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Bill W.

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Everything posted by Bill W.

  1. Are you sure it's the rear shock leaking, and not the hose and/or the valve body?? My rear shock wouldn't hold air, I finally got under the bike and pulled the shock off. After checking all of the hose fitting o-rings, no leak was found. I did have a bad o-ring in the rear shock solenoid of the valve body. It is a pain to do, but check all of the o-rings between the shock and the valve body, even the ones in the body itself. It just might save you several hundred dollars. Or, if you have the cash, just buy a new Progressive rear shock, and be done with it!! Life is all about choices!!
  2. How about a special deal to all those 1985 Venture riders out there from Iowa, who are left handed hockey playing veterans, who want the anti-dive kit AND the stainless steel de-link line kit????? After all, it is SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!!!;);););) In all seriousness, can the front master cylinder handle both the front calipers?? And, is the fourth hose in the de-link kit for the rear caliper?? I sure could use the upgrade!! Thanks Bill W.
  3. Didn't there used to be a traveling valve shim kit?? Who has it?? If it is still available, I'm going to need it this winter!!
  4. When the story first came out in the local paper, the Omaha World Herald, the only thing the story kept going on about was how good a student this kid was. Seems this wasn't his first brush with drunken driving. The vehicle he had been driving when he ran over the 4 bikers had the breathalizer starting gizmo removed just a few weeks prior. According to the paper, he had blown a .303 back for his first DUI. But he's a great student!!! The article also said that a trace of marijuana was found in his bloodstream. Drunk and high. POS! I'd like to be on that jury!
  5. Not required here at Offutt AFB. It's a 100% ID check, 24/7. We haven't had stickers for a while now.
  6. My RH fairing was almost as bad as those pics. I used Plastex on all the cracks I found, fixed them all. Just scuff up the area around the crack, maybe even grind a little into it, close up the crack best you can, then apply the Plastex in accordance to the instructions. Piece of cake! I used Plastex on all of the plastic parts, even on the pieces around the speakers and radio. I think it works great!
  7. Had my first one a year ago. The pharmacy at the USAF hospital here gave me a gallon jug with about a half an inch of powder inside. It was called GoLytely. Yeah, right! "Fill it to the top, and be sure to drink it all" I was told. After the third glass, be within a couple of steps of the toilet!! Mixing in some Crystal Lite makes it taste a lot better. The prep is the worst part, followed closely by your body ridding itself of the air the Doc uses in his quest for polips.
  8. Told the wife I was just going out for a little ride the other day, ended up half way to Des Moines before I turned around. I love this bike!! Gotta find someone to fix/replace/whatever to my seat cover. It's getting pretty ragged. Any ideas??
  9. I was always told that if you're going to do something, then do it well. I'd say you got all of that one, Mike!! Thought it looked a little hazy across the river the other day!
  10. Bill W.


    Just got done reading an article on a website http://www.Blackfive.com. The writer is part of an American Legion Legacy ride to Milwaukee. He has been blogging about the ride for a few days now. The part that caught my eye was this: -Some of the 'non-American bike' riders made a request to be able to start their bikes before the Harley's do. Seems they can't tell when their bikes are running after the Harley's kick in... What a hoot!! At a gas or food stop, it must be like a NASCAR race when all the Harleys are running!!
  11. Add me to your list, 1 each Bi-Xenon light dohickey!
  12. I put mine on the center stand whenever the bike is in the garage. I always check the pressure in the morning before going to work. Holds pressure a lot better now that I replaced all the stinkin' leaky o-rings on the valve body!!
  13. While you are poking around the valve assembly, go ahead and replace the o-rings on all of the hose connections. Especially on the front and rear hose banjo bolt connections, if I remember correctly, there is an o-ring on either side of the fitting. Go to your local True Value, or suitable substitute, and spend a couple of bucks on replacement o-rings. You'll be glad you did!!
  14. Search the tech tips for the resistor mod... http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=489
  15. Looks like... But I had to go out to the garage to look to be sure. Darned if I could tell the difference, other than the Yamaha emblem on the caliper. At least my contact pattern on the rear rotor is all the way across it. I owe it all to clean living and this forum!!!
  16. I was out yesterday, but up around Fremont via Mo Valley. There were a lot of bikes on the roads, but it was a beautiful day for riding. An easy 100 miles or so. Felt good to get out!!
  17. Pull the front brake on and rock the bike back and forth. Shouldn't be any play or movement in the steering head bearings. As said before, you can do this while you're checking the front forks for sagging/bottoming out/ oil leaks etc., etc.
  18. The 85 trunk is removable. 86 and up have a better/taller backrest and armrests, with the backrest taller than the trunk lid. The 85 trunk backrest is the same height as the trunk lid.
  19. After pulling out the rear linkage to install zerks and fix a bad bushing, I see that there is oil leaking from the boot on the swingarm. And has been for a while, from the looks of it. I guess I need to replace the oil seal on the middle gear. So, after getting the swingarm off, do I pull the entire Ujoint/shaft/assembly off of the engine, and then take the yoke off of the shaft??? Or, can I get the yoke off the shaft and replace the seal without doing all that??? I've also heard bad things about removing/installing the rubber boot. Am I worrying for nothing?? This is uncharted territory for me, I don't want to mess this up!!!
  20. Always had to sit after filling up to let the engine cool a bit. It will be good to be able to gas and go!! I guess I'll go out and pull the rear shock and put grease fittings in the linkage. One less thing to do later!! Nice ride, Mike. It still amazes me that these bikes can look and perform as well as they do as old as they are. Just goes to show what a little TLC can do, eh????
  21. Making sure you get positive wire to positive speaker connection, negative to negative. Use good rosin core solder, and heatshrink or liquid tape the soldered connections. Helps keep the nasties out, and the electrons in!!
  22. It's been nice enough around here to get out. I'm still waiting for the battery cables... Oh, well. It's still only the second week in April!!
  23. We could play with it on Maintenance Day??? Still doing that???
  24. When I pulled all the plastic off my Venture, the bracket holding the radio/cassette amplifier was broken in one spot. It rattled about alot!!!
  25. After troubleshooting my 'problem' for almost an hour, it finally dawned on me what had transpired. I went into the house and asked my loving wife to kick me in the behind. She said "Why? Are you working on your motorcycle again?" I do love her dearly!! Returning to the garage, swearing the entire time to myself, I then took the speedo assembly back off the bike and fixed the needle problem. It is said that the hardest learned lessons are the ones you never forget. Ain't it the truth, brother!! Glad to be of assistance! Isn't this a great forum???
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