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About kartattack

  • Birthday March 6

Personal Information

  • Name
    Carl Mason


  • Location
    Fort Worth, United States


  • City
    Fort Worth


  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    01 RSV and 08 Kaw 900C
  1. I understand completely. We lost 3 in the span of four months a year ago. They were approximately 18, 17 and 15. All mutts found on the streets. We loved them all dearly. My condolences.
  2. A 2008 Kawasaki 900 Custom is my running errands bike. I also commute and make day trips with it when it gets hot around here because the RSV offers too much protection from the wind.
  3. I currently have an 2006 Arctic Cat 500 and two Yamaha BearTrackers (230cc). The Cat is a tank. It'll tow my 16' equipment trailer (1500+ lbs), go through thick mud up to the skid plate, and climb and traverse stuff that will scare the crap out of you. It is a big ATV and handles just OK (better with tires other than stock), but rides very nice. The racks hold 200 pounds (rated, but I've put a lot more on them). It is for work more than play (the Speedrack setup is great), but will climb up and over stuff that stops others cold (4x4, diff lock and a winch). The Yamahas (1999 and 2001) are much more nimble, ride rougher, will haul a lot more than they have a right to and with better tires are OK in mud that isn't too deep (and are easier to get unstuck if need be). They have been bullet proof and were relatively cheap to buy. They won't climb over tall stuff, but are much more fun on the trail. They top out about 30 mph, but I have no business going any faster on tires inflated to 3 psi. A rancher I know has nothing but Hondas. He is very rough on equipment, so if they do the job for him, they should work for anyone. I am not a fan of Polaris because I don't like their racks. Not sure that answers your question, but that is my experience.
  4. Thanks for the response. I didn't realize the cover was what held them in. I had thought the cover was mostly for decoration. I taped a dime on the cover after reading some other threads and it checked good. Guess I need to order some plugs. The bike (2001) has 55k miles on it, so they are probably due anyway due to age or mileage.
  5. My RSV has a coolant leak, under the left aft cyclinder cover. It is not coming from the cover bolt holes, but what I think is the cylinder drain plug (looks like #1 in the center picture on page 3-35 of the service manual). This 'plug' has no internal or external wrenching feature, but the center is threaded. Can I tighten this plug to try to stop the leak? How do I tighten it? Can I just thread another bolt in there to tighten it? Or will tightening the cylinder covers push it in to hold it? The bottom cylinder cover bolt was loose when I disassembled it.
  6. Two OEMs in 54K miles. Installed a Works shock and am quite happy with it, but I have less than 1K miles on it.
  7. Just a short commute ride today, but enough to know this is a heck of an improvement. As delivered, seemed a little stiff when solo, probably would have been fine two-up. Backed off 4 'clicks' and that was too soft. I'll add two back in before the ride to work in the AM and expect that will be about perfect. If you like a really soft, mushy ride, this might not be for you. But if you like a firm, controlled feel, then this could be your shock.
  8. Installed the Works shock today. It would be nice if the shock was oriented so the heigth adjustment nut was on the bottom. I don't think I can adjust it without pulling the battery box. Install wasn't that difficult, but it did require some jacking and rejacking to align all the holes. The old shock is covered with oil/gunk/sludge. Never saw a drip on the floor, but it is most definitely bad. Didn't ride today, so no opinion on that count. I will post more thoughts after my commute tomorrow.
  9. Ordered on Sept 29th. Received on October 7th! I was expecting a loong wait based on others comments. Unfortunately, I am going out of town and won't be able to install it until next weekend.
  10. You know, I didn't think my shock was bad until I dropped the pressure to under 20. That's when I found out there was no hydraulic dampening and it was evil in bumpy corners. At 35 or above, it is rideable, but still gets hinky (unsettled) in bump corners.
  11. You couldn't adjust preload, compression, and rebound enough to suit you? With all the adjustment options, I would think it could be made to suit about anyone as long as the spring allowed it. We shall see.
  12. I asked when I ordered and they said about $100 to rebuild. They expect no less than 40K miles in a street bike.
  13. Bit the bullet: Works on order.
  14. I can't take it anymore. My 2001 RSV needs a new rear shock badly. I see a Works shock on ebay for $689. Is there any place cheaper? I am really not interested in an OEM replacement due to their very short lives, but if one could be had for half of a Works shock, I would be tempted. Any other alternative air shocks?
  15. I have come to the conclusion that my rear shock is shot (second in 54K miles). I'm buying the Works shock pretty soon unless someone comes out with a replacement air shock. The OEMs are just about junk, especially for what they charge for them.
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