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Everything posted by oldgoat

  1. little central town im in IL gas is $3:75 a gal. yesterday it was $3.69 go figure???
  2. assuming this is a 307 olds motor,the fuel filter is inside the fitting that attaches to the carb fuel line,you must disconnect the fuel line first.this screws into the carb.it has the filter and a spring inside of it,it also has a nylon seal at the end of the fitting when you unscrew it off the carb
  3. yes dano they did i know your thinking fuel injection .
  4. hey snaggle i had one of them cars its a barrle type filter right by the carb. yep its on a steel gas line. in a emergency i have punched out the filter with a nail .
  5. i use to have a saying that went if you got full coverage on it and you cant realy fix it have someone steal and torch it:whistling:
  6. i have my name on my underware. so i guess my name is fruit of the loom?
  7. sorry to say im afraid to go far on mine. still need to work out some problems with this old 84 . some back firing on start up? need some parts clutch master and front brake one there starting to weep. right now im just waiting on$$$ to work some more on it, with luck around june i should come into some of that$$. im also looking at maybe letting it go around june. thats when the small loan i have on it will be paid off. then i might down size to a cruiser bike.
  8. could be highay maintenance crew looks like something the town i live in would do. but they left poor bill the **** picker upper behind?
  9. WOW them are sweeeeeeeeeeettttttttttt
  10. sorry but i have to ask if it,s ok to give it out to some red headed women? i know how much you love them there kind of women:whistling:
  11. prayers sent to the big guy upstairs.
  12. dray im praying you get some nice weather looks like you need to go for a ride.
  13. ok well i didnt wreck the battery thank god. went up did some cleaning. pulled the false tank cover. pulled the battery. cleaned the battery box. cleaned the cable ends. got down on the floor. used some baking soda and got up there with tooth brush and cleaned by the starter. looked for the ground strap to the engine? ok is someone pulling my leg? i just cant seem to find where the neg. cable goes? i put it all back together. went for a half hour ride. if i get caught doing this my sister will kill me. not supposed to be on the bike till docotor says i can in or around may? i do have some balance issue. but hey i do have my good days. and i used my leg braces. any ways the bike has been starting fair after warm up/ not sure i solved the problem? ok not sure if some pepole do this or not but i use vasoline on the ends to the battery. i have done this to many bikes i have owned and it seems to help with preventing corrosion? also have them red and black felt type things that the bolt goes thru.. ok so now may i ask another question. what type of anti freeze to use my over flow is empty. and whats proper mixture? i had it drained and filled when i had the brakes and the exhaust fixed. some how that mechanic. didnt check the over fill. or im guessing he didnt do the drain and fill and charged me for it? now when some extra $$$ comes in i will contact skydoc17 about the cable update. a guy down the road said he has 2 vmax starters for sale $80 a piece. came off of some 90,s? not sure if vmax starters will work? im thinking new brushes and do dingy,s ground update. and cables and should be good to go. also need a carb sync .
  14. ok thanks everyone the battery is a glass mat . after getting my poor old body down low enough to look up at the starter. the cable has green crap on it. looks like cleaning is in order? i think its time to do some serious cleaning of things connectors and so forth. it could be that the battery is not fully charged. it was on a tender. but found out the storage place blew a transformer about a month ago. and they where with out power for like 3 days. i think my battery tender and circuit breaker was shut off to my unit? i have plenty of time to do little things to the bike as i am not fully recoverd enough to realy take the bike out. i just did some parking lot driving.
  15. today i took the bike out for a warm up ride. i let it warm up its running rough. must have had the winter blues? anyways i just drove up the block to an old abandon grocery store and drove around the parking lot. huge lot. i rode around for about an hour. just getting the feel of the bike again and with this knee brace on the left leg. well i stopped the bike. got off and went around back to take care of some personal buisness. went and tried to start the bike. starter turned over slow like a bad battery? battery showed it was low on the green down below 12? well i went oh crap. my car is just down the road a block. i will go and get the battery booster out of the storage shed. then i thought well i drink my gatoraide before i slow walk down there. well after about 15 minutes i said let me try it again. turned on the switch. hit the starter button and vroom it started. but im hearing a strange noise? not sure if its the starter or the water pump? a whirrrrrrrrrrr noise? thought the starter button was stuck. but recalled i replaced the whole throttle and starter button with a nice working one. just before i put the bike up for storage. oh i bought a new battery just before i out it away too. and will need to do the sensor mod. have to figure out how to do that after installing skydocs fuse panel. anyways what could it be?
  16. great news glad she,s ok and home safe. my prayers are still there for you.
  17. well get better. i hear there short one employee at the local DQ where you live.
  18. well if you dont want it i will be happy to adopt it. for say $100
  19. get some food coloring and make snow cones. or slushies. might make enough for some safety chrome? just make sure no yellow ones ok?
  20. all i did was get hungry reading all of it. but it was close on what i picked.
  21. as one who has MS i know how hard this can be. there are medications that can help but there is no cure as of now. talk about the inteferon beta shots if she has MS its a once a week injection. and it helps to controll flairups. and to reduce MS from progressing. i have what is called progressive relapsing MS. sinc 1990. since i started this medication. i had 4 relaps that put me in the hospitial. my prayers go out to her.
  22. this work for long haired men past shoulder LOL
  23. well lets see i think i see a blue honda 350 or 360 scrambler maybe 1973 or 1973? a gold. honda maybe 550 four k 1972-1974. a bellinili. 1970? a yamaha maxim 1982-1984? and thats about all i can make out
  24. well as most know i had some bad health issues with knees kidney and back problems. could hardley walk. been useing a walker and moving verry little. well i had both knees injected with a new kind of shot. and one in the back? today i went from a walker back to my cane. im getttin stronger in the legs. and now the knee replacement can be put off till im 55. im going to be 53 in august. so my graduation present. is i can now move up to aqua PT i can use the pool to exersize the legs more. i tould my doctor. to please keep me on PT. as its working. i also went from 270 pounds down to 255. im shooting for 230 by MD??? i also went up and had a friend fire up the bike. in storage. it leaked a little gas out one of the carbs on the kick stand side? it allways done this since i bought the bike. a slight tap with a screwdriver and all is well? he took it for a ride of 4 miles. went to restart it and it fired up but sounds like starter clutch is getting lose/ noise up front more a whirl like noise? i did have a sticky starter switch last year but i replaced the whole grip and all with one from pinwall. lubed the cables had a hell of a time getting the cruise to work but got it. anyways just a update on how im doing.
  25. happy birthday to all of you. may it be a great one.
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