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    Eatontown, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
  • Bike Year and Model
    yamaha 2006 RSTD

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  1. Crap....I guess I've been suckered by my son. I kept saying NO to the sportbikes because I thought they were too fast for a first bike. But I guess he suckered me into thinking that because it was a 650 it wasn't that fast. I guess I should have done some homework before agreeing..........
  2. Damn....so your saying I should start thinking of excuses now , before break-in is over?
  3. Well the time has come, my son (22) got his first bike. He didn't get a cruiser like I hoped he got a kawasaki Ninja 650r. I have never liked those bikes but I did ride his home,and was very suprised at how comfortable the bike is. I'm sure we will be doing alot of riding together and I have one question I was wondering. After the bike goes through break-in, I'm sure the time will come when we stop at a light and someone will feel froggy. So the question is when that time comes and I'm sure it will .... Who's gonna spank who? The Ninja or RSTD? Inquiring minds want to know.............
  4. I used the LEDs from custom dynamics http://www.customdynamics.com/Yamaha_tail_retro.htm and I must say that they are bright even in the day.
  5. Well, for those interested I just recieved my carbtune today. I ordered jan. 7 and recieved feb. 14. Just in time the weathers getting better, I got to go for a ride yesterday and Friday is supposed to be about 65 here. I think I'm calling in sick for work on Fri. and riding all day.
  6. I was just wondering if anyone knew if you could use this http://www.cyclesolutions.net/product/sku-GM-Y122 to bring the handle bars on a 2006 RSTD back 1 1/2 inches towards the rider. In this drawing http://www.monmouthcycles.com/fiche_section_detail.asp?section=200100&category=motorcycles&make=YAMAHA&year=2006&fveh=4551 it looks like you could put it between 11 & 13 to bring the bars closer. Thanks in adv. for any help
  7. I just orderd one jan. 7.....guess I have a while to wait

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  9. Yeah that's the one, I have the rivco centerstand so I guess that will keep the oil in?
  10. Ok...stupid question...I have the V-four timing chain cover to replace the yamaha one. Question is, when I take the old cover off does fluid come out? Do I need to drain the oil first? I also have the water pump V-four cover and I know I have to drain the antifreeze but not sure about the TC cover. Thanks for any help
  11. After trying a louder exhaust (barons 424). That seemed to help untill I got used to them or the whine got LOUDER. Well I decided after reading many posts on the subject to try the I basket. Went to my dealer and explained the problem, he checked with yamaha and ordered the I basket. After reading so many horror stories about the dealers not wanting to do this under warranty I thought I would have to argue but that was not the case. Dealer ordered the part and I checked that it was the I basket when it came in. I dropped the bike off yesterday and he called for me to pick up today. I must say that I'm AMAZED at how quiet it is. I'm VERY happy I had this done. Now I only hope it stays this quiet I guess only time will tell. Here's a link of the whine.....[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzN9EMtI0_s]YouTube - Yamaha royal star tour deluxe whine?[/ame] and I will try to post one of how it sounds now this weekend.
  12. Here's yet another view. Once again ALL traffic signs observed. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gDarCGj3qcU]YouTube- Go Pro Behind.wmv[/ame]
  13. Barons 424 slipons. I can't hear any whining with the sound of those. I make sure to gas it a little at intersections so cars are sure to hear. Getting the louder mufflers was the wifes Idea,she said she couldn't hear the stock ones . I looked for the loudest I could find.....who am I to argue hehehe.
  14. Not much being posted in videos, so I tried a different view. I even think I stopped at all stop signs [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7yZ8IDIQPeM]YouTube- Go Pro Side Mount.MP4[/ame] .
  15. Barons 424 slipons. I'm not caring too much about the whine now.
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