Hey guys, all winter long I've been troubled by this question. How long are they going to keep producing fuel for, and how long is the govt gonna let us keep riding our gas powered bikes. I've never been a guy to go brand new. I look at it like getting a pet, why get a new puppy, when there are plenty of dogs that are still in their youth that have been neglected and pushed away into the shack for their whole lives. Its almost inhumane to get the puppy when you could save a dogs life for much cheaper. I guess what I'm saying is, if they go to strictly hydrogen fuel cell, electric, solar powered, or whatever bikes that don't make the noises like ours do, we all know the price range is going to be around the 30k range at least for the first few years. This scares me because I don't think that, for the longevity of my life, I wont be blessed with working and riding the familiar machines we've all grown up with. I've always bought older, cheaper vehicles that I know are reliable that require a little bit of work.
But if they one day decide nope, you have to get an electric bike you cant keep riding that gas guzzler anymore. What am I to do. Save up the 30k for a new electric bike. Or should I invest in a horse.
Really though, how long can we keep riding our gas powered bikes?