Hey Randy I just now seen this I sure hated to hear it, we will add Linda to our prayer list and it sounds like a good excuse for you to wait on her hand and foot. Trina has several small bells around to house I would be glad to send Linda one so she can ring you when she needs something.
On Dec 10 I was on my way to work and thinking about my Mom who passed away 21 years ago on the 10th. it is amazing how much I miss her after all these years and then just 2 days later around 10:30 PM my wife got that dreaded phone call that her Dad had collapsed in the floor and passed away so we have spent the last few days making arrangements and we are going to bury him today, prayers and good thoughts are welcome but most of all tell your loved ones today that you love them.
I wish their Dad had been there I would have addressed him instead of her. when I started to talk to her I thought what if she comes at me with that thing but I had my hand in my pocket just incase but then I would have had to prove self defense and that would have been an uphill battle. Glad it worked out and nothing more happened.
on my way to work tonight I stopped to fuel up my truck and while I was standing there I heard something that sounded like a spark of electricity. I spun around to see what was going on and there was two young girls one was pumping gas in the car and the other was sitting side ways in the drivers seat with the door open pointing a tazer at the girl pumping the gas and pressing the button! I about had a heart attack right there! These girls were maybe 20 years old or less so I said Miss do you realize that you could blow us all up killing your friend and possibly many more people because gas fumes will ignite and set your world on fire. Now in my defense I was a little firm but I was not yelling and this young girl looks at me and says HEY OLD MAN MIND YOUR ON BUSINESS. I ain't gonna lie at that point I began to yelling and I hard my pump kicked off and I quickly got in my truck and left. What are the kids of today being taught where is the common sense? whew thanks for letting me vent.
Hey Gang, interesting story from yesterday about two miles from my home the county has built a new school and changed the roadway some. What use to be a merging lane from hwy 76 to hwy 21 is now white lined off at the first part and then turns into a turning lane going into the school so the powers that be put up a yield sign in the area that was white lined off for no traffic. Well someone took out the yield sign probably with their trailer but what remained was a sharp piece of metal post sticking out of the asphalt. We were headed home with full bellies from thanksgiving and with the vison of an afternoon nap dancing in my head when we saw a lady walking away from a car with a flat so Trina and I stopped to help when we heard a loud noise and looking around there was another car with a flat turns out to be the first ladies Mother. So we go and pile enough stuff from the side of the road on top of the broken post and changed two tires. So there was no nap and I believe I could have eaten thanksgiving again because I worked up an appetite. Both ladies were retired one from school teaching and I don’t remember what the other did. Hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving we did.
Hey Joe thanks for the pictures, I was invited to ride in the Talladega Parade but I had to work and didn't get to maybe next year.
Some search for the dream, some live the dream and some fight for the dream! Thanks to all my fellow Veterans.