Peter, I have really enjoyed my 1300! Now, it is not near the powerful Beast my RSTD is, but it has a lot of things going for it: Starts right up, super smooth ride, great gas mileage, more than enough power to cruise the freeways, etc.
If you have a Harbor Freight near you (or, they sell a yellow Motorcycle Jack for $79-$89 dollars, depending when it is on sale (or their coupons)
This jack is great for the 1300, and has no problems lifting the RSTD.
Yes, lowers on the 1300 are a *must*. The airflow is such that it will bounce your noggin like a ball in a bingo shaker. I personally put on the National Cycle windshield and stainless lowers, and couldn't be happier. You can run down the road at 50mph wearing a ballcap (the normal way!) and not lose it. All but eliminates the head bob at anything less than 70mph. After that, it depends on your gear.
Join the website for in-depth stuff on your 1300. Great bunch of guys over there as well....