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Everything posted by ferroussphinx

  1. my youngest son is my shadow more so than any of my four kids ever when i put on my hat he wants his on so with that being said he also has been on short short rides with me before on my cousins bike and with my cousin he loves four wheeling and motorcycles when i had my seca turbo he would run to the garage every time it was open and climb on to the saddle so in short thank you 1. no trips for him longer then around my half block 2 my wife wants us to have matching out fits lol (shes crazy) 3 we both want him getting used to safety gear while he is young
  2. Me too and thanks
  3. :322:i am looking for a helmet to fit my almost three year old son any help would be awesome
  4. cancel that i remembered to copy and paste man i am glad for wife 2.0 she knows everything now if only i knew how to get her to put gas in the van anyone know the code string to get that embedded???? and that way when i get up to take my loving mom to work the lights not on in the van saying i need gas wait nope nope yea got it uh nevermind i was just handed the manual on man work and somehow its highlighted in red umm ....... yes here it is IIIVI....... subject to change with out exception hello again in this section you will find all male only duties. thru the next three pages with of course new copies updated being printed all the time trash.... 1.2 fuel for any vehicle...2 lawns.....2.5 walking your dumb dog that likes to try and pull the wife down....3 see and they say manauls are dumb ideas and man will never catch on thanks honey
  5. TRUE OR NOT email it to me so i can send it to my uncle he will love it!!!!!!!! pstockton@hotmail.com
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