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10 Good

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  • Name


  • Location
    Chicago, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Interests
    Biking, beer, buffets, babes, billiards,what else is there?
  • Bike Year and Model
    1990 Venture Royale
  1. Your quote reminds me of something I read (modified for motorcyclists) Driver to (scared, shivering) Rear Passenger: "What are you so worried for?" "When your number's up, your number's up!" Rear Passenger: "I'm not worried about MY number being up." "I'm worried about YOUR number being up!!!":scratchchin:
  2. VIVA CHILEAN COAL MINERS!!!!!!!!!! ********************** Can you imagine that for the initial 17 days...they sat, alone, and deliberated on whether anyone above would EVER discover them????
  3. Would anybody please redirect me to the Russian Black Devil video?
  4. Well, there is.....one "deer whistle"...which always works.... to the detriment of the user. Just let your "dear" catch you whistling to another "dear" and see how fast you attract her attention!
  5. I bought a bike with the exact same "deer whistles" on it. As an engineer, after careful analysis, I concluded that there is NO WAY such a stupid "snake oil" contraption will prevent you from hitting any deer parallel to your direction of travel nor directly in front of you. The "whistle" as depicted in the photo, could (if it did) make sound AS THE AIR STREAMED THROUGH IT, which means any possible sound would come out BEHIND the back of the whistle. Hardly a chance of scaring any deer in front of you, nor to any point forward of the parallel of it. And as far as it not emitting any "audible sound", does anyone have any evidence that frequencies beyond the human spectrum scare deer?? SNAKE OIL, nothing more, my friend. Not worth even the $7.50 for them! Now rattling some antlers together WILL BRING CURIOUS DEER in the vicinity nearby, on occasion.
  6. Hello, what does the second light down on the left of my 1989 venture royale mean? It kinda looks like a small bulb surrounded by a housing. Does it mean low brake fluid? Or could it mean I have air in my brake lines?? Is it a symbol for a drip of something? I don't have my manual, so I'm at a loss.
  7. I happen to be a city dude, and I have had my share of mistakes with country people's ways, so I cannot express any real empathy about the site conditions, but when a guy like me see's stuff like that.... Well, lets suffice it to say, I thought that was really, really, gol dern funny! Some buddy really mucked up there man!
  8. Very near Naperville: 53 S to Odgen West. LISLE, IL Go to Pete & Johnnys for peeled shrimp and Cocktails...after 2:00 pm GREAT FOOD Get the guitar bug at The Music Store - On Ogden a coupla blocks before Yackley. Pete & Johnnys is just about 1/2 mile past Yackley going west (on the left).
  9. You need a Goldwing for a man of your stature. You NEED the 1800 of liquid cooled, shaft-driven, chrome coated silky smooth, all-weather flying wonder, the WING! I saw the BMW you were looking at....it's too small.
  10. How much? And what night?
  11. Well, my son and I were off to Florida from Chicago for his summer vacation. he wanted me to drive most of the way as he doesn't have much long trip experience. So I got into the Windstar and headed out for Florida. I TOLD HIM I didn't like to voyage too much at night, especially this time of year. So when we hit South Indiana, near sundown, as I was chatting with him, kinda facing him occassionally, I saw in my peripheral vision for the first time in my life a DEER coming right onto the road, almost exactly in front of my vehicle! The vehicle has a bad balanced left front tire, so I had about 1/3rd of a second to make a decision. The deer looked to be about a few months past Bambi, (and you know how one "imagines" outcomes in split second timing) so I controlled a hard swerve to the left hanging on with both hands with white knuckles, (so as to not go off the road to the left) and then a hard return swerve to the right, while missing the deer by inches as it (in panic? or stupidity) hesitated a split second, to continue on across the road behid me while my son saw it leap into the front of the oncoming traffic - to get slammed by a huge semi! WOW! It took me a few minutes to mentally recover, going over the scenario of having the radiator smashed to failure and stopping our trip at once. My son then got a taste of the dangers of night driving. Later the following day, as I drove nearly 12 hours, he took the wheel while I prayed to trust his driving while I nodded off. Woke up to the sound of the tread separating from the tire as I split second "coached" him to hang on and get off the highway to the left, controlling the steering with all his might. That tire and subsequent starter failure separated me from nearly $600.00 of roadside assistance - courtesy of the good 'ole boys near Atlanta. Yes, I was grateful we got "r" done, but my trip was greatly subdued owing to my initial bankruptcy. Good to be home now, while he enjoys the summer in Florida. Sunrayman:sun:
  12. Your story reminds me of a time when I was about 18 years old. I borrowed a friends dirt bike. A new Yamaha 100 I believe. I wasn't very familiar with dirt bikes, so I was cautious to say the least. I was riding on trails that people had made near a Country Club parking lot. In the woods. Well, some idiot got the notion to hide behind a big tree, and just as I was going by, stick his arm out. That barely touched my neck as I went by, but I lost control and slid on the mud. Jumped up, brushed myself off, and ran over and got that guy in a headlock, and bull wrestled him to the ground, and gave him so many knucklehead shots on his skull, when I let him up, the swelling began, and he looked like one of the Simpsons!!! My friend stood there laughing at the idiot who was asking me why I did that. I don't believe ever did that again...
  13. Don, You should know better than try a Harley site. All the Harley crowd is too busy wrenching on they're bikes to get them on the road! They don't have time to type anything...
  14. I agree with Giga Whisky, Keep it. Why? Cause only you know how much parts, labor and love went into it. More than the price you refer to, that's for sure. Imagine you going out to buy something like that later? You will have to spend more than what you will be able to sell it for, to get all that in return. It's still streamlined enough to go single riding, and you wil miss your trunk convenience and music if you step down. After many different bikes, I like the market segment the 1st gens. fit. I'd need two or more bikes to match those specs. Every time I get close to selling mine, I come back to reality, and am ALWAYS happier for having done so. Best Wishes, Sunrayman:080402gudl_prv:
  15. Remember: When the level of your draught exceeds the level of your water, you have most assuredly...run aground.
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