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Everything posted by OB-1

  1. 1st ride of the year, today! Snow and ice finally melted off the gravel and the mud was dry enough to make it out to the pavement. Yahoo! Once I hit the pavement I went to Sundance and promptly rode over several large patches of wet ice on the road. Then down to Newcastle, lots of snow between Sundance and Newcastle, just not on the road, and a cool 42F for a ways. Then over to Moorcroft and back to house. About 140 miles of pure bliss. I am so ready for riding season!
  2. I tried a CT and didn't like it. If you search you'll find my write-up. For me, the CT had better traction on gravel and better rear wheel braking, but my bike had a slight wobble that just never went away regardless of different tire pressures. Low speed manuvers were no problem at all, but when pushing the bike at speed into hard corners the rear tire would break loose without warning. In my opinion, the CT required me to give up some of the handling of a good motorcycle, so I went back to a MC tire. Some people like CT's and swear by them, but I'll stick with MC tires on my RSV. I think a CT would be terrific on a side-car rig and if I ever get another side hack I'll put a CT back on my RSV.
  3. The photos are a bit fuzzy, but that looks like a nut that is often supplied with small lead-acid batteries. Many of the batteries that fit our bikes have a rectangular hollow post. This nut slides into the hollow part of the post. The screw/bolt that attaches the cables then screws into the nut. Of course it could be something else... And now for the Smart-A$$ answer that must accompany all requests for technical information: Don't worry about the nut on the floor. You're supposed to have extra parts left over after any maintenance/repair job.
  4. We have Clearview's biggest windshield on our 06 RSV. I would say that it reduces the gas mileage at speed. We typically get 30-32 mpg at 80mph riding two up. I believe we were closer to 35mpg before changing the windshield. YMMV
  5. I tried a CPAP machine for a while. It did keep me from snoring, which really pleased my wife, but it provided no other tangible benefit. These days, my wife uses a CPAP and ear plugs. I sleep just fine without a CPAP.
  6. Natural gas service was turned off in New Orleans after Katrina. We had several customer's that had to make emergency conversions to propane or diesel. Every fuel source has it's drawbacks.
  7. As the other posts have already stated; odds are it's the fuel pump or the ignition switch. There are plenty of threads on both problems and both problems can be fixed without expensive Yamaha parts. Good Luck!
  8. I use Rotella T6 5W40 full synthetic in my 06 RSV. No problems and no oil consumption.
  9. We have an 06 RSV. The owner's manual states that the maximum speed that cruise control will set or hold is 80mph. On my speedometer the cruise will set at approximately 86-87mph. My GPS reads 80mph at a speedometer indicated 86-87mph. Therefore, I conclude that the speedometer error is intentional. The one benefit of the true 80mph cruise control is that I don't have to worry about speeding tickets on the Interstate out here in the western states with 75mph speed limits. I just use the GPS for a speedometer.
  10. Yesterday was exceptionally nice here in NE Wyoming too! We still have a bit of snow on the ground. I was going to try and make out to clear gravel, (still have 1/2 mile of snow covered gravel), but my wife convinced me to saddle up the horses and go for a ride with her. The horses don't slip near as much on the snow as I do on the Venture. Last year at this time we had over three feet of snow on the ground.
  11. I went back to Berryman's B-12. It's $3.97 at WalMart:happy34:
  12. I've been through the same issues more times than I care to remember. I carry an Air Card and use it when the hotel internet connection is slow or has problems. The G-4 has pretty good connect speeds when it's available.
  13. I rode an original Venture, (1981 XS-Eleven Venture), over Monarch Pass during a snow storm in mid May of 81. It wasn't much fun, but the bike and I survived.
  14. Hey Goose! What sort of improvement can one expect after adjusting the floats from 0.28 to 0.34? Will there be a noticable increase in power or fuel mileage? Thanks!
  15. My wife took a piece of an old black T-shirt and a bit of elastic and made a gas cap cover for our bike. Works like a champ!
  16. I think you got an excellent deal all the way around!
  17. So, how do you like the new shock? Is the handling and/or ride improved?
  18. At least you're okay. The bike can be repaired or replaced.
  19. I don't think I could remember the route...
  20. :sign yeah that: I used a large nail as punch when I vented the filler neck on our RSV. I put four evenly spaced holes in the filler neck.
  21. I'd like to put louder pipes on our bike, but the key word is "our" bike. My wife doesn't care for loud exhaust at all. The closest I get to loud pipes is starting the bike without mufflers when changing the rear tire. That V-4 really sounds sweet without mufflers! I imagine that your baffle-less pipes are pretty close to no mufflers at all. That would be down right obnoxious if it wasn't such a sweet mellow sound, but it sure is LOUD!
  22. Not knocking the new speakers, but I would "guess" that the baffles have more of an impact on sound quality and perceived volume than the speakers themselves. Nice write up, but Bubber doesn't really need it as his speakers were shipped on 6/31/11 and since there is no 6/31/11 his speakers, like "Free Beer Tomorrow" probably won't get to him.
  23. Yep, and the studs on the seats:whistling:
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