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Everything posted by rumboogy

  1. Now that's FUNNY, I don't care WHO I AM?
  2. Just curious as to how those of you that installed hiway pegs, how have you mounted the brackets...to the front or to the back or in between...and how you have pegs pointing? Pictures would be of GREAT help and an explanation as to why you have them the way you have them mounted. This can be helpful for BOTH vertically challenged TALL and SHORT people. Thanks, Wally
  3. No, not what you think. Just curious if there is a "trick" to the passenger getting off the bike without looking like they are falling off the bike. How does your passenger dismount? Keep it clean. Wally
  4. No, they do not flash on turn signals. Still a very nice addition. I do like the idea of a grommet for the wiring...and wished I had done that...I had a grommet, but not a bit big enough to fit the grommet. That would be a nice addition to this package. Wally
  5. Just ordered and installed the R-Mark Brake Lightbar and thought I would share my experience. When I got the lightbar (yesterday) I was happy with the quality and also the ease of installing it. It went very smooth and worked perfectly the very first time. I did have some questions about the install and a small instruction discrepancy, however that was QUICKLY addressed through email with Mark. Excellent communication!! I paid $59 +$11 shipping and feel like I got a bargain. If you were on the fence about this lightbar either because of quality OR because of the install...don't be weary any longer...both are non-issues. The quality and operation of the lightbar is excellent and the install is very easy. Just wanted to give an update as to this product and company. Wally
  6. Dave... Nothing worse than a bunch of old 60-70's kids groovin' along. K Keep on Truckin' (bikin') my friend.
  7. bendtdj, Now THAT would have been a GREAT concert to see. Wally
  8. No Chuck Negron...but hey...Most of these "has been" groups are missing members (band members that is)...And I use the words "has been" with the greatest respect...I love these old bands. I just shot photos of The Guess Who at the Wild Hog Festival this past weekend. Here are some Guess Who Pics. http://rumboogy.zenfolio.com/p884290785
  9. OK...I just bought the R-Mark light set too. I even bought the brake light that blinks. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-LED-Brake-Running-Light-Bar_W0QQitemZ230448558047QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item35a7cdefdf I'll take pics when I do the install. Wally
  10. OK...great. Well, when of you mount this light...please post both your impressions of this light and also any problems with the installation. Thanks, Wally
  11. Is that the same as this one? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Yamaha-Royal-Star-Venture-LED-Brake-Running-Light-Bar_W0QQitemZ230448558047QQcmdZViewItemQQptZMotorcycles_Parts_Accessories?hash=item35a7cdefdf
  12. Garmin 550 1- Buddy Rich compatible?? Yes- Mic input on Cradle 2- MP3? - Yes 3- XM/Sirius/whatever YES 4- Map updates - Subscription (after initial maps) 5- Import online map routes? Yes, I'm pretty sure it DOES. 6- Bluetooth? Yes 7- Waterproof? Yes, it is waterproof (however, I baggie all my GPS's)...I also own the Zumo 660). Yes, the Zumo 550 is priced high...if you want XM radio though (and it is great)...AND if you want it all in one unit...then your choices are limited. With XM satellite, you won't need MP3's.
  13. Hey Buddy...are you Native American as your profile says? I used to be a professional photographer and have always enjoyed photographing Native Americans. I have been to Chinle and photographed the Navajo and even some Code Talkers... My greatest respects. Wally
  14. Joe...and the ugly mug?
  15. OK...Lets see how many different vids we can get to show and listen to the various WHINES that are out there. Here's mine...don't laugh. I couldn't really find a good place to mount the camera (no camera mount)...and ended up velcro-ing the camera to my GPS...thus the face pic. Anyway...here it is: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ZOOmCwtpYw]YouTube- RSV Whine.AVI[/ame]
  16. Yeah, I know...but I'm depressed. My favorite Rally (Wild Hog - Helena, AR) is being RAINED out (severe storms)...and I am BORED. I'll stop now while I'm behind. LOL
  17. Here you go... http://hemmingforddogblog.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/bobbarker.jpg Oh...you said an old POST, not an old HOST.
  18. These are not pond raised catfish...Georgetown, AR is at the end of the road that goes directly into the White River...all of their catfish is FRESH (no frozen fish whatsoever) and comes from that river. They bring it into the place in big coolers. As a matter of fact...if anyone is in this area on a Thursday, Friday or Saturday...holler at me and I will TREAT you to a Catfish dinner (please...not everyone at the same time). 10 years ago...I would barely eat catfish...it was muddy, sewerish tasting fish to me...UNTIL I ate at Georgetown...I LOVE CATFISH NOW!!
  19. No white beans...but what an EXCELLENT idea!! Yes, that would be a fine addition. I'd still put it up against any other place for FISH. The only weak spot for this place is that their hushpuppies could be better...but the fish...OH THE FISH...it's a magical experience.
  20. I bought the Edsets. I am not happy with them at all. However, let me qualify that by saying that while my hearing (in my old age) is not the best, I still prefer my music to sound at least listenable...and the Edsets (and probably any other helmet speaker) just did not do the job. I recently posted how I would rate the Edsets vs Speakers vs Earbuds. If I remember correctly I rated like this (on a scale of 1-10 - with 10 being the best): Edsets - 2 Speakers- 4 Earbuds - 8 Not all is lost with the Edsets though...they do offer the option to use earbuds using their headsets...and that works very well. Just my opinion...and I am just saying that if you are buying Speakers for the bike or Speakers for your helmet to listen to HIGH FIDELITY...then you're probably barking up the wrong tree. Wally
  21. Yep...the best catfish you ever put in your mouth. All you can eat. Not filets, not steaks, not greasy, and NOT MUDDY tasting!!! The lady that cooks this fish cuts it up into CHUNKS...but ONLY after trimming all the FAT. There's no menu...just fish, slaw, GOOD OLE ONIONS, french fries, hush puppies, LEMON or CHOCOLATE FUDGE cake and TEA. All this for $10 single or $18 for a couple. It's a hole in the wall place that's open ONLY Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 11am - 8pm and RESERVATIONS ONLY after 5pm. This place ain't purty...but it's CLEAN and GOOD!! Wally
  22. We usually have a group that will go on some Fridays around 1pm to Georgetown OneStop...it doesn't have some of the best catfish you can eat...it has THE BEST catfish you ever put in your mouth. We'd love to have you join us the next time we go there. Wally
  23. I thought about it Curtis...But I got so much going on that I just don't think I could make the trip...I got WAY too many irons in the fire. Anyway...I need to get with you and take you to our Catfish place sometime...do you always work all day? Wally
  24. So, is there a Yamaha "Customer Service" email, website, or phone I can call in case the dealer is not very responsive? (and I am sure they will be unresponsive). Wally
  25. I know we just about beat this to death, but it is a VERY annoying sound. My question is that can I ASSUME that my 2009 already has the "I" Basket clutch assembly installed? Or is it possible I could still have an earlier clutch basket in the bike. Thanks, Wally
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