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Everything posted by rumboogy

  1. BEST time of year and TEMPERATURES.
  2. I am thinking of leading a group of Arkansas Riders on a longer ride and have been wondering about Ontario, Canada. Someone educate me on a couple of things regarding Ontario (sorry for my ignorance). I know we'll all need to have passports, but where or what is the best place to cross the border? What is the best time of the year to make a 14-21 day trip like this? What are some MUST SEE sites and things to see in Ontario? Thanks for any information. Wally
  3. Not a problem...I'll shoot you a pm when I send them out...should be on Monday (Tuesday at the latest). Wally
  4. Hmmmm...looks pretty dang good there!!
  5. She is not a good dog...she is a GREAT dog. I think you owe her a great big ole T-Bone steak WITH BONE intact. Seriously, glad everything turned out OK. So did you file a police report to try and catch the guy? Good Doggie!!! Sounds like a good owner too.
  6. OK...with extremely SORE THUMBS, I am happy to say that I have removed ALL of my tank badges. WOW, the tank badges were really stuck on there! Now, the reason I did this is because in June my hometown (Blytheville, AR) is hosting a Car and Motorcycle Show and have paid a professional pinstriper to come in and do some pinstriping on the cars and motorcycles. That doesn't mean I am gonna have pinstriping done on my tank, I may just personalize the trunk or something. I really don't know what I am gonna do yet...which I why I am posting. For those that have removed your tank badges...did you just leave it like that, did you have graphics painted on it, or did you have painted? Or did you do something else. Pictures would be great...am I gonna steal your idea? No, but I might borrow "parts" of it. LOL Wally
  7. There ain't nothin' with being proud. LOL He does give you a choice...in fact, he may have reversed his pricing by mistake...lets hope so.
  8. I think he's talking about the vendor putting his logo on each patch and charging you even MORE for that patch.
  9. Hey MR...glad to hear it. Don't forget some of our other little fixes if it gets annoying again...
  10. Hey JerryT...let's see those windshield bags you're referring to...and if you have already posted them...sorry. But I'd like to see them.
  11. Hello Guys... Venture Steve: To be honest I can't tell a lot of difference as far as buffeting or wind noise, however I "seems" like the wind stream keeps the wind off my hands a LITTLE better. My hands don't feel like they get as cold...now how that translates in the summer...I don't know. CLEAR - The windshield is OPTICALLY CLEAR and you can see a difference. Is it worth the cost of the shield...only time will tell, but I do like the idea that if something hits it, it should be able to ABSORB the impact without shattering or splintering. Kregerdoodle as for rain. I think I said in my earlier post that I was very impressed with the water just "sheeting" off the windshield...kinda nice. :-) I would like to see what would happen right after a fresh coat of RainX...that almost makes me want to see it rain. So far the ONLY complaint (and this is VERY, VERY, VVVVERRRRYYYY minor)...is that it would be a nice touch to include a tinted bottom or microdot graduation at the bottom of the shield. This would not only reduce glare (sunset or sunrise), but it also kinda hides the the look down into the fairing. I hope this help guys...I am gonna make a really safe bet that you'll be happy with your purchase. Wally
  12. Just ordered the dot matrix static cling...(they are proud of their shipping). I should have by Monday at the latest. Thanks again Monty. Wally
  13. Monty...that's not exactly it either, but it's close enough that I am going to go ahead and purchase it today. I'll let you know how it works. Thanks, Wally
  14. Yeah...not exactly the effect I was wanting. Guess I'll try a window tinting shop or a car dealer to find it. Thanks...maybe someone else can chime in sometime.
  15. Correct. But on the stock Royal Star Windshield...it is two layers of tape. The first is a flat black "rubbery" type of tape and the offset and overlaying the black tape is another strip of the clear BUT DOTTED tape. I'm just trying to find out where I can buy this tape.
  16. So we ain't got no automotive glass guys on here....
  17. Thanks, but actually no. Here are some pictures of what I'm talking about.
  18. I recently purchased an F4 Customs windshield...and am EXTREMELY happy with it, except for one little (very minor) thing. I have searched the internet till I am tired...and I KNOW how to search...but still can't find the info I am looking for. OK...so here's the info I am needing. I looked at my STOCK WINDSHIELD to see how the tint strip was laid down and this is what I found out... The first layer is a FLAT BLACK layer of TAPE that is 1.25 inches wide. And on top of that and overlapping the black is another 1.25 inch of clear tape with black dots of graduated sizes (which screens the light)...just like you see on cars. I have tried to find this "tape" or "tapes" on the net and can't find it anywhere, in fact, I don't even know the terminology to use...so if you look at your stock shield, you'll see what I am talking about. Can anyone provide any info? Thanks. Wally
  19. Where and Why? That's 93mph...too fast for me.
  20. Yeah...I'm thinking on that...actually, I would prefer some GRADUATED tinted film. I just wanna make sure it will stick...
  21. Me either...the fear of being "rear ended" would scare the heck outta me.
  22. Hey, that's my reporter Dawn Scott here in Little Rock. She is an excellent reporter and left for awhile to do this little stint (no pun intended)...for a Seattle Station. I am sure she gets kidded about this a lot. LOL Nice one. Wally
  23. Hey that one doesn't need any kind of adapter to lift the Venture does it? I bought that one about 3 years ago...loaned it out 2 years ago and it hasn't been home since...but I know where it's at...I like to call it STORAGE, but my buddy has it right now.
  24. I got my F4 Customs windshield back in December, but the weather has been CRAPPY here until this weekend...a beautiful weekend too I might add...so I finally got a chance to shoot a couple of pics that really show off the clarity of this shield. YES, I love the shield. I got the one that is 2" wider and 2" taller than the stock shield. I would DEFINITELY buy this shield again (especially after riding in the rain one day last week)...light rain just SHEETED right off the shield. My only (EXTREMELY MINOR) complaint is that I do wished it still had the black shaded strip at the bottom of the shield. Not only did that strip make the stock shield look better, but it also reduced glare a little bit and hid the dirt between the shield and the fairing. Here are the pics. Wally
  25. Bottom line is that it's Don's website and forum and he gets the privilege (because he does all the hard work and has all the headaches) of running like he wants. Bascially, when you're in someone else's HOUSE, you follow their rules, this is not censorship, but instead nothing more than common courtesy. And that is what makes a great forum, RESPECT and COURTESY. As for SEX vs POLITICS...in my opinion there are levels of "sex" talk and jokes that can be appreciated by all as long as it is not too vulgar, but with politics...THERE are only 2 options, and we are either RIGHT or WRONG, LEFT or RIGHT and this gives ZERO levels of tolerance. Don...you do a great job here. I don't see a problem with "sex", some of my best friends have "sex".
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