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Everything posted by oldgoat

  1. i needed that. but sometimes honesty can hurt LOL. never tell a woman she looks fat in her jeans just say it realy shows your figure:missingtooth:
  2. im only 52 but let the beard turn gray. and at some places i get that wonderfull 10% off on my lunch special. and free coffee so who am i to complain?
  3. have a happy birthday and many more
  4. sorry about your loss. may you take comfort in knowing he,s at peace now. my prayers go out to you and yours.
  5. well the gout is almost out of my system. there just trying to find out why i cant hold myself up/ there is now power in the legs from the hips to the knees. and the ankles are weak. this could be from my MS. im on a ton of meds. seems like you have to take 2 to counter the efects of the one that should help you. it takes about 5 minutes to pull myself up to a standing postion. then i use the walker. and try to walk the distance of my small apartment. i do this every 2 hrs. this takes me 10 minutes to move around a very small distance. the PT nurse says im moving a little faster. but not verry stable yet. its like you know your standing but cant get full feeling in the legs. then the back pain comes. dead cent of the lower back. i had a MRI back in 2009and it showed a slight buldge in the ls1 and ls5 area? this is by the tail bone. next week back injections start again. then steroid treatment to help rebuild muscle loss in the legs? if i cant ride this year im content with that. health comes first. as for MD cager are welcome . and im sure there is help to get an oldgoat. moving around with a walker.
  6. prayers sent for a speedy recovery
  7. about 3 weeks ago i came down with terrible gout attack. this attack went from my right foot to both knees then both ankles. my sister came in one day to check in on me. and i was leaning slumped over my walker. she could not wake me. ambulance and emt arrived emt.s had a hard time waking me . ambulance attendent placed me on the gurney. while laying flat i came too.. so this is what they found. after 2 weeks in the hospitial. #1 gout caused an infection in my right kidney causeing it to shut down. had 3 pints of blood put into me. infection made me pee blood. #2 reduced my blood preasure meds because while sitting i would drop down to 85/60. and would pass out. standing would rush it back up to 190/120. again i would just pass out. now with adjustment in meds im at 135/90 not great but under controll and no passing out.#3 this all caused an attack to my leggs most likely MS flair up? i can no longer hold myself up. i have trouble walking. im useing a walker and takeing baby steps. pain shoots down both legs. so i will be seeing a pain management doctor. then some kind of doctor who will work on the back and do some kind of nerve block? then back injections. i cant drive my car as i cant feel the foot controlls. i have PT 2 times a day at home. and food brought in as i cant even stand up long enough to make something. i cant get into my shower. so its sit on a comode. inside a plastic tub. and do a wash down by the kitchen sink. the PT nurse will empty it when she comes. so that,s how im doing. weak a little scared. but determend to beat this attack back into admission.
  8. Have a happy birthday.
  9. there just like boats and you all know what BOAT stands for? bust out another thousand. and there are 2 great feelings ya get with them one is when you buy two is when ya sell it.
  10. Quickstep plays the fool! :rotf:And sings badly its 0k annie after 4 or 5 beers every ones a star. as long as the ones who listen had at least 6 or 7 and are tone deaf like me it wont matter. so let the guy sing:Im not listening to
  11. well im trying cherries. will be seeing the doctor on monday. the worse thing is the foot is verry painfull. and the cast feels tight because of the swelling. the doctors nurse said if it continues. then they will remove the cast put me in the hospitial treat the gout and use a splint to hold the ankle untill it can be re casted. the cast i have now is open at the toes. i can see the redness. and just touching that toe is a killer. also the nurse said to drink lots and lots of water??
  12. well the first of the year i was feeling good. then 2 days ago the gremlin got me. a slip and fall broke my right ankle. and twisted the knee. 6 weeks on crutches. for the ankle to heel. then something called gout settled in the big toe of the same foot. if any one has ever had this. i truly feel for you.. so here i sit. with a cast on the foot pain like the devil himself is useing a red hot poker on my foot. drugged out of my mind. all i can say is it has to get better.
  13. I'm not much good when it comes to measuring things. what all guys are good at this we allways add a few inches and allow for shrinkage.
  14. well it started great for me. i dont want to jinx my self but for the first time in over a year. i woke up feeling prety damn good. saw the sun was out still cold as heck but its shinning. had lots of rain so the big pile of snow is gone. found $40 bucks just out side my door some poor soul must have lost it while walking back from the tavern. got 2 emails saying im the next of kin for $8.5 million. so watch out im going to ebay and corner the market on first and second generation parts. now if i can just get pepole to pay $125 for a single mirror plus shipping i can get my investment back in no time. well i truly hope every one had a great New year.
  15. awwww dont ya just love that i didnt do it look.. i didnt see any remotes on your list dianne said sadeyes one of her beagles just loved to chew them up. also for some reason she liked the big beach towels over the regular bath ones. she was allso a great one to have around if you wated to go on a diet. if you left any thing like a sandwich and left it out of your sight for even a minute poof it was gone. but happy birthday
  16. thanks everyone. from what i got its a 1990. red. in a heated garage. he fired it up for them. sounds good. but with snow all over that state no test run. he has all reciepts for work and maintenance done on it. this will be for a woman who is 5 ft 7 . she realy likes it. i tould dianne to low ball him a little. go from $3600 to $3000. dont try to piss him off. and see how it goes. after all its winter. and it will sit till like april. what she thought was speakers was in fact the mirrors . so no radio. but damn all that plastic. and i did look at that army one on ebay now that sparked my intrest as im a grunt LOL but just cant afford it. cool water bottle on that bike too LOL. now if it had a grenande launcher on it for them cagers that make left turns with out looking
  17. something like that? got a call from dianne way up north. she said she saw a honda pacific? 800cc strange looking but kind of a touring bike. any one know any history about these? reason im asking is a friend of hers is interested and wants to know if its worth $3600.00 sorry no pics but its red has 32 k on it. new tires battery and regular maintenance done this summer. she said it has trunk space but not enough for helmets? she thought there was a radio on the bike? was this a new kind of smaller type goldwing prototype/ kind of like the silverwing? thanks oldgoat.
  18. and another one bites the dust. LOL congrats wishing you many years of happiness.
  19. ok whos going to call him there sweet baboo??
  20. merry christmas to you boss.
  21. thank god your ok. now see if you can open a early christmas present and hope its new underware:big-grin-emoticon:
  22. i would like to share a family tradition that we do during the holidays. we set an empty plate and chair at the dinner table. no one is allowed to sit there. no one is allowed to use the setting. this place is for thoes who can not be here. and to remember them. for they have passed on. and now are enjoying a feast with our lord and saviour on his birthday. there sadly missed but not forgoten....
  23. Every day 20 banks are robbed. The average take is $2,500. damn i need a map lets see 10 banks will get me a new venture?
  24. merry christmas to you big tom and taters. i too have been blessed by the wonderfull brothers and sisters here. i have been here now a little over a year. and i have seen how the wonderfull pepole. help when your down or just need a prayer or two. god bless each and every one of you.
  25. its cold im tracking him to get some bags of coal. brrrrrrrrrrrrr
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