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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Well I can say 5-0 but really its not a big deal because of the 5 teams they played there are only 6 wins among all five and the Giants have 3. So the games against the Fins and the Rams might as well have been against high school teams as they have a combined record of 0-10 ( the 2 worst teams in the NFL) Then would be the Bills at 1-4 also bottom of the barrel. Chicago has nothin at 2-3. So the only semi decent team they played were the Giants who are the only team they played that has a winning record at 3-2 and they are so so. Really the only team that has a shot at going undefeated are the Patriots and with that there are way to many games to go to speculate as anything can happen. So the cowboys being 5-0 at this point of the season playing no one but basement teams doesnt mean much. But you guys enjoy it while you can as it will end and it will probably be sooner than you think. So try this again and say way over rated.
  2. The thing you need to remeber about the cowboys is that it was just Buffallo that they beat and just barely. I wasnt that impressed I mean they almost lost to Buffallo. Here are some pics from the Steeler game a few weeks back (I hate the retro uniforms) and there was no doubt about the game they beat the snot out of Buffallo, just like the cowboys should have. Can you say way over rated. Paul GO STEELERS !!!!!
  4. Buy the property to prevent that kind of stuff from happening again. Paul
  5. I dont think that it is that HD people arent getting hit I think that this is a Yamaha site so you hear about the the bikers down on them. I bet if you go to a HD site you will see the same thing there with the HD riders. Its getting bad for all riders regardless of what you are driving so just be extra careful. Paul
  6. Paul

    Pin striping

    Take your bike and go to a local auto parts store and look through their 3m pinstripe book they should be able to match it up for you. If not exact they will be close enough unless you find someone that will hand paint them on for you. Paul
  7. Yeah I have been looking for a scoot for the wife as well and like you this isnt a good time money wise. But if it were I would be all over this thing for her. Thats my luck. Paul
  8. Yeah same here I was looking at a trailer in Florida and it said something like 200 miles and I got all excited. Then I see where its at and figured it was off by 1000 miles. Paul
  9. I think because we are all out enjoying the end of summer by riding, instead of walking through a parking lot full of HD ripoffs trying to figure out which one is yours:stirthepot: Paul
  10. I sold cars for over 10 years and we also had a Yamaha franchise and the allocation has nothing to do with the size or population of the area you are in. It has to do with the amount sold the previous year. We were in a small rural area and we were out selling a lot of the bigger city dealerships, so we were allocated more than some of the bigger dealers. I think it all came down to having a car selling attitude (do anything you can do to roll another one down the road). Where a lot of motorcycle dealers dont know how to deal, they try to make $2000 on a single deal instead $500 on 4 different deals and then get them for the acessories and service. Selling 4 is a hell of a lot better than selling one when looking at what you will gain with 4 new customers vs. 1. It seems like motorcycle dealers for the most part figure they are top of the heap and you will buy from them and if not someone is standing in line behind you. We were selling between 50 and 75 units a month where the previous owner was rolling only 12-15 a month in the same location. I think these dealers need to go to car selling school and learn how to dicker instead of this is the price here you go buy it or not. These guys buy the franchises with little to no selling knowledge and it makes no difference that they know their product front to back because if they dont know how to work a deal they will leave a lot of people walking out the door. Its all a numbers game and the more sold means that more will be allocated for the next ordering period. Paul
  11. 3m adhesive remover works great and wont harm the paint unless you leave it on for a long time. I use it all the time and you can get it at any auto parts store. Paul
  12. Paul

    Paint Help.

    Any good self etching primer will work cause if not paint will surely peel. Paul
  13. I just got 8 LED accent lights for the bike, i got orange ones and think they will dress it up quite a bit at night. I am curious to see where everyone has put them on the bike? I was thinking of one in the air dam to glow out the front, two on each side, behind the side motor cover to light up both sides of the motor, one on either side of the rear trunk to show off the paint on the lower trunks, and also one under the fairing to light up the flames on the front fender. Where has anyone else put them on their bikes? Paul
  14. $700 is pretty fair I think. When I did mine over the winter I had over $500 just in materials and that is dealer cost. Plus if I remember right there were 26 individual parts that got painted which translated into an unbelievable amount of time. I had well over 100 hours into doing mine, granted it is a lot more than a single solid color but the work is the same less the extra pinstriping and masking for the other colors. When you have your bike all tore down with all the peices laying on the floor then you will actually realize how much work there is and how labor intensive it can be. Paul
  15. I did a similar thing with mine when I was getting dirt in the carbs, but I went one step further. After changing the filter i still had a float sticking because of dirt so I thought. The factory filter is in between the tank and the fuel pump and just a hose from the fuel pump tp the carbs so I cut the line from the pump to the carbs somewhere in the middle and put another filter in there and a new piece of hose from the filter to the carbs thinking it could have been comming from the fuel pump or the fuel line deteriorating and sending stuff into the carbs. Being that the bike is 20 years old I figured better safe than sorry. That was last year and about 10000 miles ago. I have had no problems since (knock on wood). Just something else to think about. Paul
  16. With mine I noticed a little different sound sort of like a slightly louder throatier sound, a little deeper. But not that much of a difference, but I am sure if I jumped on someones that wasnt done I would notice a difference. . I sort of like the louder sound anyway and am thinking of poking out the mufflers a bit. When I had the exhaust off I fired it up and it sounded like a small block with headers which I loved but was way to excessive. But removing the guts makes more airflow which is never a bad thing as far as I am concerned. Paul
  17. Did mine last year and it wasnt a big deal to get off and even easier to put back on. To do it on the bike the way mine was (little cheesy spotweld broke loose on the center piece with the hole in it) would be a little tough on the bike as i had to get in with a pair of longer vice grips and twist and turn to get it yanked out and then it needed cleaned up a bit with the grinder with the cutting wheel for the remaining pieces that would not pull out. I think it would be so much easier with it off the bike where you can move it around a little bit where under the bike would be a big pain to get it all yanked out and cleaned up without stuff falling in your face. It took about half an hour to get mine off and I think it is worth the little extra time to put it on the bench and cut clean and weld it back together than to try to do it in place. Also mine had a tab cracked where it bolts on which I think is very common but you would never notice it if you didnt have it off and clean it up, I actually had the flap welded and was cleaning the rest of it off real good before I was getting ready to put back on when I noticed the tab was cracked at the weld which I then fixed and put back on. Trying to save a little time on this by leaving it in place i think will make it turn into a project that will take longer than if you pulled it down and did it from the bench. Paul
  18. Mine has 73k on it right now. I bought it with 61k on it and have done nothing but clean the carbs and after having them off noticed how clean they actually were I could have gotten away with just a can of Sea Foam. I also went with a K&N air filter and had to tear the exhaust collector apart and gut it as one of the little spot welds came loose and I had a rattle (no big deal the guys here told me what and how to do it and it was a piece of cake). I also changed over to synthetic oil, but other than those couple little things I have done nothing but cosmetic work to it. I wouldnt be affraid to jump on it this morning and run it across the country. Buy it you will love it, and you wont find a better bunch of guys than the ones on this site to help you if you have any problems. Paul
  19. Mine had a leak and I pulled it out the other day and replaced the o-ring and that stopped the leak. There is a spring and a little steel ball that sits on the top of the spring that click stops it in the on and off position. look around it must have rolled somewhere, So there are just 3 things the o-ring, spring and steel ball which seems to be the part you are missing, I am sure if you look around you will find it. Paul
  20. Larry no doubt I know what you mean with people bringing stuff in that they have butchered on their own. I get guys coming in several times a week with stuff saying hey can you take a look at this I think I did something wrong trying to do this myself. Then they end up spending twice the money than if they would have brought it to me to begin with. Paul
  21. I bought mine which is a pdf file on ebay. But before I did that I called my local dealer and they can order them, and if I am not mistaken they wanted $69 for mine so I am sure they can get one for you. I just didnt want to spend that much and got mine on ebay for$10 and whenever I need something from it I just print that page out if I need to take it down in the garage. Paul
  22. The 600 paper like I said is to just knock off the high spot from filling the chip in, and there you have to be very careful. I have touched up stone chips on 5 bikes in the past 2 months, and 3 of them were factory paint and I have not gone through the clear on any of them and they turned out perfect. Granted the factory paint has a lot less clear on it so you do have to be very careful. But it most certainly can be done. Paul
  23. I use mink oil on my leather hunting boots and have stepped in 6 inch deep puddles and my feet stay perfectly dry. the thing is to work whatever you use into the sticthing really good as most times water will leak through the seams first. Thats just my experience any way. Paul
  24. If you get a sheet of each that should be plenty. once the chip is filled it will be like a little bump. Knock it down with 600 wetsand paper till flat (be careful not to go too deep and get into the factory paint just get the chip and as little else as possible). Then take your 1500 and do it again this time come out a little into the factory paint and you will be able to feel when the grit is gone while you are wetsanding it. Then move on to the 2000 and come out into the factory paint a little more. It wont take much of the 1500 and 2000 to get the other scratches out from the 600. Then just use a heavier compound then something finer and it is gone. I actually dropped my gas tank lid after it was finished and i took a nice chip out of it. i did the above steps and have had several people look closely and none could find it when it was done. If you are not to sure find a piece of painted metal or plastic somewhere doesnt even need to be on the bike and try it out to make sure you dont sand through the original clear. But if you are careful you will have no problems. Good luck and if you have any other questions when you are doing it just give me a call. Paul
  25. Paul


    Just ride your bike down to the local auto parts store that sells paint in your area, grab their color book , take it outside and match it out of the book. Chances are you will find the exact color in one of the books as Yamaha isnt mixing special paint for these bikes (Idont think so any way) If you are painting the whole thing I dont think it will matter much if you dont find the exact color you will find something close enough that no one will know the difference if you cant find the exact color. But I imagine you will find the right color in one of the books. Paul
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