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10 Good

About smoothcruiser

  • Birthday 06/18/1965

Personal Information

  • Name


  • Location
    vancleave, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    street and dirt bikes n old cars
  • Bike Year and Model
    1983 venture 2009 vstar
  1. well i guess i could just give it away but seriously its gotta be worth 35 anyway with all th extras and low miles what do yall think
  2. its a great feeling for sure but the wife agrees with me its just too big for me my 1100 silverado fits me perfect i wish the venture was built the same way
  3. dont want to shave or cut anything rather see someone else enjoy it all original
  4. im not sure how to supersize them my eyes are old too:backinmyday:
  5. look at pics in classifieds shes beeeeutiful and fast
  6. im very short checked out all my options nothing will work
  7. i picked up this awesome first gen from a friend in tenn. it belonged to his father n law who made 5 trips on it b4 he found out he had cancer and couldnt ride any more so he put it in a garage for about 12 years and his daughter finally got tired of looking at it so they sold it to me took alot of work but now it runs like new and im too short back it up so i really need to sell it it has everything you could have on a bike except reverse
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