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ricky lopckhart

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Personal Information

  • Name
    ricky lockhart


  • Location
    Roxboro, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    2006 black cherry venture
  1. What is the actual name of the Rotella oil that you are using? I want to make sure I buy the right type. Thanks
  2. I was able to ride with some American Legion riders from Person county here in North Carolina to this event. It was a great turn out for a great cause. We parked on the track down below the white line. We were told before hand not to ride above the white line. I noticed several bikers were riding during the event above the white line. That track has a high turn. I am sorry that something like this happened. Again thanks to all our veterans.
  3. I have been following the post with the new F4 shields. Looks like the one I might be buying.
  4. Great pictures. Thanks for posting.
  5. I need a brake light switch for the front brake master cylinder. This is for a 84 Venture Royale with cruise control. Does anyone know the part number and if it still can be purchased thru Yamaha? I think I read somewhere that you needed a four wire switch when having cruise. Thanks
  6. What size rear E3 tire do I need for the 2nd Generation? I thinking about giving this tire a shot. I have been running the commanders but can't seem to get them now. Thanks
  7. The wife and I to went this year for the first time. Great experience and it is good to know that so many are behind this cause. We saw several other Ventures and met some good people.
  8. Put me in for a 5.75. Thanks
  9. Might want to try a hand impact screwdriver with a hardened 6mm bit.
  10. :301:Gardening, Thanks
  11. Was there during bike week of 2006. Even thou it was bike week I really enjoyed it. The area is so big and with all the other things to do, it really didn't seem crowded unless you went into Sturgis. In some ways all the other bikes made it exciting. Some friends went last year about the middle of July and had to wear coats. Any time you go you'll enjoy it.
  12. I have had a couple sets of those tires.Have been satisfied.
  13. Will be riding with a my local group called the Carolina Faith Riders this coming weekend. We usually stay in Raphine Va., but this year we will be staying in Waynesboro Va. at the Days Inn. We will head up Friday and plan on riding Skyline Drive on Saturday, maybe getting off around the Luray exit. Hope to ride route 39 Sunday toward Marlington WV. and head up thru Green Bank WV. May stop to check to the telescope out and get some pictures.Then head on up and get on Rt. 250 and then head back toward Waynesboro va. Anyone got any suggestions. I know there is some great scenery and :Venture:attractions. If anyone wants to join us during that time they are welcome.
  14. Great job with the pictures. You captured many great shots.
  15. The wife and I will be there Friday evening. Looking forward to meeting:thumbsup: each one.
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