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Everything posted by oldgoat

  1. thanks bubber if im in and around your area on the way back i will give a shout out. just wish this trip was for a better reason to once again see them wonderfull lakes i use to fish when i was a kid. instead of saying good bye to a friends child. james aka oldgoat
  2. ok i will be heading out for MN tuesday. any one in the MN area know how the roads are? i will be travling on 94 and 494 then 10 into st cloud for a quick stop. then up to brainerd mn then on to pine river. any construction i should know about? thanks james aka oldgoat
  3. prayers for a safe return.
  4. heading out tuesday to pine river MN i sold some stuff to the pawn shop to make this trip. i just got to do this for an old friend. her funeral his daughters will be friday. then i will head back home maybe sunday? this puts a little hardship im my finace department. but my daughter up there said she has some boxes of food for me to take back home and she will fill up my gas tank for my trip back home and pack me a lunch so i dont have to stop and pay to eat some where. a friend of over 30 years i just have to do this.
  5. thanks every one for your prayers. for the family as well as me. im realy starting to have a hard time with all of this. 3 friends gone in less then 2 years. im broke again . hard times again. workers comp settlement has been back logged. my health issues. some times i wonder how the heck am i going to pull through all of this? i just need that time when i have a bike running that i can trust . and next year i just got to head out and go. where i have no idea? my bike is now payed off. i had a small loan on it. just need maybe a good trike kit cheap!! and make the venture go again. mike usa1 said shes not bad just tries to drop a cyl. but picks up and goes? so if i can just get that fixed next spring. find a cheap voyager kit when the settlement comes in after paying all the back bills i think i can swing a kit or a smaller bike? i realy need to get away from all this. james aka oldgoat
  6. three days ago my best friends daughter had a grand mal seizure. she suffered from these since she was 8 years old. well she had a bad one and her heart stopped as well. they shocked her and flew her to st cloud MN they cooled her down and placed her in a induced coma ...today they tried to warm her up. and there was no response. her brain and body shut down. she passed away. she was only 34 years old . i am verry sad as i dont have the money to travel up there for the funeral service. but i would like to ask for a few prayers for her family . me and her family where verry close. they even took me in when i was homeless. so you can see how bad i feel. thanks james
  7. i think its his pygmies trying to get a date with one of hulk hogans midget female wrestlers:rotf:
  8. :clap2::crackup:
  9. hello any one know much about insurance company called farmers? i just got done talking to dianne seems her friend a co-worker had his honda pacifica stoled sometime over the weekend? he got back home today and his garage was broken into. gone was the motorcycle and a john deere lawn tractor. im thinking some one had to have a huge trailer to do this? well they called farmers insurance about the bike. and the insurance company said he should file it on his home owners insurance policy? that just makes no sense to him . i told him to get some pictures of the bike if he has some and maybe the vin number if he doesnt mind and maybe we can put a look out for it here on this site if thats ok with the boss? he said he,s not sure if he has pictures of the bike but he could call the P.O who put the ad up in craglist way back when he bought it and get a copy of it as it had pictures. now i see why rule of thumb here pictures man pictures. well any help i would be gratefull for. i cant realy help him. much but will try my best. i think he,s getting shafted by farmers insurance i mean after all he paid his premiums but maybe he dont have full coverage on that bike?
  10. hope all goes well for you tom right now im going in for spinal injections every 3 weeks. this makes the back and my neck feel pretty good right now. but this is just treating the pain not fixing the problem in my opion anyways? but i realy like my PT lady. she is good at her job. next week she said she was going to hang me? its a treatment where they palce some kind of thing under my chin and around my head and hang me on a door or something. she said when thay do this you cant hear anything you just hang there. sounds like fun i guess.
  11. watch me get in troubble for this:witch_brew: hey dan next time you see a garage sale just pull up and say i will take it.. have them delivery it at least you have the garage maybe not the floor but its a start:witch_brew:
  12. hope all goes well for you after haveing my right eye drained of fluild build up do to MS i can tell you its not fun. and that doctor never told me that you can see that needle in your eye from the inside. freaked the living crap out of me.
  13. ruffy i just would not make it at wal mart. because it would go like this. welcome to wal mart now get your sh## and get out. i use to clean wal mart floors.
  14. i tried that once . didnt work out too well. i didnt have enough $$ for what some pepole where paying for true junk.
  15. well since im on social security. is there any good real online places where i could make like around $500 a month? i use to sell on flebay still do time to time but i ran out of things to sell. just looking to supplement my lousy $717.00 a month income.
  16. oldgoat


    ok he was at his house?
  17. you know when i was much younger i would have died for a set of seat covers like that
  18. Hello this is the Sherriff Office?'' ''Yes, What can I do for you?'' '' I'm calling to report 'bout my neighbor Virgil Smith.... He's hiding marijuana inside his firewood! Don't quite know how he gets it inside them logs, but he's hidin' it there.'' ''Thank you very much for the call, sir.'' The next day, the Sheriff's Deputies descend on Virgil's house. They search the shed where the firewood is kept. Using axes, they bust open every peice of wood. but find no marijuana. They sneer at Virgil and leave. Shortly ,after the phone rings at Virgil's house. ''Hey, Virgil, This here's Floyd.... Did the Sheriff come?'' ''Yeah!'' '' Did they chop your firewood for the winter?'' ''Yep!'' ''Happy Birthday, buddy!'' Rednecks know how to git-R-done
  19. for 12 bucks a year i got more help and advice then i can even say thanks for. when i was down they picked me back up. wehn i needed to get my bike out of storage and put away here in my back yard i just made a quick call to a member here mike eusa1 and in extrem heat for that day he drove down here with his wife and daughter and rick haywood. showed up also. these wonderfull pepole got my bike up in the yard place boards and stuff to hold it up mike showed me how easy it was for him to get it up on the center stand the big show off LOL. then for the time to come down and leand a hand it cost me some time at a rootbeer stand where i enjoyed my time with them. now you cant get that kind of help from atow truck driver for 12 bucks can ya?
  20. well thats what i need someone who is willing to work on my bike for peanuts.
  21. thanks that brought a nice warm and fuzzy feeling way down in my soul. and old willie sure can play a busted up guitar with a hole in it cant he?
  22. glad your some what ok. the bike can be fixed. i read that you and mike eusa1 where heading out on sunday and i saw that it was raining here in peru. and i thought to my self i hope they have a good safe ride. looks like that didnt happen. right now just rest up and take care of them ribs. i have had cracked ribs before and every breath you take in feels like a sharp knife was stuck in to you. so heal up them worry about the bike.
  23. just got a call from the daughter. looks like justin will be staying for a while. and hey black owl someone needs to give you an MD degree. yep justin has kindney stones. and he was heavly dehydrated. and has an infection in the lungs. first thing first will be to get him rehydrated. work on the infection then go after the stones. with his heart problems and such he is not out of the woods. a bad infection places stress on that new heart. but 2 weeks ago he passed his stress test. so im praying all goes well. he tould my daughter the reason he was scremming was he could not pee and the stones must have traveled next thing he knew he was on the floor in pain. he said if felt like a mule kicked him where it hurts. they have him resting now. daughter is still with him. but i tould her to go get some sleep. of course i know she wont listen. she tould me in verry strict words that she loves me but do not try and come up there. as i have been sick myself and she does not need more worries like staying up and waiting for me to arive after a 8 to 9 hr drive. if she needs me she will call. i have no clue where she got so tough? thanks everyone will keep you all posted.
  24. arrrrrrrrrr take what ye can and give nothing back
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