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Everything posted by short-haul

  1. if you can get some 4 extra large extra tall or 4 extra large I would take 2or 3 and have no problem paying in advance I know they cost more to have done but I do not look good with my belly hanging out
  2. Thanks all going to pick it up the 13 of aug
  3. rumor has it that I did
  4. I am in to and howdy everone
  5. could also just be loss lug nut when you sine the paper work at most tire stores it tell you to recheck the lug torque after so many miles I hope they were not left loss it will ruining a rim in a short time cause pulsation and a clicking noise. improper torque sequence will also cause a pulsation so will a bad tire
  6. eagleeye here is one of it as of last weekend I have got 3 months to finish it and looks like it will be go Cody:fingers-crossed-emohttp://www.ratrodsrule.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=56564&d=1300648865ing to codyhttp://www.ratrodsrule.com/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=56938&d=1301250854
  7. Well I sold the bike and trailer to a new member out of North Carolina they picked it up this morning. Hated to see it go but due to a wrist injury I haven't been able to ride since last May and it just was not fair to the bike to have it sit. I still have planes to be in Cody for the rally look for me in a 1939 Plymouth Rat Rod. I still will be here if any one needs help on there bike. Plans are if they get my wrist taken care of in the next year, I will buy a new venture in 2 years if Yamaha has up graded the Venture if not look for a used again Everyone have a great summer
  8. It is really hard to tell with out having the parts in my hand but from what I can see I would say the rod stretched and bumped the head and that bent the rod and it came apart My reason for this is. It looks like there are some small indents in the piston top( in the valve relief are) where contact was made you might see more evidence on the bottom of the head or pull the valves and see if they are still true. We know that it has a rev limiter, but rpm can exceed the safe limits of the motor on down hill grades or by dropping it in to a lower of a gear and raising the rpm to high.I think the clutch would show damage if this happen I would think its a safe bet that it was just a bad rod and Yamaha will replace the hole motor I know if this was a Cadillac and I was still at a Cadillac dealership I could sell this to the district reps and get the hole job warrantied
  9. I haven't rode since May when I screwed up my left hand. Tuesday I have surgery then hopefully back to riding:fingers-crossed-emo
  10. I like let the biding start I need to get 4(more if they only had pockets) I guess my others are now collectibles:missingtooth:
  11. The 84 I bought in Aug. had 4and5 out The pin for 4Th gear was missing replaced the part ( cam, pins and gasket about $85) and good as new:banana: Hat to admit it but I like it better them my 04:doh:
  12. I have a 45X54 metal shop and heat it with 1- 7grate Dearbore space heater( from the 60) I can kept it 75 deg on a day when it is 20 deg outsidejust wish I could afored to aircondation it and then pay the elect bill
  13. Are you going to order up some cooler weather:stickpoke: If I am free( never know with school buses) I am in let me know where and when and if possible I will be there
  14. as long as it has a tape deck or 8-track it will sell like hot cakes :crackup::crackup:
  15. I have a frount and rear I bought to get chromed, and they are sitting in the garage. It would be 2 weeks before I could ship the due to classes. But you could pick them up any time or if you can Wait I could ship them later. I live on the north side of Fort Worth
  16. I have a Snap-on 110 unit that will weld up to 3/16 with stitch and spot settings welds excellent I bought it new in the early 80 for $1800. it has been a very good welder built lots of cars and building with it ( my shop) over the years It will be for sale in the near future ($300) I am currently looking at a larger unit 220 volt If you would be intrested in it I live in fort worth about 60 miles from you you can come by and run some wire through it currently have .030 wire in it but also have some .023 if you want to try sheet metal If you want a new one go with Miller , Lincoln, or Esad. by the largest you can afford. The Miller 212 auto set is what I got for the school it is idiot proof just set one dial for the size of wire on the spool , the set the other dial for the thickness of steel and start welding the welder set everything else
  17. do not know about here but when I ride 2 up which is most of the time. driver 395# passenger 175# plus trailer and never had a problem
  18. See school bus yellow looks good on everything Good looking job so far looks like a goldwing color:thumbsup2:
  19. congrats on your accomplishment
  20. yea where the pictures I thought the rules were if you bought some thing and came on to brag about it you had to post pictures
  21. They will work just fine as is and will help with emissions to
  22. paid for not picked up 1XLgray, 1XXXL gray PM sent
  23. so how do we go about paying (pay pal or check?)
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