okay, first off thanks for all the replies. sorry for not responding sooner but we were camping in an area with no cell service for miles. I posted the pictures from my phone while we were out eating BBQ. I went back to help the lady out moving an enclosed trailer she wanted moved and I jumped a Prius off for her so she could move it. it is a long story, my in-laws own a camping spot in the great state of Tennessee some where in the woods close to Reliance, a neighbor was telling us a lady up the road lost her husband and had a tractor for sell so we go and have a look. right off she is asking to much for the tractor and pretty much everything else she was wanting to sell. she was telling us about the trike and I was disappointed to find out she wants to hold on to it for a while. I talked her into letting me look at it a little closer and hook my jump box up to it to see if the lights on the dash would come on just to see if the critters had gotten to the wiring as I was checking this out she presses the start button and with in two or three turns of the motor it cranks up and purrs light it had been rode everyday I was stunned and just stood there looking all puzzled. I will be calling her up and trying to get her to put a price on it. but we are back home now and getting ready to get back to work