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Everything posted by Woody

  1. Woody

    Back to Court

    congratulations Skid, you da man
  2. I got more numbers on my blocked call list than I do in my contacts
  3. some people are just lucky like that, good deal
  4. here is one more Happy Birthday Evan
  5. I agree
  6. I am taking atorvastatin and have to skip a dose about once every two weeks because of leg cramps
  7. I am glad there might be another Vogel but the thought of Joe in the superman tights is, oh my minds eye it hurts
  8. Also if they see cameras they will more than likely move on to another target.
  9. you are correct and I will have a picture of the crook coming in the house and if he finds where the recorder is located he must then break into a steel locked box that only I have a key to. but it hard to stop a thief if your not at home.
  10. the 1080 does a good job and the picture is good not great but for the price it is good and yes the perk can be identified
  11. I have the Samsung from Sam's wholesale and had no problems for the past year. I had a night owl before that and had no problem out of it just wanted to upgrade to better cameras.
  12. nothing I have nothing to say
  13. those are some good looking bikes you have. I had a metzler tire split and loose a piece of the tire once.
  14. I have to ask again, why didn't you just ride the Trike and that would not have happen. hope you heal fast.
  15. Prayers up for you and yours
  16. how do you like the Dodge so far? I have the 2015 3500 and so far I am real satisfied with it. just got back from Vogel and the truck did great.
  17. Sunday a new camper moved in across from us he had a trailer like mine but he went all out and built a real camper bed,bath and kitchen he had his bike in the back and solar panels on top with a cell signal booster. nice rig he had built himself I went over got me a nickel tour and gave him a special map.
  18. glad you made it home safe and it was good seeing you again, but next time don't forget me on the side of hill
  19. no the only ones with a camera was running over to help him up
  20. Woody and Trina made it home, Thanks everyone
  21. you talking about the one with feet up and his head down?
  22. Yep at least one that visited that cabin fell over and he didn't even have a bike but was taking pictures of bikes and cars that where there, that cabin #30 is jinxed
  23. Skid thanks for the pictures I'll download them when I get home so I can remember the great time that we had at Vogel 2017
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