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Everything posted by Chaharly

  1. Going to be doing the Barnett Clutch upgrade and went off of the information on the read only section. Heres a link to that http://www.venturerider.org/forum/showthread.php?491-Barnett-Clutch-Installation My I cant find the un-notched friction plate. Also they retaining wire can be thrown away am I right??
  2. Hey guys! Whats the part number for the vacuum actuator cable. Ive got the other 4 throttle cables figured out, just not the vacuum actuator's. Thanks!
  3. Thanks Marcarl! I didnt know that there wasnt an adjustment on the cruise control, but to be honest i dont think ive ever even seen the unit on a first gen lol. Ill be picking up some Fluid Film this week and ill try to tackle this project. Thanks again for the wise words!
  4. Just a really loose throttle. I haven't measured the freeplay but its well over spec. I know to make gross throttle adjustment at the carb and the fine tuning at the throttle. The cruise is a little laggy so i'd like to check the adjustment there to see . Should probably lube the cables too
  5. Thanks so much! Now I've got an idea where to start peeling things apart.
  6. That's a good idea. I'll have to get ahold of them!
  7. I could be totally wrong here, I am learning and have never even pulled one apart. I think he's talking about on the other side of the board. In the first photo you have when you were asking about the direction of the diode the board looks slightly damaged there.
  8. Basically what happened was I was in a hurry and had the wire hanging out of the cassette lid and instead of ejecting the tape and putting it in the fairing pocket I just threw the cord in the lid and took off quick. It was kind of an emergency situation (had food in the smoker that needed to be taken out and wrapped) and I rode the bike a few times after that. I turned the radio on the other day and it wouldn't come on and I looked in the cassette deck and lo and behold it ate the wire and I cant for the life of me get the cassette out. I was thinking about grabbing it with needlenose pliers and ripping it out. Then I decided now would be the perfect time to get Bluetooth on the bike and turn the cassette deck into a phone holder.
  9. So I could actually run the edset thing in line by the amp like the first adapter I posted and just run a Bluetooth receiver into it. I rarely use the intercoms in my helmets
  10. I was using one of those cassette adapters but somehow the thing ate the wire and I'm afraid I'll ruin it if I try to get it out. I figured now would be the time to add blutooth if there ever was one. I'll check out the edsets. Thanks!
  11. So would that mean I need spark plug wires with 4k resistance? To make it 9000 again?
  12. So what do you and @cowpuc mean when you say ohming the plug caps and clipping the spark plug wires back? I'm a youngn and they never taught us that in tech school??? clip plug wires back a bit (I have a good feeling I'm going to find something here! COOL but ohming out the caps is not a bad idea too as long as your stickin in new plugs and got the caps separated from the plugs anyway.. Snipping the wires back is a good start though.
  13. Thinking about getting one of these. Anyone know anything about them?? https://ventureaudiolink.wordpress.com/
  14. Hey guys! Where is the adjustment for the cruise cable? I know you can adjust at the throttle, and at the carb and at the cruise. I'm sure its underneath the fairing somewhere but where? Also any idea how to lube them old cables?
  15. I can almost guarantee, my friend, that you are going to want to do the progressive spring conversion. If I remember right the springs are less than $100. Hell I have a spare set of progressive springs that I'll sell ya if theyre still laying around
  16. I started putting a blanket over my bike to keep the dust off of it during the winter too But I try to ride it to work every Sunday across town as long as it isn't snowing or icy. We've had some really out-of-season weather here in Nebraska. It was in the 60s the entire Thanksgiving weekend even if the day after was one of the windiest days I've ever seen! Good thinking on the seafoam, but you're gonna have to do some extra miles next season! These old girls hate sittin:happy65:
  17. My condolences to his family
  18. I like the look of the side bag rails. My 85 had the trunk light rack and ive seen the scoop with the lights in it too. Poor bike though 😢
  19. Well that's not very impressive... I think my 88 will do 45 in first (maybe more) 65 in second and like a hundred in third?
  20. Hell, it looks like I could use one of those magnets!
  21. Hey thanks for the reply's guys! I think I'm going to patch it so I can ride it back and fourth to work (1 mile each way) and maybe to the local Wal-Mart etc. But before the end of the month she'll have new rubber on the back. Hell maybe I should just bite the bullet and buy the new Star Venture! Its gotta be impossible to get a flat on a bike THAT fancy!
  22. Hey guys, I've got an Elite-3 on the back of the Venture and she was flat as a pancake. Theres a wood screw in the middle of the tire, and the tire itself only has 3 or 4 thousand miles on it. Barely showing wear at all. Would you guys trust a plug/patch or should I scrap it and get a new tire???
  23. Ohhhhh Boyyyyy!!!!
  24. That looks real, real nice! Any ideas on how to get the gold and black on the clutch cover??
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