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Everything posted by rumboogy

  1. Is this it? http://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w58/Ken3233/?action=view&current=IMG_0277.jpghttp://s173.photobucket.com/albums/w58/Ken3233/?action=view&current=IMG_0277.jpg http://i173.photobucket.com/albums/w58/Ken3233/IMG_0277.jpg
  2. That's the $64,000 question...and the money ain't been given away yet!!
  3. I did this replacement with the longer bolts from atlm...and I gotta tell ya, it does feel better (both real and psychologically). Wally
  4. I don't know about the saddlebag numbers, but the gas cap number is (at least in my case), not the key code number. Thanks, Wally
  5. I didn't get the Baron's...Instead I got the ones on eBay...the Baron's are brushed and the eBay risers are chrome. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-V-Star-Royal-Star-1-5-Handlebar-Risers-VStar_W0QQitemZ190373261072QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item2c53216f10 Thanks, Wally
  6. Here's the adapter for earbuds. http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/product.asp?Item=HA Get the one for the Gold Wing and it will work great. I have this one. Wally
  7. Nope...the 9.1 is the software version for the sound system on the 2009 Venture.
  8. Good one Mike. LOL Soon it will have the HECK driven out of it. I'll take another picture about mid-May.
  9. Hey Keith...the one picture of my GPS is taken during some direct sunlight. Yes, it does get a little harder to read, but I can still see it...so I don't use a shade. Thanks. Wally
  10. Yeah...make fun of me. LOL We have had some ATROCIOUS weather here...I actually hope to have 8000-10,000 miles by the end of this year...so I have a LOT of riding ahead of me. Laugh now, I'll be smiling soon, VERY soon. LOL Wally
  11. OK...some of you have asked about pictures of my bike since I have done a few things to it...so here are the pictures.... Here is the legend: 1. A shot in front of an old church 2. Shot from the bike...looking at Bubba 3. Complete Dash from a distance 4. Stebel Horn Mounted 5. Just some artistic junk 6. Bubba 7. Shots of my dampers and risers 8. Speedometer and dampers (note mileage) 9. Garmin Zumo 660 mounted and button for Garage door opener 10. Clocks4bikes Temp Gauge 11. Clocks4bikes Clock 12. Playing a little...Venture Magazine
  12. Three questions Keith 1. Do you have some pictures that show the entire bib? 2. Where did you get the bib? 3. How did you mount the pigtail to the leather pouch? Studs? Thanks, Wally
  13. It won't hurt the GPS, it's really a personal preference. I have heard that some say sometimes it has messed up their calibration, but the few people I know that use them have had no problems. I don't use one on mine, however my Zumo 660 stays on the bike OR in the protective case that comes with the GPS. But with that said, I did scratch mine once...had to send it back in and they replaced the screen for free...I am just more careful now. Use the case and keep it mounted...and I wouldn't mess with the protective plastic. Just my opinion though... Wally
  14. Now that is cool. LOL
  15. Here's the one I am riding with when riding starts again... I haven't bought him yet...trying to find it cheaper than $40, but I do like his "style".
  16. Here you go...really like mine. (Disclaimer), this is not to leave your key in the ignition unattended!! (although I do leave it there when I am in close proximity... http://www.starparts.org/product-048.html
  17. No problem...it really does work very well... If you have any questions...holler at me. Wally
  18. Yeah...I think it would be a great avatar too.... Monty...I used Photoshop and just layered some color on the flag...too bad the original photo is not available, otherwise this would make a wonderful and inspirational poster on the wall. Wally
  19. Here's a cleaned up version...hope I wasn't out of bounds with this... Wally
  20. As a photographer, veteran and US Citizen, I appreciate the photo and your service!!! I would be proud of something like this and you should find a way to put it on the wall. Wally
  21. OK...I bought my brand new Venture on December 11th, 2009. I have worked on it all winter, and I have to tell you that I think I am DONE. That's right, I think I am done with it except for riding it. Since I bought the bike, I have added the following (and mods). Trunk Luggage Rack Lowering Links and Damper Mod Audio Wiring Mod (for Garmin Zumo 660) 1 1/2" Risers Stebel Horn Temp and Clock Gauges (clocks4bikes.com) TLC Liner Bags for Trunk and Saddlebags Garage Door Opener (ignition cowling) Mod Stealth Key Mod Butler Butt Mod Butler Seat Mod Butler Saddlebag Nuts Yamaha Luggage Rack Bag (Brand new and will be selling this). Kuryakyn 4142 Roll Bag (why I am selling the Yamaha bag) Grifter Storage License Plate Holder (very handy!) Scorpion Helmets (2) with Edset's Comm Package So, that's about it. Yes, I still have a pending Lightbar install (waiting on mounting brackets), but having seconds thoughts on those... The ONLY other items I can think of are Saddlebag Rails and maybe highway pegs...UNLESS someone fabricates a VIABLE and EASY REPLACEMENT for the cassette deck. What ELSE is there?
  22. Dave...so was it worth it? How does it install? Do you think it will serve it's purpose? Quality? Thanks, Wally
  23. Ok here you go.... The Mount is from Cycle Gadgets: http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/RAM/ram.asp?prod=RAM-NUV2W The handlebar part: http://www.kuryakyn.com/index.cfm/go/Home.ProductDetail/catID/22/scID/135/IMID/375 NOTE: I bought 2 bolts at 1 1/4" long at Lowe's for $0.11 each. The Ram Ball http://www.cyclegadgets.com/Products/orderbysku.asp And finally the power cable: http://www.gpscity.com/gilsson-bare-wire-power-cable.html Hope that helps...I can assure you that you'll like the system once you get it all together. Wally
  24. OK...the Zumo 6600 came with almost everything, however the 255W will have separate parts...but I have found this info before for some of members on my site (arkansasbiker.net)...so give me a little while and I will post all the parts you'll need...including the wiring harness for the 255W. Wally
  25. I can recommend the RAM Mount system. The 255W is the same size as my Zumo 660...here are a few pics of what it looks like...and it is not in the way of anything. Here is a direct link (about 3/4 of the way down with numerous shots). http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=44746&page=3
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