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Bill W.

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Everything posted by Bill W.

  1. While you're poking around under there, make sure the oil's not coming from the seal on the middle drive gear. Mine was dripping a bit, thought it was a gasket. Nope, it's always the hard way for my Venture!
  2. After having another fork seal blow out on my way home from work the other day, I've decided to take the plunge and put newer forks and calipers on my 85. Already ordered new seals, dust covers, and assorted bushings to rebuild my Ebay purchased forks from an 87 Venture. My brakes are already delinked (thanks Earl!), it should be a piece of cake, once all of my parts get here. Never did like bleeding brakes, but that's why I have a vacuum bleeder. Already have a master cylinder from an 86 on the bike, so braking should be good once I'm done. I've replaced seals and bushings, I've sanded and polished, buffed and cleaned upper tubes til I'm blue in the face, and the seals still leak. I've nearly every thread on this site about fork seals, and I'm tired of changing a seal every time I run over a bump in the road. I've changed everything except the lowers, that's why I'm going with newer stuff. My 85 just turned over 56K miles, most of them mine. It's a good running bike, starts every morning, still gets 40 MPG(only if I keep it under 70) and I'm a happy owner. And because of this site and all of the good people that post here, I've learned things about my bike that I would have never guessed, and performed maintenance I would've never tried on my own. I'm hoping this will be an easy task, with no surprises. Call me crazy, but I am looking forward to this swap. It's something I've never done before, it'll be fun to do, and the end result will be completely worth the effort. Plus, if I run into trouble, answers are only a couple of mouse clicks away!
  3. Thanks Mike. I'll let you know if I need them. Replaced the bushings, put in my last new seal, put it all back together. Put about 60 miles on the bike today, no leaks. Flat washer under the seal, not-so-flat one above. We shall see... Has anyone noticed how quickly certain maintenance actions can be performed, after doing them repeatedly?? For example, I can have either front fork torn completely down, starting from scratch, in about 20 minutes. I'm talking about removing the fender, the front wheel, etc., etc, all of it. Are all of us Venture riders crazy, or is it just me??
  4. Thanks. Did you try Dillon Bros, or did you go straight to online ordering?
  5. Time to do the same to my forks, blew another seal today. Looking at a parts listing, the upper and lower bushings aren't called that. What's the Yamaha name for these bushings?
  6. This is what happens when you don't check the site a lot!! I sure would be interested in one of those brown seats you have, if it's in good shape. Mine is pretty torn up. Is one still available??
  7. Might be a market there for someone wanting to make new seat covers for Ventures. 25 - 30 year old seats need recovering. I'd might be interested in purchasing one! Keep us posted!!
  8. Mark me down for a set. Just one more thing to do before riding season starts!!
  9. I'm going to profess my ignorance here; if the VMax starter will fit a Venture, why is it almost $40 cheaper than a Venture starter?? 4 brushes vs. two? It will only fit certain year Ventures? Someone please enlighten me, inquiring minds want to know!! :confused07::confused07:
  10. Wow!!! You must've gotten the next to last one. They now want $129 before shipping!! Maybe I'll re-build...
  11. Thanks, Jeff. I just knew you were waiting for someone to ask!! Next question... since I'll be in there anyway.... with the header out of the way... does the starter come out easily?? Just a couple of bolts, and it pops right out?? Right?? :confused:Yes??
  12. Soooo.... Because my plastic thermostat cover(#28) is warped and leaking and needs to be replaced, I must purchase: 2 #22 orings 1 #29 oring 1 #28 cover 1 #27 seal 1 thermostat NAPA #156 1 #25 oring for the pipe into the housing I am a firm believer in "if it ain't broke..." however, it sure looks like I'm going have to remove the right front exhaust pipe in order to get in there to work. Is this a necessary evil, or is there a better way?? Also, how hard is it to get the various hoses that connect the pieces together?? Just in case...!! And finally, because I am always curious, I will ask the question - Since I'll be in there anyway... You're up, Jeff!!
  13. Get your squirt bottle of soapy water out and check the valve assembly. Mine was leaking under one of the solenoids. Had to replace a couple of O rings, fixed 'er right up. Oops. Your 85 does have the air suspension system (CLASS), yes?? Look under the trunk, under the trunk mount, under the black plastic cover. The valve body has 3 solenoids on it, 2 bigger ones, and one small. Check the hose connections to the valve body, they also have O rings, even the connectors in the hoses have them. All of this is still easier than changing the rear shock. Cheaper, too!! Good hunting!! Bill W.
  14. Ouch!! That's MY Wally World. The would-be perps have got to be from Omaha, no one in CB would ever think about committing such a heinous crime!! Still alive, yes. Just didn't have much to say!! Bill W.
  15. Which Wally World was this, Mike?? I want to stay away from that one!! When you catch this person, be sure to introduce him to Mr .45 or Mr 40 cal. Leaves a good impression! Bill W.:)
  16. What condition is the seat from the 85 in?? If it's in good shape we could talk a deal!! Bill W.
  17. He's the person I got it from. I think it's a great idea, if I can just get it to work!! It's such a simple circuit, I must have dumb*@!ed it somehow.
  18. Looking to improve my headlight, I was looking through old threads to get some ideas. I found one that sounded good, a circuit to let you start your bike without the headlight coming on when you turn the key on. The rest, as they say, is history... Originally Posted by Bill W. Decided to upgrade to HID. Got a deal on a kit from HID Country. Modded my Venture in accordance to the instructions you had in your post (adding the relay, switch, and flashing LED, getting rid of the RLU). Connected the HID kit, started the bike, and there was the flashing red LED. Cool!! But, when I pushed the button, the voltmeter went down to about 10 volts for a few seconds, and then back to normal. The headlight never came on. One of my fuses was blown, however. I still have an old fuse panel, with the markings gone. It blows the second fuse back from the front. I'm guessing it's the headlight fuse?? I tried this a couple of times, blows the fuse, light never comes on. Your circuit was fairly easy to put together, I've already checked it. I'm hoping (guessing) the the HID kit is bad, and it will be replaced. The bike starts and runs fine, the display works great (I jumped the switches), so I can't believe it is that. Something else, when the key is turned on, but the bike isn't running, is the headlight supposed to work when the button is pushed?? Mine doesn't. I think I've covered it all. Since your circuit was the reason I decided to upgrade, of course it's your fault!! (Kidding!!) I would appreciate any wisdom you might want to throw my way, I'm at a loss here. Thanks Bill W.
  19. Back again! All wiring is correct, according to the schematic. Tried it again with the original light bulb, same result. That's why I was asking about the CMS. Guess I'll have to open it back up and see what I messed up on!! Unless there's some crazy weird problem no one has ever seen before, just my luck! Bill W.
  20. Just checking. Thought it might have something to do with my other problem. I'll re-check everything again!!
  21. Finally took the plunge, and ordered a HID kit. While I had the front of the bike open, I decided to jumper the reed switches, for future considerations. I've seen all of the posts concerning the jumpers, but not on an 85 CMU. My question is this: Do I jumper all 4 of the reed switches, or only certain ones?? Thanks!! Bill W.
  22. Dano, If one of your seats is a brown one in good shape, I'd be interested. Mine's falling apart! Thanks Bill
  23. Come across the river to CB, go to Paul's MC shop on 34th and Broadway. He just happens to have an old 83 out back you might be able to take parts from.
  24. 85 with 43K. I know, I know, I'm a slacker!!
  25. Hey, Snag, what have you heard of the guy who was killed the other day 'test riding' a motorcycle? The paper didn't say much beyond 'hitting a speed bump'.
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