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paysaw last won the day on March 25 2023

paysaw had the most liked content!


69 Excellent


About paysaw

  • Birthday 03/13/1955

Personal Information

  • Name
    Ray Lowe


  • Location
    Mississauga, Canada


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  • Bike Year and Model
    2008 Can Am spyder

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  1. Will drop in for a few min.
  2. Well, as it turned out, the proprietor of our BnB lets us park our car in front of his house. Our Alaskan cruise from Vancouver was amazing.If you can ever make it to Alaska ,it is well worth the trip.The landscape is outstanding.
  3. Hi All Jean and I are taking an Alaskan cruise. We are looking for cheaper parking near the ferry docks.Does anyone have suggestions.Thanks all.
  4. I had a great visit with Ben Bennik today.We swapped tall tales and bike stories. I have many good friends in this group.I am glad to be a member.
  5. I am short so it works for me
  6. This is a 2002 BMW K1200LT.Nice old bike.Smooth as silk to ride on the highway.
  7. I saw Brian Fries and Connie in Regina.It was seeing him again.
  8. I will be traveling through Alberta and Saskatchewan Aug 9 to 16th.If there are any members out there that would like to meet , eat and tell stories I would love to meet up with you.I am driving so wheels are no problem.Arriving and departing from Calgary.Cheers all.
  9. Sorry I missed you guys .My RSV was getting new shoes so I took the Spyder.I met people at the Brantford airport and someone knew who Carl was.I ended up leading the group as there were no experienced leaders.We had a blast and met some new friends
  10. How are you going?
  11. What time are you meeting there.Maybe I could jion you too
  12. I am going May13th from Kitchener.
  13. Congrats to you Thomas with the bike.I think I have seen it before somewhere....lol.lets ride together soon.
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