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About bkupmstr

  • Birthday 12/25/1958

Personal Information

  • Name
    James Healy


  • Location
    Morristown, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1984 Venture
  1. I can't believe its already September. But anyway, after soaking for over a month I still don't get much flow out of the one carb. I tried removing the air filter and pouring the seafom directly into the carb but it makes its way to the floor in a way other then the drain screw. Any other ideas on hor to get the fuel to flow to the carb or am I SOL? Thanks
  2. Do you still have the RS plastic cover?
  3. Ok so while the carbs soak, I'm looking at the brakes. It was suggested to "clean everything". Using BrakeKleen? Do I pull all the lines, resovoirs, cylinders off? Actually how do I clean things? Blow the brakleen thru the lines? Soak the resovoirs in something? Thanks, Jim
  4. Mike (and others responding) I can't say thanks enough, i really feel like I'm making progress and eventually be able to thumb my nose at the guys that wouldn't work on her. I'll let it sit overnight and try cracking the drain screws again in the AM. On to the brakes again...
  5. Well I drained the tank, thanks to all the procedures mentioned and now I'm trying to get seafom/gas to run thru the carbs as mentioned. So i've added some fresh gas and a can of seafoam, i turn on the ignition to get the fuel pump to prime the carbs (i hear it clicking a bit) Then I start cracking open the drain screw one carb at a time. Fuel flows thru all but one the left front. I get a few dribbles but not much. Should I start checking backwards to the pump? Give the seafoam a longer chance to work. I know breaking down the carbs is ineveitable but I was hoping to make that a winter project. Thanks
  6. Can anyone give advice on how to find the leak at the handlebar?
  7. I'll give it a try
  8. Now that I'm going thru the process of cleaning the carbs with seafoam its time to tackle problem # 2: Brakes Before I took the 84 off the road last year the brakes were spongie and leaked fluid. Now the fluid leaked out somehwere on the handlebar down the side of the fairing. In reading the posts it looks like the next step is to break it all down and flush and clean the entire system First question: do I start high and work towards the back of the bike? When removing the hand lever/resovoir, what's the best way to clean it all? is there some kind of solvent. I read blowing out with air is good too Thanks in advance Jim
  9. Thanks to all who replied to my other posts. I have a 1984 Venture that wouldn't start, it would turn over but backfire and not run. I read thru a bunch of post and have arrived here. I've pulled the plugs and replaced (they were a little black ble ack but not what I'd call fouled. I peered into the tank and can see some rust, so how much rust should I be concerned about, I would think any rust is an issue, but I'd like to hear from the experts. I drained liquid from all four carbs and I call it liquid because it didn;t really resemble fule it resembled shelac, and smelled more like shelac and looked kinda like urine. I'm thinking I should drain all the fuel from the tank now. Questions: What's the easist way to drain the tank? Should I use the Krem stuff to line the tank now or wait for winter? Can't seem to find a fuel filter is there one somewhere? Got the battery out and filled with water and putting a good charge on it Is there anything else I should try before giving another try to start
  10. Seems like i can't find the right socket to fit my plugs in my socket set and I don't have the original tool kit. Will a standard deep 18mm socket work? The manual says either NGK DPR8EA-9 or ND x24EPR-UP Can someone assist. Thanks, Jim
  11. Looks like I'll be doing a lot myself I guess Stuart thanks for the recommendations, but apparently no on hase time or wants to work on it. Here are my symptoms: It cranks over, probably not very strongly so I'll put a better charge on the battery. When it cranks it sometimes backfires, so I guess I'll pull the plugs and check them as recommended and then run some more seafoam thru it. Anything else I should check, any tips or gotchas for pulling the plugs? Can the carbs easly be drained? Oh and it has now sat a year in my garage, not sure how long it sat before 2006. Thanks everyone, Jim
  12. But thanks for the replies. It was runnig rough when I first bought it and now it won't start at all. I ran the can of sea foam thru it in 2006 and it seemed to run a little better (maybe my imagination. But it sat all of 2007 due to me playing with other toys. Now when I try to start it it backfires and won;t run. And I really need to get the brakes fixed also, something I usually don;t like to putz with
  13. I have an 1984 Venture that I bought 2 years ago with the hopes that I would bring here back to here glory and ride all over creation. Well she's sat for over a year in my garage and its now time to get out and ride. Can't get it running and I'm looking for a good mechanic. I'm in Morristown NJ anyone have a suggestion. Thanks Jim
  14. I once had thought I lost the ezpass, it was really under the seat in my car. I went ot pay at a tool booth and the collector said my ezpass had paid already. whodathunkit
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