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Everything posted by Chaharly

  1. As for now I'm just gonna keep riding it. Its only done it once!
  2. Yeah like I said it acted like nothing happened. Put a little less than three hundred miles on today and no hiccups
  3. I live in northeast NebRaska. An hour from Sioux City!
  4. I do that more often than I like to admit but no, that was the first thing I checked
  5. I think in Nebraska if they catch you you lose your cdl for up to a year
  6. Hey yall! Been awhile since I've been on the site with moving and not having home internet and all. Anyways I got back from a trip to Colorado 2 weeks ago and while I was climbing one of the mountains 2 up with the bike fully loaded it just died on me. Plop... nothing... no spitting or sputtering just died. I had a passanger on the back and all the stuff for a 4 day trip loaded up. We were doing about 15 in first just putting up the hill and the fan was on but the temp wasn't in the red by any means. I thought right away that the TCI went out and i'd have to back it down this steep mountain but there was noone around so I shut the key off and sat for about 60 seconds, flipped they ket on and went. Put on about 700 or so miles since then without a single hiccup. That's the only time I've ever been unsure about my 27 year old bike
  7. See there I go making an easy job a PITA... Got it all back together and went for a test ride. She rides like a dream
  8. Ok so basically the metal circlip is just to keep them from sliding down. I get it I think
  9. Mine didn't seem like they wanted to. Felt like I need to beat them on
  10. Ok guys so I got the first one out and I'm a little confused with the reinstallation. What do I do to get the air collars back on?
  11. Hmm. I'm definitely going to do the aligment next time. It has felt weird going around right turns and I thought maybe it had to do with front tire balance... Great Info Thanks!!! @Freebird Can we put that in the tech section?
  12. Cool! Thanks for the heads up guys. From the picture it looks like Steve just left the air clips on. You must be able to put the line right onto the clip. I should be getting the new parts in by the end of the week. Oooh it feels like Christmas again!
  13. Hey Guys! I have seriously messed up my left inner fork tube on my bike to the point where I decided a new one would be necessary. I got in touch with a fella on here who was parting out his bike, (the same color as mine, and sorry Steve, I cant remember your VR name!!!), but he's going to hook me up with his front fork assemblies off of his bike. They have good seals in them and progressive springs that were put in in the early 2000s so I'm going to change the fluid and while I'm doing that drop my brand new progressives in. My question is, Do I have to remove the fairing to get the fork tubes out? What do I really have to do to get the air lines disconnected (pictures would be great! I have no idea how that stuff works), do I need to replace any sort of gasket for the seal? Also is there a place I can get the little O-Rings for the anti dive? I'd like to replace them just because they part will be off. I'm NOT replacing the fork seals because they're in good non leaking shape. It also has Gators! Also I remember someone saying that since the progressives take up more volume than the stocks, how much fluid do I run in them? I don't leave the plastic spacer in and use my air suspension because I like to feel old school:biker: I'll probably start on this as soon as the parts get here so maybe if someone is retired and bored during the week we can Skype of have a speaker phone call and walk through it. Just a thought!!! :happy34: I might even pass out and :cry:essen_018: to someone who would be of service! Even just get a chat going with ideas starting and hi-jack it like usual! I LOVE IT!!!
  14. I'll be interested in seeing when they come out, and at what price. Mine are starting to show light through them. Will subscribe to this post!
  15. Hey You wouldn't happen to mean something like this??? http://www.ebay.com/itm/1998-PONTIAC-GRAND-AM-BUICK-SKYLARK-OLDS-ACHIEVA-REPAIR-SERVICE-3-MANUAL-SET-/331781825852?_trksid=p2141725.m3641.l6368
  16. See I remember having a book for my F-150 that I couldn't remember if it was a Haynes or not but it was useless for me too. It was probably a Haynes. I'll have to try to find a factory service manual somewhere. Thanks for the feedback though, you definitely turned me off of a purchase I wasn't too sure on anyway. Blessings man!
  17. Hey guys! I own a 1998 olds achieva that has seen better days. It clunks and bangs over bumps, only has 2nd and 3rd gear, and only the driver controls the windows. So obviously its gonna need some work. Im just curious if anyone has bought the Haynes manual for the car? Is the Haynes any good or is there a better manual on the market? I may have to pull the engine to replace the shift solenoid so I would like the best manual on the market. Thanks in advance guys
  18. Yeah puc definitely IS NOT known as the guy here to or But since he's still healing I guess I will admit that he
  19. Glad to hear you've got him running. I'm still waiting on a few parts and I'll be buzzing around town soon enough
  20. Huggy it is!
  21. I enjoyed the comments under the video. "Did the truck driver survive"lmao
  22. Whoa Whoa Whoa there Puc! You might have gotten the list close but I work hard to stay out of that 1 percent range! Just because I forgot my liscence to thrill doesn't mean I'm going to need that much bail money! On the other hand, the multiple warrants in other states and the wanted Live or Dead signs out west with my face on them may speak otherwise:2143: Isn't it true though that if you're an official VRV (Venture Rider Varmint) he'll post your bail for free?:mo money: So I guess the only question remains. Does the zoo provide the tarp, or is that workers expence?
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