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Everything posted by mrich12000

  1. :santa::santa::santa::santa::guitarist 2::Im not listening to:Im not listening to:Im not listening to:buttkick::buttkick::sleigh::Im not listening to:Im not listening to
  2. So where do you live anywhere close to the canadian border?:mo money:
  3. That Mustang could buy a great Trike!!! Get well .Prayers sent..
  4. Nice post! But I don't have a Bridgeport milling machine to do the work. Do I see a group buy?:mo money: Nice work!!:clap2:
  5. 63 in Calgary and I can get great apple pies here as well.
  6. Wally lube works for me!!..
  7. Loved your story! Would read your book if you wrote one or two or three...
  8. Check this page, some info. Looks like you can use it with no problems.. http://www.bobistheoilguy.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=773275
  9. I like it as It's in my Venture now no problems.(2nd gear jumps) but I knew that when I bought her. Winter resto project. Nice post!!:mo money:
  10. As for carb rebiuld parts a Canadian company in Kichener,Ontario has your parts. http://www.siriusconinc.com/product-motorcycle_parts-39.htm Chris or Marten great guys and if you have Skype you can talk to them and get your prts good prices. Sory goose ..Mike.. As to the Pink I won't use it again. You should experiment with a set of carbs in the Pine-Sol, see if you like it. Cheers..
  11. It works. See the MHS WIMIS specs on their web. dissolves varnish and grease. Look no more PINK lol..
  12. O Boy that looks like nice place for that new I-Phone..
  13. Pine-Sol, This what you need to get to clean your carbs!! You need to get this stuff. 1) 5 gallon Rubber maid Bini. 2)10 1 liter bottles of Pine-Sol 3)aquarium pump, with 6ft 1/4 " clear hose for circulation. Soak for 6-10 hrs, wash it warm water, will come out factory clean no gook Smells nice to. also make a small parts container from a 1 lit. cola bottle cut the bottle 6" from the bottom, punch 1/8 th holes in to the bottle for circulation. place the little bits in here. 4) Disassemble the carb set don't' split the carbs immerse into the Pin-Sol you have pored into the Bini. make up the fish pump to agitates the solution so there is flow around the carb bits. Use you ingenuity(Brain) :smash2: to make this work you can hang the pump off the Bini so it will work. Use a weight to hold the intake and pressure side into the solution. (like a 1/4 " nut) 5) reasemble as per the shop manal of your carbs spec.. So what you have made is a Superior carb cleaning station that smells good and can clean any carb out there including automotive carbs ,like Holley. :mo money:Cost@ Canadian $36.50, US, Wallmart @$23.00 Don't ask why:ignore:.. Walmart has all your parts for this . if you make it? let me know how it came out... NOTE *** you do this on your own .... Mike in Calgary..
  14. I will make a postage stamp size one for my poles here in Calgary, (With a zoom Option!!) Or get my glasses fixed that was awful!!!
  15. Thanks! Off to Wendy's then to Crappy to get two..
  16. What a waste..But they had a nice border guard to let them in:buttkick:, immigrate to Canada ? So we let boat loads of others in: So whats two more!!
  17. God Speed. Prayers sent.
  18. This may sound strange. When I worked at a Volvo truck dealer, We serviced the European truck clutch slaves with a rig made up of a windshield washer pump. This was setup to flow brake fluid up from the ww pump to the slave to the master, this would eliminate the bubbles and the need for pedal bleed, this is also the way to do this as I have done i this way for years. Any one here ever done this way before? 1) Trico WW pump 2)1/4x4ft clear washer hose. to be connected to the fluid (drill the brake fluid cap insert the hose. Connect to the input of the pump, output to the slave open bleeder. Make sure the master is semi empty .You need a turkey baster empty the master.. 3) 5ft 14 g insulated wire,black,red. 4) 2 insulated alligator clips to be soldered to the clips, and to the pump wires wired for proper polarity. B+, Neg- for the battery connection. also a momentary switch (Radio shack, Napa, Auto Zone) and some shrink tube for insulation.. 5) New dot 4 Brake fluid. 6) Power point, Battery 12 volt source. Make a mount for the pump, fluid container. source out the bikes battery connect and go to bleed the system. this will also do any bike brake system to. have fun with this fun hobby, Mike R... So I hope you have the skills to make this up it's fairly ezy..
  19. Yes the Gage set seem to bounce more.. I just bought a new Morgan 4 carb tune, still in shipping. Can't wait for this to arrive. Goggle the Morgan Carb tune , very good website, checkout out..
  20. Boy this is funnier than yuck yucks..
  21. I'm in for 5. where do ya send the paypal to?:mo money:
  22. As per the correction's I received tonight, I have corrected the post. Still want to see the pics of the tongue test..lol:buttkick::smash2::pushups:
  23. Stator may have winding burned out. Bike barn has them in stock. You should look in the forum for More info. ask the guys about the regulator upgrades to a high output mosfet type ,,good luck..:photographing:pics please
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