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Everything posted by OB-1

  1. The charging system isn't working. I recommend checking all the connections first since everything was working and quit while riding. If you're lucky you'll find an unplugged or loose connection.
  2. We'll all know a lot more once you have a voltmeter. One possible cause is a sorted cell in the battery.
  3. I would have them check the rear shock. With only 9k miles it's probably okay, but these are known weakness on the RSV.
  4. Same thing happened to my wife's parents some years ago. First her Dad past away and then 59 days later her Mom. Both were suffering and both were relived of their pain and now are enjoying eternity together in Heaven, but those left behind sure miss them. Prayers sent for your peace and to ease the pain of your loss.
  5. Glad everything worked out for you! :backinmyday:Several years ago a collection agency out of Rawlins, WY, started hounding me for a debt that wasn't mine. The debtor had the same last name as me, but different first names and dates of birth. I sent the collection agency a letter stating that it wasn't my debt and not to contact me again. That didn't get anywhere so I called the Wyoming Attorney Generals Office and spoke with them. They contacted the collection agency and in a couple of weeks I got a letter of apology from the collection agency. Case closed, or so I thought. A couple of months later I'm served with papers saying I'm being sued by the collection agency. Again, I called the Wyoming Attorney Generals Office. They contacted the collection firm and twisted their arm until they dismissed the lawsuit with prejudice, meaning that they couldn't refile the suit or a similar suit. About a year later, the same collection agency put a report of a bad debt on my credit report. Again I contacted the Wyoming Attorney Generals Office and again they intervened and the collection agency retracted the report and notified all my creditors that they were in error. We haven't heard from them for several years now. Some of these collection agencies just hound people until they send them $$$. If I had needed to hire an attorney to handle this it would have simply been cheaper to pay the debt I didn't owe. Fortunately, the Wyoming Attorney Generals Office went after the collection agency for me.
  6. We put the largest Clearview windshield on our bike a few years ago and it really improved the ride for my wife. She gets substantially less wind buffeting with the larger windshield. On long rides my wife usually listens to her own music/talks via her mp3 player and ear buds. Occasionally I've found her chatting on her cellphone. She usually just dials the number and then stuffs the phone under her helmet next to her ear. She calls it a red neck hands-free cell phone. The other thing we've done on long rides is to plan short days, about 300 miles. She's done 600 mile days, but she ain't been happy about it, and we all know where that leads...
  7. Thanks for all the kind replies. It's gonna be cold and wet here this weekend so I'll get started on the repair process. I'm going to split the fairing so I might as well join the relay club and start installing all the relays I've acquired. Might even relay the ignition switch so I won't need to worry about it going south. Probably going to live with the scratches as I can't see spending $$$ on appearance parts with all the gravel riding living here requires.
  8. Thanks for doing your duty. There's some sick perverted people out there, but now, in part thanks to you, one of them will be out of circulation for a while. Thanks Again!
  9. Did you guys know that you can easily carry seven 12-packs of your favorite canned beverage without breaking the packs? You could easily carry more if you broke open the packs.
  10. Crashed the bike last night coming home in the rain. No problem on the pavement or the county gravel road, but I only made it 1/4 mile down the road to the house before the front wheel started skidding in the mud. I was in first gear going slow, but the bike acts like a pig on ice when the front tire starts sliding... And down I went. It pitched me off the left side as it hit the ground. I'm fine, but unfortunately the bike isn't. I was able to pick it up and ride it out of the ditch and on down to the house. Adrenaline is a wonderful thing! Driving light mount is bent, lower left side fairing is busted, left crash bars bent, windshield and fairing scratched, and where the rear left speaker is also cracked. Could have been worse. Just last week we were just talking with the neighbors about buying some more gravel for our road...
  11. OB-1

    MSF Course

    One of the best TDY's I had while in the USAF was for two weeks to become an MSF certified instructor. It is still hard to believe that they actually paid me to go ride motorcycles. Of course that was a very long time ago...
  12. I've only been called for Jury duty twice and I was the first one booted off the potential jury both times. In the first case I was booted by the defense and by the prosecution in the second. I really would like to serve, but one side or the other seems to take umbrage at my answers to their questions.
  13. What did you use for a replacement shock?
  14. Shortly after the dawn of time, when I was a young man, I learned to ride a motorcycle on the streets of Athens, Greece. At that time in Athens the lane lines were painted on the road simply to give someone a job as they, and all other traffic control devices, had no real meaning for traffic. The largest vehicle, usually with the loudest horn, simply took the right-of-way and no one who wanted to live bothered to argue the point. Everyone followed these rules so the carnage wasn’t near what we here in North America would expect. Motorcycles were expected to split the lanes and other drivers would often get irate if the motorcycle took a “whole lane” in traffic. Large fast motorcycles were expected to weave their way through traffic at alarming rates of speed, and since this was expected, the carnage wasn’t as bad as “we” might expect. Fortunately, God decided I should live through my adrenaline junky ways and I survived, intact, despite hitting a car broadside at 35mph. (The car ran a stop sign coming into my lane from behind a parked bus.) I sustained no injury despite flying over the car, at 35mph, and sliding down the street for an amazing distance. My riding style didn’t change once my bike was repaired. After several years of this behavior I returned to the USA, where the rules of the road are different, very different. These people even expected me to get a motorcycle endorsement on my driver’s license, and I had to take a riding test too! I bought a brand new XS-Eleven and stayed around home for the three long days it took to get my stateside motorcycle endorsement and the 600-mile inspection on the new Yamaha. Then I set out for parts south and west where it was warmer than Ohio in early May. And I was absolutely insulted by the national 55mph speed limit. 55mph on a Yamaha XS-Eleven! What idiot thought of that? Somehow I managed to avoid any entanglements with law until I found myself in the deserts of Arizona and with the bike over the Yamaha mandated 5000-mile break-in period. The 5000 mile mark was important as it meant there were no longer any rev limits on the engine and I was free to let her breath that rarified 8500rpm red line air, and I did. Unfortunately, an Arizona State Trooper took umbrage at my speed and gave chase. I calculated the odds, dropped two gears, and the chase was on. The Yamaha pulled a full 9000rpm in 5th gear before I backed her down and thankfully the State Trooper was nowhere to be seen. About that time, God decided to impress upon my mind and soul that I wasn’t good, or lucky, but very divinely blessed and protected and He had enough of my adrenaline junky ways. That was the end of my wild riding, right there and then. I made it out of Arizona without further incident, although there were six cop cars waiting at the state line. I’m not sure why they were there or who they might be looking for, but I was minding my P’s & Q’s riding at a sedate 55mph. Hopefully, the riders in the videos posted above will have their “Devine Appointment” before they hurt themselves or someone else.
  15. The long end is the pointer:backinmyday:
  16. Let's all remember that this happened in Mexico... Based upon the description of events in the article, the noise from these guys bikes sent some of the crowd into a panic thinking the large public square full of people was under attack, something that has happened in Mexico. Some people were trampled according to article, so there was some injury. This is similar to yelling "FIRE" in a crowded theater. According to the article, Mexican law defines terrorism as acts that "produce alarm, terror or fear in the population ... to disturb the public peace or try to undermine government authority." These guys and their loud bikes appear to have done just that. I think the best advice is to avoid large crowds, especially in Mexico and especially when you have loud pipes on your bike.
  17. Thank YOU JESUS! Amen!
  18. The best DQ in SD is in Spearfish! Why? Because it's the closest DQ to our home! The best DQ is always the closest DQ. Real Bikers never pass a DQ without stopping! Nice website. Thanks for the find!
  19. The things one can get away with in Louisiana when the local law knows you're on their side...
  20. Side cars can be a lot of fun, especially with kids. I put a side car on a Yamaha XS1100 back in the early 80's when my kids were little. The side car I had took about 5-minutes to connect or disconnect from the bike once it was all set up. The side car had a roll bar, seat belt, and convertible top with zip-in windows. Riding with a side car is a whole new experience. Simon would look really good riding in a side car!
  21. Lehman Trikes of Spearfish has suspended operations and may not reopen. Read more: http://rapidcityjournal.com/news/local/communities/spearfish/spearfish-trike-manufacturer-suspends-operations/article_721462a2-6e50-11e1-bfac-001871e3ce6c.html#ixzz1pCGNvENF
  22. This is a VERY GOOD REASON to use a relay!
  23. I've spent the better part of my adult life working with and teaching about large batteries and complex DC systems that make our modern life possible, so I'd like to clarify some of the statements about AGM batteries. I offer these clarifications to inform our members and in no way mean to disrespect or offend "Saddlebum" or anyone else. My comments are in bold red:
  24. I feel your pain. Last year it was late May before we were able to get out on the bike.
  25. You'll enjoy the E-3's after running 404's. I typically get 12k or so out of the rear and around 15k out of the front.
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