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Everything posted by rumboogy

  1. Tell an old Navy vet says, Thank You", Wally
  2. Thanks again Squidley...Your updates of Ponch are inspirational. I am still praying for Ponch to make a full recovery.
  3. Thought I'd stir some people up. Actually, I was curious about ANY 2012 models...kinda figured they may skip the RSV this year.
  4. Just curious when Yamaha releases info and pics of their 2012 bikes (RSV? and/or otherwise)? Wally
  5. Thank you Squidley...I check this thread multiples daily looking for your updates. Please keep them coming...especially those GOOD REPORTS. Although I don't know Ponch or Kathy...knowing and hearing about his progress and recovery are beautiful things to hear. Thanks. Get well SOON Ponch!!! I look forward to the day he makes his first post back on here again. I anxiously await that day. Wally
  6. That's kinda cool...freaky, but cool.
  7. Ponch...I am hoping the BEST for you. My thoughts and prayers are being sent your way for a FULL and COMPLETE recovery.
  8. So Freebird, you gonna pro-rate our yearly dues since the site was down for a few hours. I think it comes to about 0.0212 cents or something close to that... Just put mine towards next year. Wally
  9. I was going into WITHDRAWALS....WHEW!!!!!
  10. OK...here is the ANSWER to your question about reflections in both the windshield and YOUR EYES from direct reflections in the sun. A custom leather gas cap cover by Ace High Leathers...I LOVE MINE (in fact, I have 3 of them). Here is a link with ALL the information you'll need. http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?t=57521
  11. I have owned and tried more than a half dozen cup holders INCLUDING the Kruzer Kaddy, Ram Mount Cup Holder, Barefoot Willies, and even a custom made leather cup holder. NONE of them ended up being satisfactory to me. The Kruzer Kaddy cupholder although nice and chromed took up WAY too much space in the cockpit. The custom made leather holder although nice, was just too flimsy. I decided on the Chubby Cup. I saw it at the Wild Hog Music Rally in Helena, AR last year and put on there... It is BY FAR the most usable drink holder I have had on any bike. What makes it so good? It mounts by quick release (that does not get loose), so it can be permanent or can easily be removed. It is a very secure mount. And...get this...IT'S ONLY $20!!! It holds many kinds of containers (although cans will require a huggie). It's non-obtrusive so it doesn't "stick" out like the rest. The disadvantages are: It's not chrome, it requires a huggie for cans. That's about it!! Here is a link for it... http://www.chubbycups.com/Quick-Release-Drink-Holder.html Wally P.S. I have NO AFFILIATION with this company, but I have bought some of these to give away to my members on my website.
  12. Don...I know, I shoulda done more research. But 1200 miles away on a netbook aren't the most ideal conditions to a search...and not only that, I wanted ANSWERS from a voice...in other words, PANIC had set in... And then the other factor is PROPERLY describing a noise. We kid (at least some people do), about how to describe a noise. I heard this as a "clicking" or suttle "grinding" sound. But CREAKING is the exact sound it was making, so some people were offering suggestions based on the wrong sound (my fault). After seeing the rear wheel off and seeing all the parts in person, it made much more sense to me. Absolutely NO DAMAGE just a noise. I am hoping the alignment process will eliminate it for me. I'll know in about 2 hours. So Don, have you ever had this issue on your Venture's. Apparently it occurs on other models of Yamaha's. Thanks. Wally
  13. For those that read every post, you'll remember that I got STUCK up in Custer, SD last weekend because I was having issues with my 2009 Venture. The rear wheel was "creaking" or "clicking" when the bike was in motion. I got several great responses here and some from friends regarding the possibilities of what could be going on back there. In the end (no pun intended), I decided NOT to chance it and called my brother in Arkansas to come after me with the trailer (only 2nd time this bike was ever trailered)...so 20 hours later...he shows up in Custer, SD. He got there at 2am on Saturday morning and we set the alarm for 530am to leave back for Arkansas for another 18 hour drive back home. Once I got home I took my bike (not to the stealer), but to my regular bike mechanic who is also the one that put on a new set of tires the month prior to my trip to South Dakota. Here's what I found out (remember I am not the most mechanically inclined person)...but evidently Yamaha sets their rear ends up differently than other bike manufacturers and their "alignment" process of the rear wheel appears to be "sloppier" than it should be. My mechanic kept saying he didn't know why they didn't use "dowels" to help in aligning the rear wheel (by the way, that's all greek to me). Anyway, he stated there is even a technical bulletin (see link or attachment below) that explains the problem and gives a solution. My mechanic also told me that his contact at one of the larger Yamaha Dealers in Arkansas told him they have even seen (heard) of this "creaking" on brand new bikes and also bikes that have never had a rear tire change. I am posting this so that others that may or may not have this problem can find it easily. I hope this helps someone else. Here is the link to the bulletin. http://www.arkansasbiker.net/Service_Info.pdf Wally
  14. Just a shot in the dark here... For the last 10-15 years I have been looking for 2 things that are in reference to my time in the Navy. First and foremost, I have been trying (without success) for 15 years to find my Navy Recruit Yearbook from my time in Boot Camp at Great Lakes, IL back in the early 1970's. It was called "The Keel". I have had no success in locating this book, although I have found (and purchased) yearbooks in and around this time I was in Boot Camp (June 1973-August 1973). I cannot remember anyone's complete names from that time other than just a couple. One is deceased and the other is the other names are so common that I would not know where to begin. Which brings me to my other search. I am wondering if some of you "Old Salts" know of ANY resource where I can find a ROSTER of my shipmates during my time in Boot Camp (this would assist in my search for the yearbook). I have to think that there is an archive or something that shows ROSTER'S for specific Boot Camp companies. Again...don't expect an answer here...just a shot in the dark and I am sorry for hijacking the thread.
  15. Yesterday (Saturday)...I saw a Venture ride by as I was trailering my bike back from Custer, SD, after a mechanical failure of the rear end. I am guessing (may or may not be) that it was someone coming back from Cody. My bike is the '09 Seashell/Raven that was on a trailer... Anybody see me?
  16. Randy...I really do appreciate the offer. But I would prefer you 1) not mess up your visit in South Dakota, and 2) make the trip when I can get someone standing around for the 30 seconds I'll need someone. Again...a VERY GENEROUS offer...but we'll get'er done. THANK YOU!!!!!
  17. Thanks Randy for replying...I might be able to find someone just standing by their bike while I am loading it up....really, I just need someone to spot me as I roll it up...I have mine lowered and it tends to "drag" just a little when I trailer it (but I have only trailered it ONE other time)...I prefer to RIDE.
  18. Hey Wrongway...I am Custer right now...broke down (kinda). Bike will run and roll, but I have my brother coming in tonight to pick me up...we are gonna be heading back to Arkansas tomorrow morning. If you're around tomorrow around 730am...I could use some help loading my bike into the trailer... Just a shot in the dark. I am at the EconoLodge in downtown Custer and have a 2009 Raven and Gold Venture. Wally
  19. Dave thanks for the offer...I decided not to chance the ride to Rapid City. My brother is driving up from Arkansas with a trailer for us to take it back home. Again...thanks. Wally
  20. Trusted 3rd party mechanic.... Used Honda My grease.
  21. Yes they were greased about a month ago when I had the tires changed.
  22. Ok... Leaving for home tomorrow, but have a "noise" coming from where the gear oil is housed in... I heard the noise on Saturday... Took it to a dealer in Wichita, KS. by the time he test drove the bike the noise went away. The noise came back the next day and has been getting worse. Today I am in Custer, SD And we are heading home tomorrow... And now the noise is worse. A buddy felt the housing where the spline is at and could feel the sound. It is a clicking sound... Almost like a baseball card on spokes (just not as loud). I need to know what are the possibilities? If it needs gear oil, how to add more... And what weight oil do I need and anything else I might could use... I do NOT want to be stranded here and there is no BIKE shops here. Thanks for the QUICK help! Wally
  23. Cause it takes FOREVER for the progressive pump to pump that SUCKA up. Sometimes being a hurry is a BAD, BAD thing. I think I was LUCKY this time.
  24. Thanks Goose...I hope to ride worry free for the next 9 days. We're heading for Custer, SD (yep...gonna be hot tomorrow)...Wished I could make it to Cody, but we already had this planned for a year. Maybe I'll see some of the Venture Riders in the Badlands. Thanks again Goose for the help. Wally
  25. Peace of mind! And THAT is why I feel I am ripping you off at $12 a year. EXCELLENT information, but more than that.... Many of us need that... Peace of mind. Thanks Don. Wally
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