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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Mike Power


  • Location
    Turner Valley, Canada


  • City
    Turner Valley


  • Home Country


  • Interests
    biking, some woodworking, accordion, computer, bread making
  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Royal Star Venture
  1. Ok Thanks.
  2. Thanks Mariner Fan. That looks like a good deal. Some of the players and Ipods I saw today were quite pricey. I will definitley check that one out.
  3. I checked out both ipods and mp3s today and they both have an output to speakers which requires a 3.5mm jack. Now if I plug this jack from either an ipod or mp3 player into the cassette deck input, it should work right and I will get it on my bike speakers??
  4. Thanks for all the responses. Actually Ipod was the first thing that came to mind but MP3 would be just fine. Ok Thanks.
  5. I have a 2008 venture and would like to get rid of my cassette deck and install what? I don't want to stock cds in the bike but I suppose if I have to I would. I would prefer a USB hook up to plug in an Ipod. Is there anything like that available ? Tks.
  6. Can someone point me to the maintenance manual mentioned above. My navigation skills are rather limited as you can tell.
  7. I have been looking at both bikes for sale and googled in both. Amazingly I found many more Voyagers for sale rather than the Venture. Since the Voyager is new, it made me wonder if perhaps buyers didn't like what they had bought. Definitely food for thought anyway.
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