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Everything posted by Sunrayman

  1. If Bret Favre had a 1st Gen. VR, he could have pushed it forward about 6 or 7 yards in the GAPING HOLE he had directly in front of him, instead of passing that darned interception!!
  2. I was warned against motorcycles along with my two brothers. I was the family rebel, and years later (against my father's wishes) and after my "wild" years, I bought a motorcycle to commute to college. I have had many weird events over nearly 30 years of riding, and have been in a couple of accidents with injuries. Yet, I continue to ride, and believe I will as long as I have the physical capbilities. As my children grew up, I warned about the dangers, then my divorce kept me from day to day instruction. Now my son wants to ride, but I see him as extremely green and young lad to get into motorcycling in Chicago traffic, no less. He has already been in a rearend (his fault) accident, and been sideswiped n another occasion. I offered him my corvette (someday) if he promised never to get a bike. I was a pilot in my college days..(dad had a twin turbo aztec) and I feel I was far more technically trained which I include in my motorcycling. Should I try to break in my son, while I have the energy? Or should I have him swear it off? What do y'all think? Sunrayman
  3. Cadillac and a Corvette....I always liked American made cars. Probably parts are made elsewhere these days..
  4. Rod, i loved that one!!!!!!
  5. H A P P Y:
  6. When I lived in Florida I had to fill out an affidavit stating that the vehicles I had "sitting" were inoperable or in repair, which meant that I couldn't have been driving around with an out of date tag decal. This was for cars and trucks i owned, so I suspect it would follow for bikes as well. I always felt the registration/sticker thing is a racket... They seem to be much better/cheaper ways to identify vehicles.:sun1: As a side note, on my 1986 VR !st gen. I bought on ebay for $1,200.00 from a dealer WAY FAR AWAY in Oregon, and I mislaid all the paperwork, so I just have been riding around with the plate they gave me, and it has a 2000 sticker on it! I have been stopped police in TN for no helmut, but they never said anything about my tag! Sunrayman
  7. When I was in Florida during the years of the helmut war litigation, I used to take note at all the recalcitrant riders on they're way to Daytona Beach Bike Week. Many had weird style helmuts, which the local police had to adjudicate legality enroute, but the winner one year was a guy with a huge Tina Turner wig flapping in the air! When the officer pulled him over for no helmut laws, the rider showed th police that he had GLUED a Tina Turner wig over a DOT, Snell Florida approved helmut! The cop was red faced, and had to let him go! I find it amusing that the local police have time to consider picking pepper out of fly**** when there is so much crime out there which requires them to wear MASKS to hide their identity when they make SWAT and Undercover raids on the bad guys. Overgrown boy scout mentality! Abuse of Police powers! The intent of that helmut wearer met none of the REASONS for the prohibition! Keep fighting for social freedoms or the police state we now live in will become unbearable! OOPS! That's a MASK!!!:12101:OOPS! OOPS!:sun:OOPS! OOPS! :Cool_cool36:OOPS!:whistling: Sunayman
  8. I want to add the Map of the USA profile and color out the states I've traveled to my profile. Also, how do I create a graphic or photo avatar? Thanks for your help. Sunrayman:sun:
  9. Sorry about that. I meant the dimmer switch, but got confused when I was thinking about another problem I had. It struck ME as funny, too, but when I read the posts about the "dimmer switch" I remembered that was the problem. I, too wondered without much thought about lights neing related to the ignition, but thought maybe it was somwhere together in the harness. THANK YOU for your correction!
  10. Sounds like you need a new ignition switch. All my dash stuff including my headlights acted funny when my 1976 corvette was acting up. A new ignition switch took care of it all...cheaply.
  11. Ok, I read all the post and saw it was gone... Yes it was worth nearly the price. BUT, Let me tell you before you plunk down on another you find... I went from a Suzuki 750 GS, to a 1981 Honda Gondwing to the GWRRA Chapter Commander's 1986 Honda Aspencade (all tricked out with tractor trailer lighting back then, which I gave $5,000.00 for my 40th B-Day in Orlando, Fl. - Bike Week Visitor for 15 years straight!) ...to a 1999 Honda Valk without the fairing.. which I paid $10,000.00 cash to a meticulous German gent who nearly toothbrushed the thind with 26k miles. When I saw it, I HAD to have it, and he said I p.o'ed about five other guys trying to raise the scratch! The CHROME and MOTOR alone gathered the interest of just about every Harley guy out there due to the non-Harley v-twin motor design but the bad ass looks. I had DIDN'T buy the Interstate due to the UGLY look of the side bags and trunk which looked like afterbirth rather than integration, so I took off the leather-lyke side bags and got tons of compliments, AND since I was taking CAD classes far away in Tampa, I had to RAG on the Valk. After 125mph breaking the fairing worried me.... I imagined the windshield hitting my face in pieces. The bike has GOBS of torque coming out of the hole. THAT's IT. Now, I come to the surprising conclusion, and the REASON I am on this site. Having followed the Goldwings to the logical conclusion interms of looking and acting like a motorcycle rather than something wrapped in fiberglass, ready for scooter outerspace and designed for the FAT lady in the back, I remembered a Venture Royale doing a HUGE wheelie at the traffic light on the way to Bike Week Daytona Beach, 2000, and looking at the sleek design, and integrated electronics, I thought to try to find one after my VALK started to rust on the chrome.... I read every word of every magazine published back then and ended up buying sight unseen (just photos) a 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale from Hinshaw Motors f0r $1,600.00 plus $600.00 freight from Oregon to Florida! I called the dealer Sales Manager and he told me to forget buying the $23K Harley Full Dresser and this bike was worth every penny. Ok, when I got used to the top heavy Venture, I rode that thing like it was demon possessed! To work every day in HEAVY Chicago traffic! Till 15 degrees below zero as long as there was no salt or snow! WOW! I have never had such fun on a bike! PERSONALLY, I would buy TWO 1st generation Ventures for $2,500 to $3,500 each in my favorite color, (heh,heh,heh, I have the 1986 "Warthog" and the 1989 "Trailer Queen" brown/black and blue respectively) YES I am biased and I hope you consider this bike before you plunk down on a Valk... By the way, I had the pleasure of sitting on the FIRST V-MAX in Florida at RC Hills Motorcycle Dealership years and years ago. While too young a platform for me, the V-4 has all the torque and top end I have ever wanted) Perfect styling, performance, price, and features. I hope my input makes a difference cause your hard earned $$$$'s will go FAR with a lower priced 1st Gen!!! Sunrayman:sun1:
  12. I asked Don what was the secret to his marital longevity and he told me on his 5th Anniversary he took his wife to Italy. I asked him what he planned to do this year, and he replied, "Bring her back!!!" Sunrayman
  13. Nice Find!
  14. Sunrayman


    Phil, That was really nice! I wished I had a camera for my last adventure from Chicago to Florida, but I was in a hurry and didn't get to sightsee except in Kentucky and Tennessee. My older brother and his wife have a condominium in Brekenridge, CO, and all our kids are planning a "cousin's camp" this coming summer. I have been told I have to lose about 50 lbs. to negotiate the high altitudes. So, I'm off to the YMCA before the summer hits. I enjoyed all those action shots of the kickstand issue! heh,heh,heh, The first time it happened to me I had about the same result, without a big man like you to help me get back on the road! I had to laugh (along with the camera crew knowing they are smirking while they film all the aftermath!). Keep up the trip pics! And let me know if Brekenridge is anywhere near your spots. Sunrayman:sun:
  15. Now, THAT's my kind of reply! But it's easy being a Monday morning quarterback...
  16. I'd hate to see the aftermath of an accident with all that "wrapping"!
  17. Well I bought a pair of Wolverine shoes with special padding in the soles. I was on concrete everyday for 10-12 hours and they were PERFECT. They were black shoes, NOT workboots, which seemed to heavy and bulky. I have also been happy with Redwing boots when I needed the extra, but they weren't quite a good as that particular pair of Wolverines I found. Sears sells Diehard workshoes which are a budget alternative to the others. A thick or padded sole is the best, whatever brand.
  18. Starbog! It is looking like I can make this show! I'd like to meet up with y'all at the restaurant in Rosemont. Count me in and keep me posted. I sent you my telephone number in your mail! Talk with you soon! Sunrayman:sun:
  19. Man those photos and music mad me feel like I've known ya for years! That's a real nice way of keeping your memories alive, for your kids if you have any. The music makes it so comfortable, like your favorite pair of well worn jeans. Keep up the good work. Sunrayman:sun:
  20. Are you SURE she didn't buy you that thing so you could get packin' and hit the road??? If my wife bought me sumptin' like that, I'd wonder what her REAL motive was... Sunrayman:sun1:
  21. Thank you for such a thorough answer! The kind I need. I will check all these issues, but I do suspect now that it is the water pump deal. I really appreciate your time spent in answering! Sunrayman:sun1:
  22. I just recently bought a 1989 Venture Royale and a day ago I noticed a small wet spot under the bike about as far back as the highway pegs. It was so small, I really didn't take time to investigate. But after leaving my bike parked for two cold days at my G/F in Chicago (near freezing temperatures) I noticed that the spot was about 6-8 inches in dia. and appeared to be water... Anyone know where I may get down and look for the source? Water pump seal? Radiator Hose connection? I have no idea. Thank you in advance for your input. I need it. Sunrayman
  23. Well, I'm still riding, but the SALT will stop it the day it comes out. If I buy a cheap ticket, I can take my 1986 out of the warehouse in sunny Florida and get a few days in that way! Heh,heh,heh:rasberry: Meanwhile, I'll get the new grips, and highway pegs installed, and get the new tires and the carbs cleaned on the 1989 "trailer queen" so I can change it's name next season to the Sky Eagle or sumptin'... The Warthog (ugly but very seasoned and trustworthy) is my Florida ride. (1986 VR)
  24. This Holiday I like to get me some bird and then some tail....er..ah....heh,heh,heh:rasberry:
  25. As a newbie member, I'd like to "pu my nickel in" and add it to all your million dollar ideas... Enjoy these selected Rules of the Road, Chicago Style Welcome to CHICAGO! First you must learn to pronounce the city name. It is Chi-caw-go or Chi-ca-ga, depending on if you live north or south of Roosevelt Rd. If your road map is more than a few weeks old, throw it out and buy the updated one. If you are downtown, and your map is one day old, then it is already obsolete. Forget the traffic rules you learned elsewhere. Chicago has it's own version of rules; "Hold on and pray." There is no such thing as a dangerous high speed chase in Chicago, we all drive like that. All directions start with "I-94"...which has no beginning and no end. The morning rush hour is from 6:00 to 10:00, and the evening is from 3:00 to 7:00. Friday's rush hour starts Thursday morning. If you actually stop at a yellow light, you will be rear ended, cussed out and, if you happen to be on the South Side, possibly shot. When you are the first one on the starting line, count to five when the light turns green before going to avoid crashing with all the drivers running the red light in cross traffic, but be prepared to hear the horns from all the cars behind you because you didn't immediately start moving. Construction on the NW Tollway is a way of life and enduring form of entertainment. If someone actually has their turn signal on, it is probably a factory defect. Car horns are actually "Road Rage" indicators. All old ladies with blue hair in Mercedes have the right of way, Period! First Ave., LaGrange Road, Summit, Pulaski...all mysteriously change names as you cross intersections. If you stop to ask directions on the West or South Side, you'd better be armed. A trip across town will take a minimum of four hours (East to West), but North-South freeways have unposted minimum speeds of 75 mph. The minimum acceptable speed on the Dan Ryan is 85 mph. Anything less is considered sissy. The wrought iron on windows near Englewood and Austin is NOT ornamental. The Eisenhower Exp. is our daily version of NASCAR. The Congress Exp. is called "The Death Trap" for (2) reasons; "death" and "trap". If it's 100 degrees, it's "Taste of Chicago" time. If it's 10 degrees and sleeting/snowing, it's opening day at Sox Park. If you go to Wrigley Field, pay the $25 to park in the "Cubs Lot". Parking elsewhere could cost up to $2,500.00 for damages, towing fees, parking tickets, etc. If some guy with a flag tries to get you to park in his yard, run over him! Happy Motoring in the Windy City!!! SUNRAYMAN
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