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Everything posted by rumboogy

  1. I have the Zumo 660 and the 550 both waterproof...and I too STILL use a bag over the unit...works just as well. Wally
  2. I haven't made any announcements on the Zumoforums that the Zumo 550 is officially discontinued. They have stopped production, however they are not "officially" discontinued and Garmin (to my knowledge) has not announced they have discontinued the Zumo 550. If someone said it over there...they were offering an opinion or speculation and should have made that clear (of course most people don't). Anyway, Zumo has 3 GPS units currently in their lineup. The Zumo 550, Zumo 660 and Zumo 665. Now...with that said, if you call Garmin with an OUT OF WARRANTY unit they are under no obligation to replace it for free...yes, they have been known to exchange or repair an out of warranty unit for free, but my GUESS is that with the IMPENDING demise of the Zumo 550 they just won't do that anymore. Thanks. Wally Zumoforums.com owner and webmaster
  3. Condolences to you and yours Big Tom. Beagles are WONDERFUL companions!! Period! It sounds like you spoiled Casey (or she spoiled you)...and that was something that Casey appreciated and show that through loyalty and providing you with 13 years of happiness. Did you ever notice that anyone that ever looked at a Beagle ALWAYS smiles!! I know this...all I have ever owned my whole life is Beagles. I have two right now that I have had since they were little puppies. The oldest one, Louie is also 13 years old (pretty good health) and Buster is 10 years old and still looks like a pup. I really do feel your pain...take care and know that you were Casey's best friend. Wally
  4. Maybe I shouldn't have called myself a woos. :Avatars_Gee_George: Thanks guys. Wally
  5. Nope...no carpal tunnel. I should have explained where the pain occurs...it's right between my thumb and index finger...it is a pressure pain and seems to be related to where I pull the clutch... Never happened on my VTX...so it has something to do with the pull or location of the clutch lever. Thanks, Wally
  6. Alright...The clutch is killing my hand. It was especially bad today for some reason...the gloves (it's cold here) seemed to make it worse. I took my bike to the dealer today for some work and rode to the dealer with STOCK GRIPS...and while I was having the other work done, I told them to change the grips out to the Kuryakn ISO grips (which I used for 6 years on my previous bike)...and even with those grips...I still am having pain when I clutch...I did notice my hand is way up on the grip. Just curious if ANY OTHER members are having the same problems and what you did about it...maybe change out the levers? Thanks, Wally
  7. Boomer, my brother was on a RB in DaNang in 1968-1969.Tom Walker...I think he was an EM3 at the time.
  8. I wasn't on a ship in the Navy. But I was in the Navy for 4 years, 2 months, 29 days, 10 hours and 37 minutes (not that I was counting). I sacrificed very little for what the Navy and my Country gave me. I have done the same job for over 37 years and it has made me a nice living...I've never been unemployed and I thank the Navy for that...not to mention that I am a PROUD US VETERAN!! So...with that said, here is my very first duty station, Beaufort Naval Hospital in Beaufort, SC where I was stationed at the Hospital and took care of US Marine Boot Camp Recruits on the Surgery Floor (I was a Hospital Corpsman and Lab Tech later on).
  9. Dave...I got the stealth key...I LIKES IT!!!
  10. I'LL Let Ken chime in if he wants, but he sent me the plain keys and no fancy head...which is exactly what I wanted so I could do the same thing you are planning...worked out great for me.
  11. Thanks guys...OK, I found this...am I missing something here or will these work just as well, especially since they were made for the ISO's. http://www.goldwingcountry.com/detail.cfm?model_ID=0&Category_ID=112&manufacturer_ID=16&product_ID=36350&sblid_name=Kuryakyn_Baron_Bullet_Grip_End_for_ISO_Grips or even these with end weights? http://www.cruisercustomizing.com/detail.cfm?Category_ID=112&manufacturer_ID=16&product_ID=39227&sblid_name=Kuryakyn_Grip_End_Weights&model_id=0 It says they will fit all Kuryakn ISO grips? Thanks, Wally
  12. I probably wasn't clear (in fact, I am sure I wasn't clear on my question)... I had those grips on my VTX that I traded in on this Venture. I had the grips for 6 years and I too loved them. The Venture stock grips hurt my hands...almost like the grips are TOO thin. Anyway, my question is does the install cause any problems with the throttle or not having the weights on the handlebars...or is it better to stick with the stock grips. Thanks for the answers though.
  13. a lot of the threads were pretty old, and I could never really gather a consensus. Does anyone have the Kuryakn Grips (Part Number: KY-6235) installed right now on their bike and how do you like them? Also...unless you do some sort of modificiations, I assume we have to LOSE the weights...correct? So if you have these grips...can you comment on them...good, bad, or indifferent. Thanks, Wally
  14. Actually, I tried several days ago and it did not work then either..probably been down for at least a week. The whois information shows that the site has not expired...so something else must be the problem.
  15. Glad to hear that it's all back on Lew. I wish Charlene a really quick and successful recovery. Wally
  16. Worked great...ONE to hide, One for the Key ring...and the last one is just an extra. Thanks Ken. Wally
  17. Thanks SteveP...Referring to that post may do the trick. Again, he was fast and did a great job for something I couldn't really find around here. Thanks, Wally
  18. OK....I tried to link his profile to this post...didn't work. Is there a way to do this? Thanks...and sorry Ken. Wally
  19. I just wanted to let the rest of you know that I got a set (3 keys) from one of the members on this site [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=628]VentureRider.Org[/ame] and he did a great job. My dealer was out of these keys and I live in a fairly small town...so the service Ken provided was great (and fast). All I had to do was provide my key code and he done the rest. Here's a link to his (KJ4V) profile, and he is a locksmith so you know they are done right. [ame=http://www.venturerider.org/forum/member.php?u=628]VentureRider.Org[/ame] Ken...tried all 3 keys...worked perfectly. Thanks again. Wally
  20. Don, I Apologize for my remarks...I work in the industry and it's difficult to keep my mouth shut...but I will...and you can delete my remarks now. I normally don't engage in political discussions on forums...and don't like it on my forums. Again, I apologize and it won't happen again. Wally
  21. I resemble that remark!!
  22. The government has been involved since 1965. I hear FAR fewer complaints from those on Medicare and Medicaid than I do Blue Cross, Humana or any other private insurance. It's a pretty sad commentary that the CONSUMER has to threaten a company for benefits that they have paid for in advance. I'm just saying ANY healthcare reform that limits how the insurance companies treat patients is better than the present system (which is only getting worse)...and that includes a more widespread government health plan.
  23. Nappy Yew Hear from Asrkansaw!! :dancefool::dancefool:
  24. I know were both from Arkansas, but PLEASE tell me that when you tell people you ride a "hog"...you talking about the motorcycle. Just kidding...nice pig. Wally
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