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Everything posted by rumboogy

  1. rumboogy


    It does look like some of these OTHER speakers would work... http://www.crutchfield.com/shopsearch/speakers_auto.html#&nvpair=FFCategory|[rank399]Car+Speakers&nvpair=FFSubcategory|[rank51200]4%22+Speakers&o=l
  2. rumboogy


    In Arkansas we calls it cotton! :-) Seriously, like Bubber said, it's been several years and surely SOMETHING as changed ( yeah, I know the Venture hasn't)!
  3. rumboogy


    I'm still monitoring.. But seriously, I have grown to really enjoy my RADIO through the SPEAKERS. Anything I can learn to make it even better will be welcome news...and I thank Bubber for starting the post.
  4. rumboogy


    LOL... OK...I am NO LONGER INTERESTED. However, I will monitor to make sure you receive comments.
  5. rumboogy


    I'm interested in this post too...
  6. So Bubber...were those the right tires though? Wally
  7. Thanks Don.... I never even saw the drop down list at the top... Here is what I come up with... REAR TIRE: http://www.jakewilson.com/productDetail.do;jsessionid=BFD7EA8E40F209CFE8832D698BDDCC4D?navType=type&navTitle=Motorcycle+Tires&webTypeId=443&webCatId=57&stockId=185330&prodFamilyId=22958 FRONT TIRE: http://www.jakewilson.com/productDetail.do;jsessionid=BFD7EA8E40F209CFE8832D698BDDCC4D?navType=type&navTitle=Motorcycle+Tires&webTypeId=443&webCatId=57&stockId=185245&prodFamilyId=22949 Do most people change out their valve stems?
  8. YATT - Yet Another Tire Thread OK...really this one isn't about which is best. I'm getting ready for a trip to South Dakota and am shopping for new tires. I have a small cut in my front tire (very small) and was going to replace it anyway, but yesterday I got a flat on the back of my Dunlop Elite 3 tire. So this next go around I have decided I am going to buy some of the Avon Venom tires. But the problem lies in shopping at the various vendors...NO ONE has the same catalog numbers and even searching the manufacturers number will not find the tires. I have a 2009 RSV-s. I want to replace both the front and back on the bike. I have checked the following sites: Dennis Kirk - Found some Venoms once...then nothing now. Jake Wilson - manufacturer catalog number does not work. Southwest Moto - Not sure if these are the right ones. Dang CONFUSING is what it is.... OK...at SWmoto tires is this the correct rear tire? http://www.swmototires.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=568&category_id=94&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 And this the front tire: http://www.swmototires.com/index.php?page=shop.product_details&flypage=flypage.tpl&product_id=555&category_id=94&option=com_virtuemart&Itemid=53 These are cheaper at Jake Wilson and Dennis Kirk...but GEESH. If anyone could provide the exact catalog numbers (or links) to both the FRONT and REAR tires for the AVON VENOMS from Dennis Kirk and Jake Wilson...I would appreciate it. Also...should I also get new valve stems?
  9. The Ultimate seat is the best seat I have ever owned (I WISHED they made it for the RSV). I would PLOP down that $800 bucks in a NEW YORK MINUTE!! I have been riding bikes since 1979...again, best seat I ever sat on, rode on, toured on...THE BEST. I have asked Dez several times about doing a run of RSV seats...just not enough interest.
  10. If towed backwards....I am assuming you'd pull the fairing off....otherwise that would not be good.
  11. Thanks to you both...I'll adjust tomorrow. Wally
  12. Thanks Rick...but what does it adjust...the distance the lever travels or how soon the brake is activated...
  13. OK...so what does the phillips screw (with the nut) do on the brakke lever? Also...how do you adjust it...If I put some clearance (space) between the screw head and the nut...and then turn the screw to tighten...THEY BOTH MOVE. Which means the screw and nut tighten to the same place every time. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Wally
  14. Yeah, but until then....THAT WAS FUNNY!!
  15. acehighleathers.com You will not be disappointed!!!
  16. Pledge it!! Other than getting the F4 Customs or Clearview Shields...then I think Pledge is your best bet.
  17. Yep...I saw this same issue when I first owned mine...it does seem to be better now, but I also don't get that close to running out of gas very often. Let us know if you decide to punch out the filler neck and the results you get! Hmmm...strange. I have not had any issues with altitude. We didn't go as high as you did, however the bike ran OK (not quite as good), but OK. But I was NEVER in 5th gear...mostly in 4th and at times in 3rd gear. I think our highest elevation was just at 6000 feet. Yes...a pain. That's why I just put something really easy to get out of the way on the back seat (if I have anything at all back there). It has taken me awhile to get used to the handling, but TIRES MAKE A HUGE DIFFERENCE!! If you think the Dunlop 404's are good...try the Dunlop Elite 3's.
  18. Me too!!!!
  19. I know some of you have done this... Riding down the highway...and a sharp rock pops up right in your tire path and run over it...you hear it and you feel it. I bet I have done it a dozen times over the course of several years...but today I was inspecting my Dunlop E3's and noticed my front tire had a very small "v" cut into the high rubber tread. I took a small screw driver and tried to "probe"it to see how deep and it APPEARS to be superficial...I only have 8000 miles on this front tire. It looks like it would be wore down after a few hundred miles... I know that they can all be different, but just curious if anyone else has done this before...and did you replace or continue to roll.
  20. What is the difference between the Regular E3 and the Touring E3. I see a pattern difference, but what does that pattern difference mean in layman terms? Why one over the other?
  21. So the question would be are you interested in the ambient temperature in the air OR are you interested in the temperature YOU are experiencing in the cockpit? I have mine (clocks4bikes.com) on the LEFT switch housing. Yes, when sitting still (and moving), the temperature is effected by sunlight, but I feel it also gives me my COCKPIT temperature and that is more important to me since I have TEMPERATURE on my GPS. That's just me.
  22. That, That, That....Whew...that was fun. LOL
  23. OK...never heard of that, but I guess it could happen. With the pull on my brake and clutch lever being harder than I would expect, I don't think I will have any problem with it...didn't have a problem with the old "streamers" and haven't had a problem on any bike I have owned.
  24. I WISHED I had the baseball cards I used to put into my spokes...that would have been players like Al Kaline, Rocky Colavito, Gates Brown, Mickey Mantle, Denny McLain, Mickey Lolich, Willie Mays...you get the picture. I just wasn't old enough to have a Honus Wagner card.
  25. You kinda hit the nail on the head...to each his own. Has nothing to do with a kids bike, although I like that analogy. But since you made the remark...it's also a reference to my Dad. He loved anything that flew in the wind...he made whirlybirds and on his Cadillacs, he would put a string (yep, a string with a knot in it) and he would say, "I love to see that thing shine when I'm driving down the road."
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