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Everything posted by OB-1

  1. OB-1

    My aching back

    Everyone's body reacts differently. What works for me might not work for you and vice-versa. That said, I would defer surgery as long as possible. As others have stated, chiropractic care can often help. I think gentle manipulation is better than forceful cracking, but that's just my opinion based upon my wife's and my experiences. My wife had L5-3 fused three years ago. She is certainly better off now than before surgery, but she was just told today that pain management is as good as it's gonna get, she's been through everything else. She still gets some relief from a Chiropractor that uses gentle manipulation. I recommend that you do what you can to maintain and improve your physical conditioning. I think that building/maintaining good trunk, (back, abdomen, & chest), and leg muscles are critical for reduced pain. Just be careful and take it easy as you don't want to aggravate things. Good luck and prayers for relief and healing sent...
  2. Congratulations on the new bike!
  3. Got any photos of the completed installation in the daylight? I like the mod, but I would like to see how the installation looks.
  4. We've got an Avon Venom on the rear. That tire was put on last summer and has about 6000 miles on it now. No cracking and the tire handles fine. Like a few other people here, I typically don't get good mileage on rear tires. The best mileage rear tire so far has been the now nonexistent Michelin Commander. We'll see this summer how long the Avon holds up...
  5. Sorry the "white frozen gift' didn't make to ya!:rotf: I'm so ready for warm weather. Besides being a long cold snowy winter it's been hard on the bank account too... We've spent nearly $1000 on diesel, destroyed the hydraulic tilt cylinders on the plow, put nearly 10 pounds of welding rod into plow repairs, blew the drive belt on the Polaris ATV, and managed to move 40 tons or so of gravel off the drive into the grass, (never to be recovered), all in trying to keep our driveway and road passable, (plus the neighbors drives, the church parking lot, etc.). I do like plowing snow, but this winter kinda pegged-out my fun meter. Now, if the sun will come out and dry out the mud a bit I can get the bike out and go for a ride! In +42,000 mile of riding this RSV I still haven't mastered the art of getting through deep slimy mud, :confused24:and I probably won't work on that skill today either.
  6. We had quite a snow storm, but it melted almost as fast as it came down. We probably did get the moisture of 5+ inches of snow, but this morning we have an accumulation of only about 3/4 of an inch and that will be gone later today. The weather maps indicate that the low pressure area is past you so your weather ought to be improving and it doesn't look like you got the wind we had. Good thing too. We're kinda used to the wind here in Wyoming, but this wind was unusually strong for a long time. Looks like you dodged the snowstorm Bubber!
  7. Good Luck! I-75 has a lot of traffic on your intended route.
  8. If I recall correctly, the odometer will now under report the miles traveled by approximately the same percentage of the speedometer correction.
  9. Sorry Ol' buddy, but we're sending more :snow2::snow2: your way! It's snowing here now and we're supposed to get 5+ inches by midnight with a foot or more in the higher Black Hills. Lots of wind too... The critters have all hidden in the barn and the dog won't even go outside:cold::cold: I'm so ready for SUMMER!
  10. Did you lengthen the tongue, or is that the stock length?
  11. Congratulations!:clap2: By the way; Thanks for building a great working high quality lift/jack adapter for our RSV's!
  12. OB-1


    I posted the short story... The check totally, completely, and unequivocally cleared in three days. We worked with the bank to ensure this wasn't some sort of scam.
  13. Our rear shock died last summer on trip to AZ. It bottomed out more and more and the bike would act like the back end was on a pogo stick on some turns. The darn thing even dumped all the air a time or two, but it always held when we refilled it. Our bike was still under warranty so Yamaha put on a new shock for us. I think we'll pony up the bucks for a "Works" shock when this shock goes out.
  14. OB-1


    We sold a Ford Excursion to a guy in Canada last year and never met him or anyone else. The short story; he sent a cashiers check from a Montana bank. We deposited it and waited for it to clear which took three days. We then Faxed a copy of the title and bill of sale to the port of entry the buyer wanted to use. Then we gave the buyer the combination to the door lock and left the Excursion, with all the paperwork and keys in the glove box, at the Gillette, WY airport for the buyer to pick up.
  15. Don't the front turn signals do that now?
  16. :sign yeah that:
  17. Which high output stator did you use?
  18. I also replaced the 4-year old battery in our 06 this weekend. My wife asked me why I replaced it since it still started the bike. (Apparently forgetting that her husband makes his living designing, analyzing, and testing battery systems...) So I answered her question with a question. I asked her, "Do you remember push starting our bike in Montana after the battery died back in 06? Her response; "I'm really glad you changed that old battery!"
  19. I imagine that you're feeling more crosswind input to the handle bars than you experienced with your 1st Gen. This would be expected given the handle bar/fork mounted fairing on the 2nd Gen vs the frame mounted fairing on the 1st Gen. I felt the same thing when I upgraded to the 2nd Gen in 06. I don't even notice the wind driven handle bar input anymore and have no trouble riding with no hands in most stout crosswinds, (except for whacks to the back of my helmeted head by my wife:no-no-no:). Last summer we spent a few hours enduring 50+mph cross winds while driving through a sand storm on the Navajo Nation heading south to Gallop, NM. It was certainly an endurance run, but the crosswinds didn't seem to add input to the handlebars. My personal preference is for a frame mounted fairing. I was quite skeptical of the expected handling of the 2nd Gen's handle bar/fork mounted fairing back when I made the switch. Fortunately my bias and concern were totally unfounded.
  20. I just put a NAPA 1358 filter on my bike this afternoon with no leaks and no problems.
  21. You're Welcome!:rotf: Oh, by the way, it's presently mostly sunny 52F with light winds... Unfortunately, I'll be spend most of the rest of today raking the rocks that used to be on my driveway, (having been moved with the snow into the yard via the snow plow), into piles for later redepositing onto the driveway.
  22. We were forecast to have some serious snow yesterday, but we decided to send it on east so you Minnesotan's could have some more "fun". So, yesterday afternoon, instead of snow, we had clear sky's, a stiff west wind and temps in the low 50's. Good enough weather for nice ride past Devil's Tower...
  23. OB-1


    The article posted by Condor is right on the money; which is why I asked the pertinent questions of how much gasoline and how much has the truck been driven with the gasoline/diesel mixture. The details make all the difference in the world. A one time use of a little gasoline in a lot of diesel will have few, if any, perceptible affects. A lot of gasoline in a little diesel will have serious to catastrophic results. A little gasoline in a lot of diesel used over a lot of miles will have a negative, (as in not good), affect. Years ago, with high sulfur diesel, a person could get away with a light gas/diesel mixture, but not today.
  24. OB-1


    How much gasoline did you put into your diesel truck and how far has it been driven since the gas was added?
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