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Everything posted by Woody

  1. ONLY if they stop me from coming to see my friends
  2. four more people before it gets to me
  3. still waiting for the guys with more seniority than me to choose their vacation dates maybe I can commit soon.
  4. I can't Hardley wait, starting to see a very small light a the end of the tunnel. with my luck it's darn train
  5. gotta see what vacation days are available will know more Tuesday.
  6. overachiever
  7. Ya'll can get together and get a Trike to share custody every other weekend.
  8. Congratulations Slowroll that's a milestone to be proud of
  9. now who would do that, I guess this means I'll have to pack extra home made water
  10. I like it you like it Hey Mike you like it.
  11. Randy in the past we run from Wednesday till Sunday, so can we make the 15th thru the 19th the dates?
  12. Randy you have got good timing, I had actually written a post asking about the dates for Asheville and someone came in and I had to go do some work ( oh that four letter word) I'll be glad when I can retire like you but anyway when I opened VentureRiders back up you had posted. great to hear from you and I'm glad you are still interested in Asheville. I believe I remember after Vogel someone mentioned the week of the 15th. I just need to know because the vacation schedule will be down to me in a couple of days so I can put in for it.
  13. what I did instead of a turn table I would slide my floor jack with adapter under it jack it up and turn it around easy as can be.
  14. Welcome to Venture Riders, I'll just add two things to what has been said, one of the cheapest mods you can do is lower the front end an inch no parts to buy and it will feel like you added power steering at slow speeds and in parking lots and the very best accessory you can have for your new ride is a membership to VentureRiders it will be the best investment you can make.
  15. Woody


    I don't know for sure that just might be or it could be possibly be a Kawasaki in that there drawing or maybe not.
  16. sure hate to hear that good luck to ya. I was laid off at 45 years old and had 24 years with the company. went back to collage and landed the best job I've ever had so keep your hopes high and the best of luck to you.
  17. Great looking tractor, does this mean we need a tractor section to show off our toys ah I mean tools that we must have in order to do our honey do list properly. I have a Kubota L45 and a Kubota B26. the B26 needs a new home since the L45 is just a bigger version and can do the same things. Don they are right about the counter weight if you are doing a lot of lifting hang a box blade on the back.
  18. I'll be heading to Cantonment, Fla. in May or if it needs to be stored in Talladega Alabama I have room for it and I am sure my Dad will let it rest a while in Cantonment if need be.
  19. Merry Christmas Venture Family
  20. maybe your the only one that knows which direction it should roll
  21. There is another option as with my phone and the last three phones I have had, on Verizon it is called advanced calling and wifi calling so if I have a wifi signal but not a cell service signal I can still talk on the phone. such as right now I am at work deep inside a metal building with no cell service at all but I am still able to use my phone because of a good wifi connection. look under settings then advanced calling and turn on wifi calling.
  22. even a small change in the key can change the timing enough to cause a kick back and while your there clean the magnet and the legs on the coil. If I was going that far I would just replace the key anyway.
  23. Prayers sent from Woody and Trina
  24. Happy Thanksgiving to my Venture Rider Family, hope everyone has a great time and I'll be at work keeping the lights on and stoves cooking. Dinner will be waiting when I get home
  25. Skid so sorry to here about your Mom, if we can help let us know. Skydoc is right lost my Mom 19 years ago next month and I still miss and think of her daily. so I guess she is still with me but she is not in any pain and that thought brings tears to my eyes and a smile to my heart. Trina and Woody
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