ebay, go to Pinwallparts they have three or more with your bike spec. Hope this helped , Cheers Mike R.. Calgary..
  14. I been at home for 2mths. Broke my foot. Freezing outside,:sleigh: Raining every day. Find out if I need a bone graft on Thursday Yikes!! so I sympathy's with your chicken soup, But I hate this can't rid new bike in the garage along with a sick Venture that is in need of a new 1300 it has a 1200 second gear out and bad diaphragms (that another story) Hope you get better soon (sic) .. Welcome to Calgary..
  15. Good story..
  16. me to pica 2:confused07: ouch
  17. Left side mid bar White connector do what he said but do the spark test as well could also be holes in the rear slide diaphrams.. Need pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. With the engine off tke an old spark plug and ground it to the engine. Turn on the engine ,observe the spark or lack of spark do it to both cylenders .. Go from there .
  19. No Habla Electronica. Habla Window 7 Ce. Congrats Amego..
  20. Are they for Suction? :big-grin-emoticon:Or Blow
  21. could be his wife for a quick sale.:bawling: defiantly need a personal property and security search for liens!!:mo money::Bunny2:Or it's legit. nice price wrong motor..
  22. HA HA:mo money::mo money::smash2::bang head:
  23. thanks Don the motor is still listed:parrots: , I think the Venture I have now is going to the auctions:95::buttkick: here , I have a new 1300 Vstar twin But I need a long haul bike so I may buy :mo money::mo money:(oh oh ) Goldwing.. :bawling:
  24. Well Thanks to all who were helping me try to obtain that motor on Ebay, as it turns out it is to much for shipping . I thank you all:ice_thy-vi101212101 you know who you are .. Mike R.. What a great gang we have here. Any motors for sale close to Calgary? 1300 Venture..or Montana/
  25. :smash2:It's being fixed:buttkick::smash2:
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