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Everything posted by oldgoat

  1. wow not sure if thats a high price. but i saw a parts bike go for that much. thats a big ouch. in my opion
  2. well today was going good my left knee was felling prety good. so off i go to get shopping done pay some bills before it swells up again. . i got all my bills paid. went grocery shopping filled up for the next 2 weeks. got a message on my cell phone. aunt needs some depends and underarm stuff. and toliet paper. being the good nephew i am i bought them for her. now this is a bag it your self place. i bagged all my stuff had 5 bags on the bagging shelf. there was a person next to me. i wasent paying attention to him. i turned around to get the cart to place the bags in. when i saw i was missing one bag. well i hope the jerk can use the depends 2 cans of chicken noodle soup lady speed stick. toliet paper and the main product the prune juice. i hope he drinks the prune juice gets the sh#ts uses the tp and puts on the depends . stays warm with the soup and smells nice and fresh like a lady should with the lady speed stick.
  3. damn thats going to leave a mark. sorry just had to say it. sounds like a awesome car. so wheres the pics
  4. i have to go with squid . there is a brother and sister hood here. i allways say if i cant fix it someone will tell me there best way to do it. if i break it. they wont let me forget it. but still will tell me how to fix it. and if i break it again they tell me take it to the dealer give them the title because you shouldnt be on it:nanner:
  5. i was allways told chicks dig scars. then i came to learn this is why doctors drive bmw and benz cars. want to bet the car ahead was owned by a docotor
  6. what no dvd player for the passenger? and afold down shield between you and the passenger and call itt he mother inlaw shield
  7. 6 inches of snow here in illinois blowing wind and 19 out side with wind makes it -12. not as bad as when i lived in brainerd minnesota. but damn i just didnt go far enough south. oh well pizza foot ball and a little rum and coke i be just fine and dandy:banana:
  8. thats neat and from old goat to you have a merry merry christmas and glad to see you got things settled with the daughter and her car. i got a 29 year old daughter. love of my life. oh another thing i learned when you think you got rid of them they come back sometimes with these little ones that do what they did back then??? i got a step granddaughter she drives me nuts when i go visit up north.
  9. http://thumbs2.ebaystatic.com/pict/1205097938818080_1.jpg this is me as you can see i been hanging around a lot LOL merry christmas everyone
  10. well last night i was in a mad rush to find that last gift. so i ran to the mall about a half hour before closing time. pouring down rain and chilly outside. at closeing time i headed out the door as they where locking down the mall. i started walking to my car which is parked in the handicap spot. when i see this poor teenage girl crying her eyes out. i asked her whats wrong? she told me that shes at least a half hour late getting home and she cant get into her moms car that shes driving? and shes soaked from head to toe. of course being a teenager shes not properly dressed for the weather. she said im going to be in big trouble and be grounded for at least a month this is my second time i will be late getting home this month. my cellphone is locked in the car so i cant call my mom and i dont have a father or no one to come help me. i said well lets see why you cant get in the car? she said i keep hitting the remote button to unlock the car but its not working? i didnt say a thing i gave her my coat told her put it on. then i gave her my cellphone and said call your mom. tell her what happend and a nice man is going to open your doors and you will be home in just a little while. it was the same type of car as mine a pontiac grandprix. and she was standing on the passenger side. i didnt want to make fun of her so while she was talking to her mom i took her keys went over to the drivers side as these type of cars have only one door lock on the drivers side. i placed the key in the lock and opened her door. started her car and said your good to go. she said hey my mom wants to talk to you and thank you. i took my cellphone and my coat and talked to her mom explained what i did and that just because the battery died in the remote dont mean you cant get into the car. so when your daughter gets home show her what i did. she just laughed and laughed and said she sure takes after her mom where both blonde. boy did that make my day
  11. saddle bum as long as you dont kiss the garbage and put out the wife you be ok:rotfl:
  12. about every 2 hours it feels like home 2 me
  13. oldgoat

    Mr. Freeman

    god bless this man he saved a lot. when my time comes i hope it will be him comming to take me home. sweet chariot hell i want the helicopter man. e5 james oldgoat
  14. sad as it might be i might have to give the venture back to the loan company:bawling:. i was injured on a job last year after i got a loan to purchase the bike, been fighting the so called workers comp. well im still out of work. and was forced to retire from that job of over 15 years . there story was your no longer able to perform your duties. funny they dont want to settle? any ways i had to borrow against the bike once again. was doing ok as i was getting workcomp checks then they stopped due to there doctor saying things if anyone has fought workers comp you know where im comming from. im in a long fight with this as it destroyed my left knee. i had insurance to cover the loan if im out of work or dissabled. but due to the workers comp doc saying i can do light duty work. im screwed. my doctor says he cant work. till the knee is totaly healed. im stuck between a rock and a hard place now i owe $6000. on the bike total intrest and all. i love the bike but cant make the 200 a month payments yikes i know that high payments. also 300 for the car 300 for rent and ect ect im down to minus 150 a month with out makeing the bike payment. and noone will hire this old goat with all my restrictions. might not be the place to vent this but i like all of you and found a great friendship here
  15. i allways add to my favorites i can just go there and im there
  16. i got a email saying i won the auction # 4 i did place that bid for $21.00. i then emailed the seller? and got a response saying i can use paypal. and please send size of shirt needed. total cost is $27.00 with shipping. i want to confirm that im the real winner. thanks jim aka oldgoat
  17. dear lord help this wonderfull man . may his interview go well. but please tell him no baseball cap and a can of bud. and a mouth full of chew. good luck bud hope all goes well
  18. congrats. hope you get that second job? oh wait you didnt fill out an aplication yet to pay for it? hmm maybe get a carbtune and do some carb work. that will get ya some tuna maybe for tuna melts.
  19. tried to talk my brother inlaw into letting me work some on the venture. its in his garage. he said what you going to do with it. i said just install some plugs. check the carbs. and do some cosmetic work install the false tank. i got and figure out how to remove and replace the gauges. he said its cold as hell out there. and go see why you cant do it. i went out there and went oh ****. the garage is stuffed to the max. my 2 bikes in there. and he went and bought a damn quad. along witht he ridding lawnmower. and a damn plow for the quad. aint no room to do ****.. i need to find a nice heated garage to rent someday. but it is nice of him to let me store my bikes i guess. but im retired and bored as hell. i know i dont have a lift to do the tires rotors and brakes but gee. i could have at least spent a few hours if not days doing the stuff i can get to.
  20. im fairly new here but my prayers to your family
  21. they will have a meeting and determine that they can install heating elements like we have on our back windshields of our cars. cost to taxpayers about 1.5 million. cost to go back to old style lights about 200 grand. there will be ambulance chasers watching for that big possible law suit. when some poor sap gets t boned because the other driver thought he had the green light.
  22. i would go with the slow one. i did a lawn and garden one with a 10 and boiled the sucker almost dry. im not a great mechanic so its just my:2cents:
  23. verry verry nice:cool10:
  24. he has 3 rare benz cars a couple that are awesome. a harley thats just a harley. now i got a rare 1984 venture royal only made that year. now who has the 85,86,87,88, and so on?.
  25. i have to say about half the time i wear one. last year someone thought it would be cute to cut the strap by the d rings and take mine. and kick it around wal mart parking lot. could have been worse they could have pushed the bike over.
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